System Solutions Towards High-Precision Visual Computing at Low Power

Efficient visual sensing plays a pivotal role in enabling high-precision applications in augmented reality and low-power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This dissertation addresses the primary challenges that hinder energy efficiency in visual sensing: the bottleneck of pixel traffic across

Efficient visual sensing plays a pivotal role in enabling high-precision applications in augmented reality and low-power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This dissertation addresses the primary challenges that hinder energy efficiency in visual sensing: the bottleneck of pixel traffic across camera and memory interfaces and the energy-intensive analog readout process in image sensors. To overcome the bottleneck of pixel traffic, this dissertation proposes a visual sensing pipeline architecture that enables application developers to dynamically adapt the spatial resolution and update rates for specific regions within the scene. By selectively capturing and processing high-resolution frames only where necessary, the system significantly reduces energy consumption associated with memory traffic. This is achieved by encoding only the relevant pixels from the commercial image sensors with standard raster-scan pixel read-out patterns, thus minimizing the data stored in memory. The stored rhythmic pixel region stream is decoded into traditional frame-based representations, enabling seamless integration into existing video pipelines. Moreover, the system includes runtime support that allows flexible specification of the region labels, giving developers fine-grained control over the resolution adaptation process. Experimental evaluations conducted on a Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform demonstrate substantial reductions of 43-64% in interface traffic, while maintaining controllable task accuracy. In addition to the pixel traffic bottleneck, the dissertation tackles the energy intensive analog readout process in image sensors. To address this, the dissertation proposes aggressive scaling of the analog voltage supplied to the camera. Extensive characterization on off-the-shelf sensors demonstrates that analog voltage scaling can significantly reduce sensor power, albeit at the expense of image quality. To mitigate this trade-off, this research develops a pipeline that allows application developers to adapt the sensor voltage on a frame-by-frame basis. A voltage controller is integrated into the existing Raspberry Pi (RPi) based video streaming pipeline, generating the sensor voltage. On top of that, the system provides a software interface for vision applications to specify the desired voltage levels. Evaluation of the system across a range of voltage scaling policies on popular vision tasks demonstrates that the technique can deliver up to 73% sensor power savings while maintaining reasonable task fidelity.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
  • Field of study: Computer Engineering

Additional Information

  • 111 pages
Open Access