The Effects of Dietary Vinegar on Salivary pH and Dental Erosion

Vinegar is gaining popularity as a natural and proven treatment for common diseases and conditions ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes. While the evidence to support the benefits of vinegar is growing, few studies have considered possible negative

Vinegar is gaining popularity as a natural and proven treatment for common diseases and conditions ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes. While the evidence to support the benefits of vinegar is growing, few studies have considered possible negative consequences. One concern relates to the effect of vinegar on saliva pH and dental erosion. The aim of this study is to explore this relationship as well as unsubstantiated claims that vinegar, although acidic, has an alkalizing effect on the overall body, specifically looking at its effect on resting saliva pH. Healthy adults aged 18-45 were recruited for this trial. Twenty-two participants completed this eight-week, parallel-arm, randomized, double blinded study that looked at the effect that regular consumption of red wine vinegar (two tablespoons taken two times per day before a meal) had on resting salivary pH and dental erosion compared to a control (low dosage vinegar pill taken two times a day before a meal). Resting saliva pH was measured at home using the pH20H application and pH strips at week 0 and 8 of the trial. Erosion was noted using the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE) by a registered dental hygienist at week 1 and 8 of trial. Results indicate no mean difference in resting salivary pH in either treatment group after eight weeks (p value, 0.49). However, there was a statistical significant mean difference in dental erosion between the VIN and CON group (p value, 0.05). Statistical significance in dental erosion, typically a gradual process, in just eight weeks is a significant finding and warrants concern about long time use of vinegar and dental health. Further exploration into this relationship is needed.


Date Created
Embargo Release Date
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2019
  • Field of study: Nutrition

Additional Information

  • 108 pages
Open Access