Large-scale cultivation of perennial bioenergy crops (e.g., miscanthus and switch-
grass) offers unique opportunities to mitigate climate change through avoided fossil fuel use and associated greenhouse gas reduction. Although conversion of existing agriculturally intensive lands (e.g., maize and soy) to perennial bioenergy cropping systems has been shown to reduce near-surface temperatures, unintended consequences on natural water resources via depletion of soil moisture may offset these benefits. In the effort of the cross-fertilization across the disciplines of physics-based modeling and spatio-temporal statistics, three topics are investigated in this dissertation aiming to provide a novel quantification and robust justifications of the hydroclimate impacts associated with bioenergy crop expansion. Topic 1 quantifies the hydroclimatic impacts associated with perennial bioenergy crop expansion over the contiguous United States using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) dynamically coupled to a land surface model (LSM). A suite of continuous (2000–09) medium-range resolution (20-km grid spacing) ensemble-based simulations is conducted. Hovmöller and Taylor diagrams are utilized to evaluate simulated temperature and precipitation. In addition, Mann-Kendall modified trend tests and Sieve-bootstrap trend tests are performed to evaluate the statistical significance of trends in soil moisture differences. Finally, this research reveals potential hot spots of suitable deployment and regions to avoid. Topic 2 presents spatio-temporal Bayesian models which quantify the robustness of control simulation bias, as well as biofuel impacts, using three spatio-temporal correlation structures. A hierarchical model with spatially varying intercepts and slopes display satisfactory performance in capturing spatio-temporal associations. Simulated temperature impacts due to perennial bioenergy crop expansion are robust to physics parameterization schemes. Topic 3 further focuses on the accuracy and efficiency of spatial-temporal statistical modeling for large datasets. An ensemble of spatio-temporal eigenvector filtering algorithms (hereafter: STEF) is proposed to account for the spatio-temporal autocorrelation structure of the data while taking into account spatial confounding. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted. This method is then used to quantify the robustness of simulated hydroclimatic impacts associated with bioenergy crops to alternative physics parameterizations. Results are evaluated against those obtained from three alternative Bayesian spatio-temporal specifications.
grass) offers unique opportunities to mitigate climate change through avoided fossil fuel use and associated greenhouse gas reduction. Although conversion of existing agriculturally intensive lands (e.g., maize and soy) to perennial bioenergy cropping systems has been shown to reduce near-surface temperatures, unintended consequences on natural water resources via depletion of soil moisture may offset these benefits. In the effort of the cross-fertilization across the disciplines of physics-based modeling and spatio-temporal statistics, three topics are investigated in this dissertation aiming to provide a novel quantification and robust justifications of the hydroclimate impacts associated with bioenergy crop expansion. Topic 1 quantifies the hydroclimatic impacts associated with perennial bioenergy crop expansion over the contiguous United States using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) dynamically coupled to a land surface model (LSM). A suite of continuous (2000–09) medium-range resolution (20-km grid spacing) ensemble-based simulations is conducted. Hovmöller and Taylor diagrams are utilized to evaluate simulated temperature and precipitation. In addition, Mann-Kendall modified trend tests and Sieve-bootstrap trend tests are performed to evaluate the statistical significance of trends in soil moisture differences. Finally, this research reveals potential hot spots of suitable deployment and regions to avoid. Topic 2 presents spatio-temporal Bayesian models which quantify the robustness of control simulation bias, as well as biofuel impacts, using three spatio-temporal correlation structures. A hierarchical model with spatially varying intercepts and slopes display satisfactory performance in capturing spatio-temporal associations. Simulated temperature impacts due to perennial bioenergy crop expansion are robust to physics parameterization schemes. Topic 3 further focuses on the accuracy and efficiency of spatial-temporal statistical modeling for large datasets. An ensemble of spatio-temporal eigenvector filtering algorithms (hereafter: STEF) is proposed to account for the spatio-temporal autocorrelation structure of the data while taking into account spatial confounding. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted. This method is then used to quantify the robustness of simulated hydroclimatic impacts associated with bioenergy crops to alternative physics parameterizations. Results are evaluated against those obtained from three alternative Bayesian spatio-temporal specifications.
- Wang, Meng, Ph.D (Author)
- Kamarianakis, Yiannis (Thesis advisor)
- Georgescu, Matei (Thesis advisor)
- Fotheringham, A. Stewart (Committee member)
- Moustaoui, Mohamed (Committee member)
- Reiser, Mark R. (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
- eng
- thesisPartial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2018
- bibliographyIncludes bibliographical references (pages 149-163)
- Field of study: Statistics
Citation and reuse
Statement of Responsibility
by Meng Wang
Additional Information
- xxvi, 188 pages : illustrations (some color)