Innovations in Detecting and Modeling Dryland Hydrologic Changes

The hydrologic cycle in drylands is complex with large spatiotemporal variationsacross scales and is particularly vulnerable to changes in climate and land cover. To address the challenges posed by hydrologic changes, a synergistic approach that combines numerical models, ground and remotely sensed

The hydrologic cycle in drylands is complex with large spatiotemporal variationsacross scales and is particularly vulnerable to changes in climate and land cover. To address the challenges posed by hydrologic changes, a synergistic approach that combines numerical models, ground and remotely sensed observations, and data analysis is crucial. This dissertation uses innovative detection and modeling techniques to assess key hydrologic variables in drylands, including irrigated water use, streamflow, and snowpack conditions, answering following research questions that also have broad societal implications: (1) What are the individual and combined effects of future climate and land use change on irrigation water use (IWU) in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area (PMA)?; (2) How can temporal changes in streamflow and the impacts of flash flooding be detected in dryland rivers?; and (3) What are the impacts of rainfall-snow partitioning on future snowpack and streamflow in the Colorado River Basin (CRB)? Firstly, I conducted a scenario modeling using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model under future climate and land use change scenarios. Results showed that future IWU will change from -0.5% to +6.8% in the far future (2071-2100) relative to the historical period (1981-2010). Secondly, I employed CubeSat imagery to map streamflow presence in the Hassayampa River of Arizona, finding that the imaging capacity of CubeSats enabled the detection of ephemeral flow events using the surface reflectance of the near-infrared (NIR) band. Results showed that 12% of reaches were classified as intermittent, with the remaining as ephemeral. Finally, I implemented a physically-based rainfall-snow partitioning scheme in the VIC model that estimates snowfall fraction from the wet-bulb temperature using a sigmoid function. The new scheme predicts more significant declines in snowfall (-8 to -11%) and streamflow (-14 to -27%) by the end of the 21st century over the CRB, relative to historical conditions. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates how innovative technologies can enhance the understanding of dryland hydrologic changes and inform decision-making of water resources management. The findings offer important insights for policymakers, water managers, and researchers who seek to ensure water resources sustainability under the effects of climate and land use change.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

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  • 174 pages
Open Access

Improving Extreme Precipitation Frequency Analysis in Southwestern U.S. with Radar Product

Weather radars provide quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) with seamless spatial coverage that can complement limitations of sparse rain gage measurements, including those affecting intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relations used for infrastructure design. The goal of this M.S. thesis is to assess the

Weather radars provide quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) with seamless spatial coverage that can complement limitations of sparse rain gage measurements, including those affecting intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relations used for infrastructure design. The goal of this M.S. thesis is to assess the ability of 4-km, 1-h QPEs from the Stage IV analysis of the Next-Generation Radar (NEXRAD) network to reproduce the statistics of extreme precipitation (P) in central Arizona, USA, using a dense network of 257 rain gages as reference. The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is used to model the frequency of annual P maximum series observed at gages and radar pixels for durations, d, from 1 to 24 h. Estimates of P quantiles from radar QPEs are negatively biased (-20% – -30%) for d = 1 h. The bias tends to 0 and errors are small for d ≥ 6 h, independently of the return period. The presence of scaling for the GEV location and scale parameters, needed to apply IDF scaling models, was found for both radar and gage products. Regional frequency analysis methods combined with bias correction of the GEV shape parameter allow reducing the statistical uncertainty and providing seamless spatial distribution of P quantiles at daily and subdaily durations that address limitations of current IDF relations in southwestern U.S. based on NOAA Atlas 14.


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Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Sustainable Engineering

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  • 84 pages
Open Access

Establishing Explainability in Data-Driven Modeling for Ecohydrology: From Rainfall, River Flow, to Fish Migration

Integrated water resources management for flood control, water distribution, conservation, and food security require understanding hydrological spatial and temporal trends. Proliferation of monitoring and sensor data has boosted data-driven simulation and evaluation. Developing data-driven models for such physical process-related phenomena,

Integrated water resources management for flood control, water distribution, conservation, and food security require understanding hydrological spatial and temporal trends. Proliferation of monitoring and sensor data has boosted data-driven simulation and evaluation. Developing data-driven models for such physical process-related phenomena, and meaningful interpretability therein, necessitates an inventive methodology. In this dissertation, I developed time series and deep learning model that connected rainfall, runoff, and fish species abundances. I also investigated the underlying explainabilty for hydrological processes and impacts on fish species. First, I created a streamflow simulation model using computer vision and natural language processing as an alternative to physical-based routing. I tested it on seven US river network sections and showed it outperformed time series models, deep learning baselines, and novel variants. In addition, my model explained flow routing without physical parameter input or time-consuming calibration. On the basis of this model, I expanded it from accepting dispersed spatial inputs to adopting comprehensive 2D grid data. I constructed a spatial-temporal deep leaning model for rainfall-runoff simulation. I tested it against a semi-distributed hydrological model and found superior results. Furthermore, I investigated the potential interpretability for rainfall-runoff process in both space and time. To understand impacts of flow variation on fish species, I applied a frequency based model framework for long term time series data simulation. First, I discovered that timing of hydrological anomalies was as crucial as their size. Flooding and drought, when properly timed, were both linked with excellent fishing productivity. To identify responses of various fish trait groups, I used this model to assess mitigated hydrological variation by fish attributes. Longitudinal migratory fish species were more impacted by flow variance, whereas migratory strategy species reacted in the same direction but to various degrees. Finally, I investigated future fish population changes under alternative design flow scenarios and showed that a protracted low flow with a powerful, on-time flood pulse would benefit fish. In my dissertation, I constructed three data-driven models that link the hydrological cycle to the stream environment and give insight into the underlying physical process, which is vital for quantitative, efficient, and integrated water resource management.


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Embargo Release Date
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Environmental and Resource Management

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  • 154 pages
Open Access

Advances in Urban Flood Management: Addressing Data Uncertainty, Data Gaps and Adaptation Planning

Cities are facing complex problems in urban water management due to unprecedented changes in climate, natural and built environment. The shift in urban hydrology from pre-development to post-development continues to accelerate the challenges of managing excess stormwater runoff, mitigating urban

Cities are facing complex problems in urban water management due to unprecedented changes in climate, natural and built environment. The shift in urban hydrology from pre-development to post-development continues to accelerate the challenges of managing excess stormwater runoff, mitigating urban flood hazards and flood damages. Physically based hydrologic-hydraulic stormwater models are a useful tool for broad subset of urban flood management including risk and hazard assessment, flood forecasting, and infrastructure adaptation decision making and planning. The existing limitations in data availability, gaps in data, and uncertainty in data preclude reliable model construction, testing, deployment, knowledge generation, effective communication of flood risks, and adaptation decision making. These challenges that affect both the science and practice motivate three chapters of this dissertation. The first study conducts diagnostic analysis of the effects of stormwater infrastructure data completeness on model’s ability to simulate flood duration, flooding flow rate; and assesses the combined effects of data gaps and model resolution to simulate flood depth, extent and volume (chapter 2). The analysis showed the significance of complete stormwater infrastructure data and high model resolution to reduce error, bias and uncertainty; this study also presented an approach for filling infrastructure data gaps using available data and design standards. The second study addresses the lack of long-term hydrological observation in urban catchment by investigating the process and benefits of leveraging novel data sources in urban flood model construction and testing (chapter 3). A proof-of-concept demonstrated the application and benefits of leveraging novel data sources for urban flood monitoring and modeling. Furthermore, it highlights the need for developing and streamlining novel data collection infrastructure. The third study applies the hydrologic-hydraulic model as an adaptation planning tool and assess the effects of uncertainty in design precipitation estimates and land use change on the optimal configuration of green infrastructure (chapter 4). Several uncertainties affect infrastructure decision making as showed by variation in optimal green infrastructure configuration under precipitation estimates and land use change. Thus, the study further highlights the need of flexible planning process in infrastructure decision making.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

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  • 217 pages
Open Access

Defining a Roadmap Towards a More Sustainable Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region Through Integrated Modeling

Quantifying the interactions among food, energy, and water (FEW) systems is crucial to support integrated policies for the nexus governance. Metropolitan areas are the main consumption and distribution centers of these three resources and, as urbanization continues, their role will

Quantifying the interactions among food, energy, and water (FEW) systems is crucial to support integrated policies for the nexus governance. Metropolitan areas are the main consumption and distribution centers of these three resources and, as urbanization continues, their role will become even more central. Despite this, the current understanding of FEW systems in metropolitan regions is limited. In this dissertation, the key factors leading to a more sustainable FEW system are identified in the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona using the integrated WEAP-MABIA-LEAP platform. In this region, the FEW nexus is challenged by dramatic population growth, competition among increasing FEW demand, and limited water availability that could further decrease under climate change. First, it was shown that the WEAP platform allows the reliable simulations of water allocations from supply sources to demand sectors and that agriculture is a key stressor of the nexus, which will require additional groundwater (+83%) and energy (+15%) if cropland area is preserved over the next 50 years. Second, the climate change impacts on the food-water nexus were quantified by applying the WEAP-MABIA model with climate projections up to 2100 from 27 GCMs under different warming levels. It was found that the increases in temperature will lead to higher atmospheric evaporation demand that will, in turn, reduce crop production at a rate of -4.8% per decade. In the last part, the fully integrated WEAP-MABIA-LEAP platform was applied to investigate future scenarios of the FEW nexus in the metropolitan region. Several scenarios targeting each FEW sector were compared through sustainability indicators quantifying availability/consumption, reliability, and productivity of the three resources. Results showed that increasing renewable energy and changing cropping patterns will increase the FEW nexus sustainability compared to business-as-usual conditions. The findings of this dissertation, along with its analytical approach, support policy making towards integrated FEW governance and sustainable development.


Date Created
Topical Subject
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 204 pages
Open Access

Quantifying the Synergies in the Water-Energy Nexus Generated by Renewable Energy in a Water-Limited Metropolitan Region through Integrated Modeling

The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) is a concept that recognizes the interdependence of water and energy systems. The Phoenix metropolitan region (PMA) in Arizona has significant and potentially vulnerable WEN interactions. Future projections indicate that the population will increase and, with

The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) is a concept that recognizes the interdependence of water and energy systems. The Phoenix metropolitan region (PMA) in Arizona has significant and potentially vulnerable WEN interactions. Future projections indicate that the population will increase and, with it, energy needs, while changes in future water demand are more uncertain. Climate change will also likely cause a reduction in surface water supply sources. Under these constraints, the expansion of renewable energy technology has the potential to benefit both water and energy systems and increase environmental sustainability by meeting future energy demands while lowering water use and CO2 emissions. However, the WEN synergies generated by renewables have not yet been thoroughly quantified, nor have the related costs been studied and compared to alternative options.Quantifying WEN intercations using numerical models is key to assessing renewable energy synergy. Despite recent advances, WEN models are still in their infancy, and research is needed to improve their accuracy and identify their limitations. Here, I highlight three research needs. First, most modeling efforts have been conducted for large-scale domains (e.g., states), while smaller scales, like metropolitan regions, have received less attention. Second, impacts of adopting different temporal (e.g., monthly, annual) and spatial (network granularity) resolutions on simulation accuracy have not been quantified. Third, the importance of simulating feedbacks between water and energy components has not been analyzed. This dissertation fills these major research gaps by focusing on long-term water allocations and energy dispatch in the metropolitan region of Phoenix. An energy model is developed using the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) platform and is subsequently coupled with a water management model based on the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) platform. Analyses are conducted to quantify (1) the value of adopting coupled models instead of single models that are externally coupled, and (2) the accuracy of simulations based on different temporal resolutions of supply and demand and spatial granularity of the water and energy networks. The WEAP-LEAP integrated model is then employed under future climate scenarios to quantify the potential of renewable energy technologies to develop synergies between the PMA's water and energy systems.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 187 pages
Open Access

End of Life Analysis and Solutions for Dealing with Sewage Sludge and Plastic Waste

The topic of this dissertation is the sustainable disposal of waste materials in a way that mitigates risk to human health and the environment. A meta-analysis of organic contaminant concentrations in U.S. sewage sludge highlights the known analytes detected across

The topic of this dissertation is the sustainable disposal of waste materials in a way that mitigates risk to human health and the environment. A meta-analysis of organic contaminant concentrations in U.S. sewage sludge highlights the known analytes detected across 106 studies, and juxtaposes these data with a Chinese sludge analysis covering 159 studies, finding that U.S. average concentrations were higher than Chinese concentrations in 26 out of 34 tested organic chemicals. To further investigate the risk that sewage sludge poses when applied on agricultural land mixed with fertilizer as a soil amendment, a sewage sludge risk assessment that for the first time utilized Monte-Carlo simulations was performed to quantify the human health risk of metals present in sewage sludge applied on soils subject to involuntarily ingestion. This study found that while hazard indexes did not indicate a risk to humans for the metals studied, hundreds of other inorganic and organic chemicals are known to be present whose human health risks remain uncertain due to a lack of toxicological data. Among these contaminants are micro- and nanoplastics which contaminate not just sewage sludge but the entire globe. Application of existing models to the world’s oceans showed micro- and nanoplastics to constitute an important component of the total global plastic waste inventory, forecasting peak exposures of aquatic organisms (and by extension human populations) to occur in future years irrespective of what policy options will be implemented. A review of disposal options for sewage sludge illustrates the challenge of dealing with waste streams containing persistent or even indestructible contaminants such as perfluorinated organics, mass-produced fossil-fuel derived consumer plastics, and extensively mined toxic metals. The work presented here details the risks, both avoidable and unavoidable, that are present in the disposal of sewage sludge and plastics. The information presented in this dissertation may inform regulatory actions to promote environmentally responsible disposal and reuse of sewage sludge and highlights the need for industry to transition to the production of more sustainable plastics in order to reduce and ultimately eliminate sources of persistent long-term environmental pollution and their associated adverse human health and ecosystem impacts.


Date Created
Topical Subject
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

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  • 135 pages
Open Access

Colorado River Basin Hydrology under Future Climate and Land Cover Changes

Accelerated climate and land use land cover (LULC) changes are anticipated to significantly impact water resources in the Colorado River Basin (CRB), a major freshwater source in the southwestern U.S. The need for actionable information from hydrologic research is growing

Accelerated climate and land use land cover (LULC) changes are anticipated to significantly impact water resources in the Colorado River Basin (CRB), a major freshwater source in the southwestern U.S. The need for actionable information from hydrologic research is growing rapidly, given considerable uncertainties. For instance, it is unclear if the predicted high degree of interannual precipitation variability across the basin could overwhelm the impacts of future warming and how this might vary in space. Climate change will also intensify forest disturbances (wildfire, mortality, thinning), which can significantly impact water resources. These impacts are not constrained, given findings of mixed post-disturbance hydrologic responses. Process-based models like the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) platform can quantitatively predict hydrologic behaviors of these complex systems. However, barriers limit their effectiveness to inform decision making: (1) simulations generate enormous data volumes, (2) outputs are inaccessible to managers, and (3) modeling is not transparent. I designed a stakeholder engagement and VIC modeling process to overcome these challenges, and developed a web-based tool, VIC-Explorer, to “open the black box” of my efforts. Meteorological data was from downscaled historical (1950-2005) and future projections (2006-2099) of eight climate models that best represent climatology under low- and high- emissions. I used two modeling methods: (1) a “top-down” approach to assess an “envelope of hydrologic possibility” under the 16 climate futures; and (2) a “bottom-up” evaluation of hydrology in two climates from the ensemble representing “Hot/Dry” and “Warm/Wet” futures. For the latter assessment, I modified land cover using projections of a LULC model and applied more drastic forest disturbances. I consulted water managers to expand the legitimacy of the research. Results showed Far-Future (2066-2095) basin-wide mean annual streamflow decline (relative to 1976-2005; ensemble median trends of -5% to -25%), attributed to warming that diminished spring snowfall and melt and year-round increased soil evaporation from the Upper Basin, and overall precipitation declines in the Lower Basin. Forest disturbances partially offset warming effects (basin-wide mean annual streamflow up to 12% larger than without disturbance). Results are available via VIC-Explorer, which includes documentation and guided analyses to ensure findings are interpreted appropriately for decision-making.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Geological Sciences

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  • 417 pages
Open Access

Warming and Forest Thinning Effects on the Hydrologic Cycle in the Beaver Creek

Observational evidence is mounting on the reduction of winter precipitation and an earlier snowmelt in the southwestern United States. It is unclear, however, how these changes, along with forest thinning, will impact water supplies due to complexities in the precipitation-streamflow

Observational evidence is mounting on the reduction of winter precipitation and an earlier snowmelt in the southwestern United States. It is unclear, however, how these changes, along with forest thinning, will impact water supplies due to complexities in the precipitation-streamflow transformation. In this study, I use the Triangulated Irregular Network-based Real-time Integrated Basin Simulator (tRIBS) to provide insight into the independent and combined effects of climate change and forest cover reduction on the hydrologic response in the Beaver Creek (~1100 km2) of central Arizona. Prior to these experiments, confidence in the hydrologic model is established using snow observations at two stations, two nested streamflow gauges, and estimates of spatially-distributed snow water equivalent over a long-term period (water years 2003-2018). Model forcings were prepared using station observations and radar rainfall estimates in combination with downscaling and bias correction techniques that account for the orographic controls on air temperature and precipitation. Model confidence building showed that tRIBS is able to capture well the variation in snow cover and streamflow during wet and dry years in the 16 year simulation period. The results from this study show that the climate change experiments increased average annual streamflow by 1.5% at +1°C of warming. However, a 28% decrease in streamflow occurs by +6°C of warming as evapotranspiration (ET) increases by 10%. Forest thinning shifted the warming threshold where ET increases reduce streamflow yield until +4°C of warming as compared to no forest thinning when this threshold occurs at +2°C. An average increase in streamflow of 12% occurs after forest thinning across all climate scenarios. While the snow covered area is unaffected by thinning, the volume of snowmelt increases and is linked to the higher water yield. These findings indicate that water managers can expect decreases in streamflow due to climate change but may be able to offset these impacts up to a warming threshold by thinning forested areas within the Beaver Creek.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2021
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 161 pages
Open Access

Understanding the Relationship Between Precipitation
and Runoff in Urban Watersheds Across Maricopa County

The monsoon season is an important part of Arizona's ecosystem as it provides 33% of Maricopa's annual rainfall. However, the monsoon also brings storms with high rainfall intensity which can cause floods. As Maricopa continues to expand and become more

The monsoon season is an important part of Arizona's ecosystem as it provides 33% of Maricopa's annual rainfall. However, the monsoon also brings storms with high rainfall intensity which can cause floods. As Maricopa continues to expand and become more urbanized, it may become more susceptible to flooding. This project analyzes watersheds across Maricopa County to determine the amount of runoff that occurs for a given rainfall event.


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  • Academic Year 2021-2022
Open Access