Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Tetrel Clathrates for Li-ion Batteries: Electrochemistry, Structure and Applications

Current Li-ion battery technologies are limited by the low capacities of theelectrode materials and require developments to meet stringent performance demands for future energy storage devices. Electrode materials that alloy with Li, such as Si, are one of the most promising alternatives

Current Li-ion battery technologies are limited by the low capacities of theelectrode materials and require developments to meet stringent performance demands for future energy storage devices. Electrode materials that alloy with Li, such as Si, are one of the most promising alternatives for Li-ion battery anodes due to their high capacities. Tetrel (Si, Ge, Sn) clathrates are a class of host-guest crystalline structures in which Tetrel elements form a cage framework and encapsulate metal guest atoms. These structures can form with defects such as framework/guest atom substitutions and vacancies which result in a wide design space for tuning materials properties. The goal of this work is to establish structure property relationships within the context of Li-ion battery anode applications. The type I Ba 8 Al y Ge 46-y clathrates are investigated for their electrochemical reactions with Li and show high capacities indicative of alloying reactions. DFT calculations show that Li insertion into the framework vacancies is favorable, but the migration barriers are too high for room temperature diffusion. Then, guest free type I clathrates are investigated for their Li and Na migration barriers. The results show that Li migration in the clathrate frameworks have low energy barriers (0.1- 0.4 eV) which suggest the possibility for room temperature diffusion. Then, the guest free, type II Si clathrate (Na 1 Si 136 ) is synthesized and reversible Li insertion into the type II Si clathrate structure is demonstrated. Based on the reasonable capacity (230 mAh/g), low reaction voltage (0.30 V) and low volume expansion (0.21 %), the Si clathrate could be a promising insertion anode for Li-ion batteries. Next, synchrotron X-ray measurements and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis are used to investigate the lithiation pathways of Ba 8 Ge 43 , Ba 8 Al 16 Ge 30 , Ba 8 Ga 15 Sn 31 and Na 0.3 Si 136 . The results show that the Ba-clathrates undergo amorphous phase transformations which is distinct from their elemental analogues (Ge, Sn) which feature crystalline lithiation pathways. Based on the high capacities and solid-solution reaction mechanism, guest-filled clathrates could be promising precursors to form alloying anodes with novel electrochemical properties. Finally, several high temperature (300-550 °C) electrochemical synthesis methods for Na-Si and Na-Ge clathrates are demonstrated in a cell using a Na β’’-alumina solid electrolyte.


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  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
  • Field of study: Materials Science and Engineering

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  • 545 pages
Open Access