Official announcement for the Mapping Grand Canyon Conference Map Competition. Students were invited to submit their original cartographic work to the 2019 Mapping Grand Canyon Student Map Competition. Three (3) categories of cartographic production were considered for this competition: Best

Official announcement for the Mapping Grand Canyon Conference Map Competition. Students were invited to submit their original cartographic work to the 2019 Mapping Grand Canyon Student Map Competition. Three (3) categories of cartographic production were considered for this competition: Best Artistic Map, Best Data Driven (Static) Map, and Best Data Driven (Dynamic). Details about the requirements for each category can be found on the Mapping Grand Canyon Conference Map Competition website.

In addition, Arizona State University partnered with the Arizona Geographic Information Council so students also had the option to automatically enter the 2019 AGIC Education & Training Symposium Maps & Apps Competition.

This is the second version with an extended deadline.
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  • Grand Canyon Map Competition Digital Flyer
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