The Carbon Reduction Transportation Initiative at Northern Arizona University

The Carbon Reduction Transportation Initiative (CRTI) at Northern Arizona University (NAU) was created to improve both recruitment and retention
efforts while significantly lowering NAU’s carbon footprint. Through a collective subsidization between NAU and the City of Flagstaff, the CRTI would
be able

The Carbon Reduction Transportation Initiative (CRTI) at Northern Arizona University (NAU) was created to improve both recruitment and retention
efforts while significantly lowering NAU’s carbon footprint. Through a collective subsidization between NAU and the City of Flagstaff, the CRTI would
be able to provide all NAU students and staff free access to public transportation. This initiative would also help to reduce the amount of traffic
congestion in Flagstaff’s downtown business district and free up valuable parking spaces both on and off campus. In addition, Flagstaff’s public bus
system, the Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (NAIPTA) would become eligible to apply for larger grants with the
anticipated increase in ridership. This would then allow NAIPTA to increase both the number and the frequency of bus stops which would benefit the
entire Flagstaff community.