Input-Elicitation Methods for Crowdsourced Human Computation

Collecting accurate collective decisions via crowdsourcing
is challenging due to cognitive biases, varying
worker expertise, and varying subjective scales. This
work investigates new ways to determine collective decisions
by prompting users to provide input in multiple
formats. A crowdsourced task is created that aims
to determine

Collecting accurate collective decisions via crowdsourcing
is challenging due to cognitive biases, varying
worker expertise, and varying subjective scales. This
work investigates new ways to determine collective decisions
by prompting users to provide input in multiple
formats. A crowdsourced task is created that aims
to determine ground-truth by collecting information in
two different ways: rankings and numerical estimates.
Results indicate that accurate collective decisions can
be achieved with less people when ordinal and cardinal
information is collected and aggregated together
using consensus-based, multimodal models. We also
show that presenting users with larger problems produces
more valuable ordinal information, and is a more
efficient way to collect an aggregate ranking. As a result,
we suggest input-elicitation to be more widely considered
for future work in crowdsourcing and incorporated
into future platforms to improve accuracy and efficiency.


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Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng

Additional Information

  • Academic Year 2019-2020
  • 10 pages