Analyzing Water Supply Management and Governance Institutions Across Scales

This dissertation provides a foundation for understanding how water governance has changed over time, how watershed positionality and governance level shape the goals and strategies as well as the coordination of organizations actively involved in water issues, and how local,

This dissertation provides a foundation for understanding how water governance has changed over time, how watershed positionality and governance level shape the goals and strategies as well as the coordination of organizations actively involved in water issues, and how local, rural stakeholders changed legacy groundwater management. The first study examines the evolution of Colorado River Basin water management over the last century to understand how changing environmental conditions and path dependency have shaped past water management changes. Improved understanding can help inform policy responses to current challenges. The combined spatial, temporal, and network analyses show that Colorado River Basin water governance has been influenced by 100 years of rules that are layered and still in place. The rules have evolved water management strategies over time, shifted the emphasis of water management actions, and changed the distribution of authority across actions and rule levels. The second study explores how water management coordination varies based on governance level and physical location in the watershed. Additionally, this study analyzes how the level of governance and hydrologic position of organizations shape goals, strategies, and beliefs about the risks and benefits of changes to Colorado River Basin water management factors. The content and cluster analysis found the level of governance more influential than the hydrologic position and that coalitions can rearrange in a short period of time based on how the issue is framed. The last study unveils how local, rural residents were able to change legacy groundwater management through a process that began with a social movement to a ballot initiative to public input on groundwater management via a management goal-setting policy process in the Douglas Groundwater Basin in Arizona. The framing analysis shows that the public can identify problems and solutions, including paired solutions, but residents do not know whom to identify as being responsible for addressing water management in the basin.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2024
  • Field of study: Environmental Social Science

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  • 174 pages
Open Access

Assessing Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

With less than seven years left to reach the ambitious targets of the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is imperative to understand how the SDGs are operationalized in practice to support effective governance. One integrative approach, the

With less than seven years left to reach the ambitious targets of the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is imperative to understand how the SDGs are operationalized in practice to support effective governance. One integrative approach, the water, energy, and food (WEF) nexus, has been proposed to facilitate SDGs planning and implementation by incorporating synergies, co-benefits, and trade-offs. In this dissertation, I conduct three interrelated WEF nexus studies using a sustainability lens to develop new approaches and identify actionable measures to support the SDGs. The first paper is a systematic literature review (2015 – 2022) to investigate the extent to which WEF nexus research has generated actionable knowledge to achieve the SDGs. The findings show that the WEF nexus literature explicitly considering the SDGs mainly focuses on governance and environmental protection, with fewer studies focusing on target populations and affordability. In the second paper, I reframed the water quality concerns using a nexus and systems thinking approach in a FEW nexus hotspot, the Rio Negro Basin (RNB) in Uruguay. While Uruguay is committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sustainability challenges endure in managing synergies and trade-offs, resulting in strategy setbacks for the sustainable development of food, land, water, and oceans. Reframing the water quality problem facilitated the identification of potential alternative intervention points to support local problem-solving capacity. In the third paper, I conducted semi-structured interviews and examined the meeting transcripts of the RNB Commission to understand local perspectives about how the activities and initiatives taking place in the basin enhance or diminish the overall sustainability. Sustainability criteria for river basin planning and management were operationalized through qualitative appraisal questions. The case of the RNB illustrates the challenges of coordinating the national development agenda to local livelihood. This dissertation advances the WEF nexus and sustainability science literature by shedding light on the implications of the research trend to support the SDGs, as well as reframing and appraising a persistent water quality problem to support sustainable development.


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Embargo Release Date
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
  • Field of study: Sustainability

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  • 172 pages
Open Access

Improving Extreme Precipitation Frequency Analysis in Southwestern U.S. with Radar Product

Weather radars provide quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) with seamless spatial coverage that can complement limitations of sparse rain gage measurements, including those affecting intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relations used for infrastructure design. The goal of this M.S. thesis is to assess the

Weather radars provide quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) with seamless spatial coverage that can complement limitations of sparse rain gage measurements, including those affecting intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relations used for infrastructure design. The goal of this M.S. thesis is to assess the ability of 4-km, 1-h QPEs from the Stage IV analysis of the Next-Generation Radar (NEXRAD) network to reproduce the statistics of extreme precipitation (P) in central Arizona, USA, using a dense network of 257 rain gages as reference. The generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is used to model the frequency of annual P maximum series observed at gages and radar pixels for durations, d, from 1 to 24 h. Estimates of P quantiles from radar QPEs are negatively biased (-20% – -30%) for d = 1 h. The bias tends to 0 and errors are small for d ≥ 6 h, independently of the return period. The presence of scaling for the GEV location and scale parameters, needed to apply IDF scaling models, was found for both radar and gage products. Regional frequency analysis methods combined with bias correction of the GEV shape parameter allow reducing the statistical uncertainty and providing seamless spatial distribution of P quantiles at daily and subdaily durations that address limitations of current IDF relations in southwestern U.S. based on NOAA Atlas 14.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Sustainable Engineering

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  • 84 pages
Open Access

Advances in Urban Flood Management: Addressing Data Uncertainty, Data Gaps and Adaptation Planning

Cities are facing complex problems in urban water management due to unprecedented changes in climate, natural and built environment. The shift in urban hydrology from pre-development to post-development continues to accelerate the challenges of managing excess stormwater runoff, mitigating urban

Cities are facing complex problems in urban water management due to unprecedented changes in climate, natural and built environment. The shift in urban hydrology from pre-development to post-development continues to accelerate the challenges of managing excess stormwater runoff, mitigating urban flood hazards and flood damages. Physically based hydrologic-hydraulic stormwater models are a useful tool for broad subset of urban flood management including risk and hazard assessment, flood forecasting, and infrastructure adaptation decision making and planning. The existing limitations in data availability, gaps in data, and uncertainty in data preclude reliable model construction, testing, deployment, knowledge generation, effective communication of flood risks, and adaptation decision making. These challenges that affect both the science and practice motivate three chapters of this dissertation. The first study conducts diagnostic analysis of the effects of stormwater infrastructure data completeness on model’s ability to simulate flood duration, flooding flow rate; and assesses the combined effects of data gaps and model resolution to simulate flood depth, extent and volume (chapter 2). The analysis showed the significance of complete stormwater infrastructure data and high model resolution to reduce error, bias and uncertainty; this study also presented an approach for filling infrastructure data gaps using available data and design standards. The second study addresses the lack of long-term hydrological observation in urban catchment by investigating the process and benefits of leveraging novel data sources in urban flood model construction and testing (chapter 3). A proof-of-concept demonstrated the application and benefits of leveraging novel data sources for urban flood monitoring and modeling. Furthermore, it highlights the need for developing and streamlining novel data collection infrastructure. The third study applies the hydrologic-hydraulic model as an adaptation planning tool and assess the effects of uncertainty in design precipitation estimates and land use change on the optimal configuration of green infrastructure (chapter 4). Several uncertainties affect infrastructure decision making as showed by variation in optimal green infrastructure configuration under precipitation estimates and land use change. Thus, the study further highlights the need of flexible planning process in infrastructure decision making.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

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  • 217 pages
Open Access

Quantifying the Synergies in the Water-Energy Nexus Generated by Renewable Energy in a Water-Limited Metropolitan Region through Integrated Modeling

The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) is a concept that recognizes the interdependence of water and energy systems. The Phoenix metropolitan region (PMA) in Arizona has significant and potentially vulnerable WEN interactions. Future projections indicate that the population will increase and, with

The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) is a concept that recognizes the interdependence of water and energy systems. The Phoenix metropolitan region (PMA) in Arizona has significant and potentially vulnerable WEN interactions. Future projections indicate that the population will increase and, with it, energy needs, while changes in future water demand are more uncertain. Climate change will also likely cause a reduction in surface water supply sources. Under these constraints, the expansion of renewable energy technology has the potential to benefit both water and energy systems and increase environmental sustainability by meeting future energy demands while lowering water use and CO2 emissions. However, the WEN synergies generated by renewables have not yet been thoroughly quantified, nor have the related costs been studied and compared to alternative options.Quantifying WEN intercations using numerical models is key to assessing renewable energy synergy. Despite recent advances, WEN models are still in their infancy, and research is needed to improve their accuracy and identify their limitations. Here, I highlight three research needs. First, most modeling efforts have been conducted for large-scale domains (e.g., states), while smaller scales, like metropolitan regions, have received less attention. Second, impacts of adopting different temporal (e.g., monthly, annual) and spatial (network granularity) resolutions on simulation accuracy have not been quantified. Third, the importance of simulating feedbacks between water and energy components has not been analyzed. This dissertation fills these major research gaps by focusing on long-term water allocations and energy dispatch in the metropolitan region of Phoenix. An energy model is developed using the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) platform and is subsequently coupled with a water management model based on the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) platform. Analyses are conducted to quantify (1) the value of adopting coupled models instead of single models that are externally coupled, and (2) the accuracy of simulations based on different temporal resolutions of supply and demand and spatial granularity of the water and energy networks. The WEAP-LEAP integrated model is then employed under future climate scenarios to quantify the potential of renewable energy technologies to develop synergies between the PMA's water and energy systems.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 187 pages
Open Access

Alternative Design Approaches for Advancing Infrastructure Resilience

Traditional infrastructure design approaches were born with industrialization. During this time the relatively stable environments allowed infrastructure systems to reliably provide service with networks designed to precise parameters and organizations fixated on maximizing efficiency. Now, infrastructure systems face the challenge

Traditional infrastructure design approaches were born with industrialization. During this time the relatively stable environments allowed infrastructure systems to reliably provide service with networks designed to precise parameters and organizations fixated on maximizing efficiency. Now, infrastructure systems face the challenge of operating in the Anthropocene, an era of complexity. The environments in which infrastructure systems operate are changing more rapidly than the technologies and governance systems of infrastructure. Infrastructure systems will need to be resilient to navigate stability and instability and avoid obsolescence. This dissertation addresses how infrastructure systems could be designed for the Anthropocene, assessing technologies able to operate with uncertainty, rethinking the principles of technology design, and restructuring infrastructure governance. Resilience, in engineering, has often been defined as resistance to known disturbances with a focus on infrastructure assets. Resilience, more broadly reviewed, includes resistance, adaptation, and transformation across physical and governance domains. This dissertation constructs a foundation for resilient infrastructure through an assessment of resilience paradigms in engineering, complexity and deep uncertainty (Chapter 2), ecology (Chapter 3), and organizational change and leadership (Chapter 4). The second chapter reconciles frameworks of complexity and deep uncertainty to help infrastructure managers navigate the instability infrastructure systems face, with a focus on climate change. The third chapter identifies competencies of resilience in infrastructure theory and practice and compares those competencies with ‘Life’s Principles’ in ecology, presenting opportunities for growth and innovation in infrastructure resilience and highlighting the need for satisficed (to satisfy and suffice) solutions. The fourth chapter navigates pressures of exploitation and exploration that infrastructure institutions face during periods of stability and instability, proposing leadership capabilities to enhance institutional resilience. Finally, the dissertation is concluded with a chapter synthesizing the previous chapters, providing guidance for alternative design approaches for advancing resilient infrastructure. Combined, the work challenges the basic mental models used by engineers when approaching infrastructure design and recommends new ways of doing and thinking for the accelerating and increasingly uncertain conditions of the future.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 163 pages
Open Access

Nutrient Load Modeling in the U.S.: Novel Considerations for Future Management

Approximately 71% of the great lakes, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds, together with 51% of rivers and streams assessed in the US are impaired or threatened by pollution or do not meet the minimum water quality requirements. Pathogens, sediments, and nutrients

Approximately 71% of the great lakes, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds, together with 51% of rivers and streams assessed in the US are impaired or threatened by pollution or do not meet the minimum water quality requirements. Pathogens, sediments, and nutrients are leading causes of impairment, with agriculture being a top source of pollution. Agricultural pollution has become a global concern overtaking urban contamination as the major factor of inland and coastal waters degradation in many parts of the world. High-yielding crop production has been achieved by the intensive use of inorganic fertilizers that are mainly composed of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P). N and P are essential nutrients for ecosystem structure, processes, and functions. However, N and P in excess can be problematic to the environment. One of the major impacts of the increasing amount of these nutrients in the environment is the global expansion of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Major agricultural nutrient pollution sources and climate change can exacerbate these risks. This dissertation aims to guide future policies to mitigate issues linked to excess nutrient loads in the U.S. by evaluating the impact of climate change on nutrient loads and assessing the environmental impact as well as the spatial patterns of one of the major agricultural sources of nutrient pollution - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). Specifically, I first investigated the impact of bias correction techniques when modeling mid-century nutrient loads in a watershed heavily impacted by CAFOs. Second, I evaluated the role of CAFOs in land use change and subsequent environmental degradation of the surrounding environment. Finally, I assessed the spatial organization of CAFOs and its links to water quality conditions. The findings revealed unique insights for future nutrient management strategies in the U.S.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

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  • 157 pages
Open Access

Water Conservation Potential of Modified Turfgrass Irrigation Management in Urban Parks

There is a considerable need for improved understanding of the outcome and amounts of water used to manage urban landscapes in arid and semiarid cities. Outdoor irrigation in urban parks consists of a large fraction of water demands in Phoenix,

There is a considerable need for improved understanding of the outcome and amounts of water used to manage urban landscapes in arid and semiarid cities. Outdoor irrigation in urban parks consists of a large fraction of water demands in Phoenix, Arizona. Hence, ecohydrological processes need to be considered to improve outdoor irrigation management. With the goal of reducing outdoor water use and advancing the general knowledge of water fluxes in urban parks, this study explores water conservation opportunities in an arid city through observations and modeling.Most urban parks in Phoenix consist of a mosaic of turfgrass and trees which receive scheduled maintenance, fertilization and watering through sprinkler or flood irrigation. In this study, the effects that different watering practices, turfgrass management and soil conditions have on soil moisture observations in urban parks are evaluated. Soil moisture stations were deployed at three parks with stations at control plots with no compost application and compost treated sites with either a once or twice per year application instead of traditional fertilizer. An eddy covariance system was installed at a park to help quantify water losses and water, energy and carbon fluxes between the turfgrass and atmosphere. Additional meteorological observations are provided through a network of weather stations. The assessment covers over one year of observations, including the period of turfgrass growth in the warm season, and a period of dormancy during the cool season. The observations were used to setup and test a plot-scale soil water balance model to simulate changes in daily soil moisture in response to irrigation, precipitation and evapotranspiration demand for each park. Combining modeling and observations of climate-soil-vegetation processes, I provide guidance on irrigation schedules and management that could help minimize water losses while supporting turfgrass health in desert urban parks. The irrigation scenarios suggest that water savings of at least 18% can be achieved at the three sites. While the application of compost treatment to study plots did not show clear improvements in soil water retention when compared to the control plots, this study shows that water conservation can be promoted while maintaining low plant water stress.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2021
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 192 pages
Open Access

Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling of a CAFO Dairy Lagoon

In recent decades animal agriculture in the U.S. has moved from small, distributed operations to large, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). CAFOs are defined by federal regulations based on animal numbers and confinement criteria. Because of the size of these

In recent decades animal agriculture in the U.S. has moved from small, distributed operations to large, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). CAFOs are defined by federal regulations based on animal numbers and confinement criteria. Because of the size of these operations, the excessive amount of manure generated is typically stored in lagoons, pits, or barns prior to field application or transport to other farms. Water quality near CAFOs can be impaired through the overflow of lagoons, storm runoff, or lagoon seepage. Assessing water quality impacts of CAFOs in a modeling framework has been difficult because of data paucity. A CAFO lagoon module was developed to assess lagoon overflow risk, groundwater quality, and ammonia emissions of a dairy lagoon. A groundwater quality assessment of a Dairy Lagoon in Lynden Washington was used to calibrate and validate the groundwater quality model. Groundwater down stream of the lagoon was negatively impaired. The long-term effects of this lagoon on water quality were explored as well as the effectiveness of improving the lagoon lining to reduce seepage. This model can be used to improve understanding of the impacts of CAFO lagoon seepage and develop sustainable management practices at the watershed scale for these key components of the agricultural landscape.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2021
  • Field of study: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

Additional Information

  • 73 pages
Open Access

Passive Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater for Existing Swimming Pool


Water heaters that are manufactured for swimming pools come in several forms, most of which require an electrical input for a source of power. Passive-circulation systems, however, require no electrical power input because fluid circulation occurs as a result of

Water heaters that are manufactured for swimming pools come in several forms, most of which require an electrical input for a source of power. Passive-circulation systems, however, require no electrical power input because fluid circulation occurs as a result of thermal gradients. In solar-based systems, thermal gradients are developed by energy collected from sunlight. The combination of solar collection and passive circulation yields a system in which fluids, particularly water, are heated and circulated without need of assistance from external mechanical or electrical sources. The design of such a system was adapted from that of forced-circulation solar collector systems, as were the equations describing its thermodynamic properties. The design was developed based on such constraints as material corrosion resistance, overall system cost, and location-controlled size limitations. The thermodynamic description of the designed system was adjusted on the basis of the designed system’s physical aspects, such as the configuration and material of each component within the solar collector. Numerical analysis performed with the altered thermodynamic equations projected a total energy gain of 7.39 W between 9:00 and 10:00 A.M. and a total energy gain of 13.12 W between 4:00 and 5:00 P.M. The temperature of heated water exiting the collector system was projected to be 17.62°C in the morning and 25.56°C in the afternoon. The morning projection utilized an initial fluid temperature of 12°C and an ambient air temperature of 13°C, while the afternoon projection utilized an initial fluid temperature of 17°C and an ambient air temperature of 22°C. Field testing of the designed passive thermosyphon solar collector system was performed over a period of about one month with one temperature measurement taken at the collector outlet in the morning and another taken in the afternoon. For an ambient air temperature of 13°C, the linear regression developed from the morning dataset yielded an outlet water temperature of 20°C and that for the afternoon dataset yielded an outlet water temperature of 39°C for an ambient air temperature of 17°C. The percentage error between the projected and measured results was 13.51% for the morning period and 52.58% for the afternoon period. Numerical simulation and field data demonstrated that while the collector system operated successfully, its effects were limited to the volume of water immediately surrounding the outlet of the system; the rate of circulation within the system was too low for there to be a meaningful increase in the temperature of the water body at large. The stated results demonstrate that while the particular configuration of passive circulation solar collection technology developed in this instance is capable of transferring solar thermal energy to water without additional energy sources, significant modifications are necessary in order to improve the effectiveness of the technology. Such changes may come from improvements in material availability or alterations to the configuration of components of the collector system.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2020-2021
  • 59 pages
Open Access