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Humans are intrigued, drawn to, inspired by beautiful things. Various philosophers and
social commentators have contributed to this essential inquiry: what is Beauty? And
furthermore, are there objective patterns within what different people consider beautiful? I will
explore this through both the lenses

Humans are intrigued, drawn to, inspired by beautiful things. Various philosophers and
social commentators have contributed to this essential inquiry: what is Beauty? And
furthermore, are there objective patterns within what different people consider beautiful? I will
explore this through both the lenses of physical beauty and character beauty. In faces, there is the study of physical attractiveness - is it evolutionary, personal preference, or something more universal?

By using the four concepts of judgement of beauty laid out by Kant, supplemented with psychological research on humans' attractiveness ratings of faces, we will be able to get closer to the idea of a truly beautiful face. This face, striking in nature, is not simply attractive, but more. It is a face that is, using Kant's framework, disinterested, universal, purposive without purpose, and necessary.
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  • The Beautiful Face
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