The objective of this study is to create a spectrophotometric assay that can measure quinone reduction in the HbRC. The key techniques used in the project consisted of a PCR, a pseudo golden gate, a transformation into E. coli, a conjugation into Heliomicrobium modesticaldum, a growth study, a HbRC prep, and absorbance spectroscopy. PCR was crucial for amplifying the Cyt c553-PshX gene for the pseudo golden gate. The pseudo golden gate ligated Cyt c553-PshX into the plasmid pMTL86251 in order to transform the plasmid with the desired gene into the E. coli strain S17-1. This E. coli strain allows for conjugation into H. modesticaldum. H. modesticaldum cannot uptake DNA by itself, so the E. coli creates a pilus to transfer the desired plasmid to H. modesticaldum. The growth study was crucial for determining if H. modesitcaldum could be induced using xylose without killing the cells or inhibiting the growth in such a way that the project could not be continued. The HbRC prep was used to isolate and purify the Cyt c553-PshX protein. Absorbance spectroscopy and JTS kinetic assay was used to characterize and confirm that the protein eluted from the affinity column was Cyt c553-PshX. The results of the absorbance spectra and JTS kinetic assay confirmed that Cyt c553-PshX was not made. The study is currently being continued using a new system that utilizes SpyCatcher SpyTag covalent linkages in order to attach cytochrome to reduce P800 to the HbRC.
- Barnes, Katherine (Author)
- Redding, Kevin (Thesis director)
- Mazor, Yuval (Committee member)
- Singharoy, Abhishek (Committee member)
- Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)
- School of Molecular Sciences (Contributor)
- Department of English (Contributor)