Everyone knows a female who participates in sport; if not you, a daughter, sister, or friend. She started out competing for the love and fun of the game. But slowly that changed. She began to feel the pressure. The pressure

Everyone knows a female who participates in sport; if not you, a daughter, sister, or friend. She started out competing for the love and fun of the game. But slowly that changed. She began to feel the pressure. The pressure to succeed. She steps up to the line, into the blocks, onto the mat comparing herself, thinking, if only she lost those 2, 5, or 10+lbs she could achieve her goals, look more like the competitors around her. Fit the mold of an elite. This narrative manifests itself in far too many female athletes. One where body image and weight are harshly linked to one's potential for success rather than their actual talent, fitness, or strength. Along with this ideology comes a multitude of mental and health problems such as disordered eating, premature bone loss, and nearly 70% of female athletes have experienced some form of athletic amenorrhea (period loss). “Running on Empty” examines this issue and brings awareness to the byproducts, allowing those who are struggling to know that they are not alone.


  • Running on Empty
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