The Active Schools & Communities research team works to improve access to physical activity and integrate movement into daily living with a focus on neighborhoods and school settings. We collect and analyze behavioral data with the goal of developing actionable insights and practical…

This collection includes journal articles, reports, supplementary materials and data from a project investigating if and how the SDGs can be applied to businesses.

Reports, presentations, and supporting documentation and files generated from the Building Resilience Against Climate Effects Project supported by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Climate Ready Cities and States Initiative.

The content is originally created and designed to reflect my scholarly output in the field of librarianship. My research interests are primarily focused on issues related to open access, scholarly publishing, copyright, and collection development. I am a Library Information Specialist--Lead with…

The mission of Artivate: A Journal of Entrepreneurship in the Arts is to disseminate new thinking and perspectives on arts entrepreneurship theory, practice, and pedagogy.
The editors are committed to publishing research-based articles and case studies of interest to scholars, artists,…

The ASU AZ Infectious Disease Epi (AIDE) Lab & Public Health Training Program is led by ASU epidemiologist Megan Jehn. ASU AIDE contains a public health training and a…

Our project seeks to identify, record, and photograph significant, unique features of C19 and early C20 readership found in out-of-copyright ASU-owned books. To begin, we're examining pre-1923 titles in the PRs and the PSs in Hayden Library. (There are 13,673 pre-1923 books on the shelves in the…

This collection includes most of the ASU Theses and Dissertations from 2011 to present. ASU Theses and Dissertations are available in downloadable PDF format; however, a small percentage of items are under embargo. Information about the dissertations/theses includes degree information, committee…

A collection of scholarly work created by the ASU Food Policy and Environment Research Group under the leadership of Professor…

White papers, conference reports, and publications of the ASU Library.

This is an open access collection of the published manuscripts by the ASU MBE group led by Prof. Yong-Hang Zhang.

The title “Regents’ Professor” is the highest faculty honor awarded at Arizona State University. It is conferred on ASU faculty who have made pioneering contributions in their areas of expertise, who have achieved a sustained level of distinction, and who enjoy national and international…

This collection includes interviews of Arizona State University retirees, including administrators, faculty, and staff. The video interviews were conducted by the ASU Retirees Association (ASURA) beginning in 2001. Videos are approximately 1 hour each…

This growing collection consists of scholarly works authored by ASU-affiliated faculty, staff, and community members, and it contains many open access articles. ASU-affiliated authors are encouraged to Share Your Work in KEEP.

The ASU School of Music Performance Archive is devoted to the preservation and dissemination of recordings of performances offered by the School of Music, Dance and Theatre from 1985 to the present day. Content is derived from undergraduate and graduate student recitals, faculty performances,…