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Over the summer of 2018, I had the incredible opportunity to serve as an AmeriCorps member through the Providing Access to Court Services Program (PACS) program. It was the duty of the AmeriCorps members to provide access to justice to

Over the summer of 2018, I had the incredible opportunity to serve as an AmeriCorps member through the Providing Access to Court Services Program (PACS) program. It was the duty of the AmeriCorps members to provide access to justice to the community. Serving as an AmeriCorps member opened my eyes to many parts of the court system I did not know existed, and made me want to explore more ways I could help the community in Maricopa County. One of the many factions of the Maricopa County Superior Court that I had the privilege of learning more about was Drug Court. Drug Court, at the Maricopa County Superior Court in Downtown Phoenix, started in 1992 as a program designed to monitor and provide counseling for offenders in hopes to break the cycle of substance abuse and addiction. Commissioner Guyton, the Presiding Commissioner of Drug Court, came to the AmeriCorps program in the Summer of 2018 in hopes of adding a new program of life-skills workshops to be used as an alternative sanction for offenders going through Drug Court. The On Second Thought program offers life-skills workshops that aim to encourage success within the Drug Court Program at the Maricopa County Superior Court in Downtown Phoenix, and promote further success in life after graduation. The two workshops developed include the "Basic Writing " and "Resumes, Job Search, Job Interviews" workshops. This program has been a successful new part to the Drug Court program and will continue to educate and inspire each individual that walks through the door.
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  • On Second Thought
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