In today's data-driven world, every datum is connected to a large amount of data. Relational databases have been proving itself a pioneer in the field of data storage and manipulation since 1970s. But more recently they have been challenged by

In today's data-driven world, every datum is connected to a large amount of data. Relational databases have been proving itself a pioneer in the field of data storage and manipulation since 1970s. But more recently they have been challenged by NoSQL graph databases in handling data models which have an inherent graphical representation. Graph databases with the ability to store physical relationships between two nodes and native graph processing technique have been doing exceptionally well in graph data storage and management for applications like recommendation engines, biological modeling, network modeling, social media applications, etc.

Instructional Module Development System (IMODS) is a web-based software system that guides STEM instructors through the complex task of curriculum design, ensures tight alignment between various components of a course (i.e., learning objectives, content, assessments), and provides relevant information about research-based pedagogical and assessment strategies. The data model of IMODS is highly connected and has an inherent graphical representation between all its entities with numerous relationships between them. This thesis focuses on developing an algorithm to determine completeness of course design developed using IMODS. As part of this research objective, the study also analyzes the data model for best fit database to run these algorithms. As part of this thesis, two separate applications abstracting the data model of IMODS have been developed - one with Neo4j (graph database) and another with PostgreSQL (relational database). The research objectives of the thesis are as follows: (i) evaluate the performance of Neo4j and PostgreSQL in handling complex queries that will be fired throughout the life cycle of the course design process; (ii) devise an algorithm to determine the completeness of a course design developed using IMODS. This thesis presents the process of creating data model for PostgreSQL and converting it into a graph data model to be abstracted by Neo4j, creating SQL and CYPHER scripts for undertaking experiments on both platforms, testing and elaborate analysis of the results and evaluation of the databases in the context of IMODS.
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    • A comparative analysis of graph vs relational database for instructional module development system
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    • thesis
      Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2017
    • bibliography
      Includes bibliographical references (pages 76-78)
    • Field of study: Computer science

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    Statement of Responsibility

    by Abir Lal Saha

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