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This project is a synthesis of the author's learning over the semesters in working with the CFD Group at Arizona State University. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are overviewed, starting with the derivation from the continuity equation, then non-dimensionalization, methods of

This project is a synthesis of the author's learning over the semesters in working with the CFD Group at Arizona State University. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are overviewed, starting with the derivation from the continuity equation, then non-dimensionalization, methods of solving and computing quantities of interest. The rest of this document is expository analysis of solutions in a confined fluid flow, building toward a parametrically forced regime that generates complex flow patterns including Faraday waves. The solutions come from recently published studies Dynamics in a stably stratified tilted square cavity (Grayer et al.) and Parametric instabilities of a stratified shear layer (Buchta et al).

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  • Fluid flow in a temperature-stratified, parametrically forced regime
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  • Text
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