Differences in the postcanine dentition of primates likely represent dietary adaptations given that the teeth interact directly with foods during mastication. Among early hominins, changes to both molar and premolar morphology are purported to indicate consumption of foods differing in their material properties. Some early hominins, such as the robust australopiths, possess premolars that resemble molars with enhancements to the distal part of the tooth (i.e., the talonid), including additional cusps and/or expanded basins. Such molarized premolars are thought to indicate that these hominins were processing mechanically challenging foods; that is, food items that were either hard or tough. Hypotheses tested in this study evaluated the link between the degree of premolar molarization and consumption of mechanically challenging foods in extant primates. Surface anatomy of the distal-most mandibular premolar (the P4) was quantified using a combination of 3D scans of postcanine dental casts and craniodental landmark data collected from 541 individuals, representing 22 extant primate taxa with well-studied diets and known food material properties. Taxa with more mechanically challenging diets were expected to have premolars with expanded talonids and enlarged P4s (and/or molar rows) relative to several mechanically-relevant size proxies. Taxa consuming high proportions of structural carbohydrates were also expected to have postcanine teeth with high occlusal relief (RFI), sharpness (DNE), and complexity (OPCR). Taxa consuming harder food items were expected to have lower relief and higher complexity, with sharpness determined by the proportion of structural carbohydrates included in their diet. The work presented in this dissertation supports most of these expectations, though talonid expansion per se was not clearly linked to the consumption of any particular diet. Overall, taxa with more mechanically challenging diets generally had relatively enlarged premolars when compared to taxa with softer diets and also differed predictably in their occlusal topography. The results of this dissertation support the functional significance of P4 crown size and measures of dental topography as they relate to diet and have implications for improving dietary inferences from the fossil record.
- Daly, Elizabeth Susanne (Author)
- Schwartz, Gary T (Thesis advisor)
- Delezene, Lucas K (Committee member)
- Kimbel, William H (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
- eng
- Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
- Field of study: Anthropology
Additional Information
- 712 pages