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Private labels command a growing share of food retailers' shelf space. In this dissertation, I explain this phenomenon as resulting from "umbrella branding," or the ability of a single brand to reach across categories. Conceptually, I define umbrella branding as a behavioral attribute that describes a shopper's tendency

Private labels command a growing share of food retailers' shelf space. In this dissertation, I explain this phenomenon as resulting from "umbrella branding," or the ability of a single brand to reach across categories. Conceptually, I define umbrella branding as a behavioral attribute that describes a shopper's tendency to ascribe a performance bond to a brand, or to associate certain performance characteristics to a private label brand, across multiple categories. In the second chapter, I describe the performance bond theory in detail, and then test this theory using scanner data in the chapter that follows. Because secondary data has limitations for testing behavioral theories, however, I test the performance bond theory of umbrella branding using a laboratory experiment in the fourth chapter. In this chapter, I find that households tend to transfer their perception of private label performance across categories, or that a manifestation of umbrella branding behavior can indeed explain private labels' success. In the fifth chapter, I extend this theory to compare umbrella branding in international markets, and find that performance transference takes its roots in consumers' cultural backgrounds. Taken together, my results suggest that umbrella branding is an important behavioral mechanism, and one that can be further exploited by retailers across any consumer good category with strong credence attributes.
ContributorsTheron, Sophie (Author) / Richards, Timothy J. (Thesis advisor) / Grebitus, Carola (Committee member) / Hughner, Renee (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsJin, Liang (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Zhang, Anmin (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsXu, Ke (Author) / Chen, Pei-Yu (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Thesis advisor) / Chen, Xin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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It is well understood that innovation drives productivity growth in agriculture. Innovation, however, is a process that involves activities distributed throughout the supply chain. In this dissertation I investigate three topics that are at the core of the distribution and diffusion of innovation: optimal licensing of university-based inventions, new

It is well understood that innovation drives productivity growth in agriculture. Innovation, however, is a process that involves activities distributed throughout the supply chain. In this dissertation I investigate three topics that are at the core of the distribution and diffusion of innovation: optimal licensing of university-based inventions, new variety adoption among farmers, and consumers’ choice of new products within a social network environment.

University researchers assume an important role in innovation, particularly as a result of the Bayh-Dole Act, which allowed universities to license inventions funded by federal research dollars, to private industry. Aligning the incentives to innovate at the university level with the incentives to adopt downstream, I show that non-exclusive licensing is preferred under both fixed fee and royalty licensing. Finding support for non-exclusive licensing is important as it provides evidence that the concept underlying the Bayh-Dole Act has economic merit, namely that the goals of university-based researchers are consistent with those of society, and taxpayers, in general.

After licensing, new products enter the diffusion process. Using a case study of small holders in Mozambique, I observe substantial geographic clustering of new-variety adoption decisions. Controlling for the other potential factors, I find that information diffusion through space is largely responsible for variation in adoption. As predicted by a social learning model, spatial effects are not based on geographic distance, but rather on neighbor-relationships that follow from information exchange. My findings are consistent with others who find information to be the primary barrier to adoption, and means that adoption can be accelerated by improving information exchange among farmers.

Ultimately, innovation is only useful when adopted by end consumers. Consumers’ choices of new products are determined by many factors such as personal preferences, the attributes of the products, and more importantly, peer recommendations. My experimental data shows that peers are indeed important, but “weak ties” or information from friends-of-friends is more important than close friends. Further, others regarded as experts in the subject matter exert the strongest influence on peer choices.
ContributorsFang, Di (Author) / Richards, Timothy J. (Thesis advisor) / Bolton, Ruth N (Committee member) / Grebitus, Carola (Committee member) / Manfredo, Mark (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Private label growth in emerging markets has not kept pace with the growth in private labels elsewhere. For instance, in Europe and North America, private labels now constitute an average of 35% of total retail market share, compared to emerging markets, where market shares vary between 1% and 8 %.

Private label growth in emerging markets has not kept pace with the growth in private labels elsewhere. For instance, in Europe and North America, private labels now constitute an average of 35% of total retail market share, compared to emerging markets, where market shares vary between 1% and 8 %. This dissertation examines the possibility that differences in private-label performance between developed and emerging economies is not driven by one mechanism, but arises from a variety of sources, both structural, and behavioral. Specifically, I focus on manufacturers’ market power, retailers’ private label portfolio strategies, and consumers’ perceptions of private labels. In most emerging economies, national brand manufacturers tend to be the sole producers of private labels. As a result, manufacturers have inherent market power and can deter retailers from pursuing aggressive private label strategies, which results in low private label market shares. Moreover, some retailers in emerging economies now carry their private labels as part of a multi-tiered portfolio. However, a small price-gap between the quality tiers results in high intraportfolio competition leading to cannibalization and lower private label market shares. Last, private label market shares in emerging economies may be smaller than in developed economies because low-income households prefer higher priced national brands. This counterintuitive phenomenon is driven by two interrelated factors. First, social influence implies that low-income households are upward-comparing, they contrast themselves with high-income households whom they believe are better-off. Because higher-income households purchase national brands, upward-comparisons lead to a preference for national brands. Second, low income households are unknowledgeable about private label advancements hence they prefer national brands.
ContributorsPasirayi, Simbarashe (Author) / Richards, Timothy J. (Thesis advisor) / Morales, Andrea (Committee member) / Grebitus, Carola (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description应收账款(Accounts Receivable)是企业在正常的经营过程中因销售商品、产品、提供劳务等业务,应向购买单位收取的款项,包括应由购买单位或接受劳务单位负担的税金、代购买方垫付的各种运杂费等。国内的工业制造业,由于产能过剩带来的产需不平衡、市场信誉危机带来的市场不规范以及历史供给关系等诸多问题的影响,形成了以买方市场为主的供需结构关系。企业为了提高资金周转效率、增大市场占有率,往往会选择以信用赊销为主的结算方式,造成应收账款激增。但是,应收账款的激增在提高企业账面利润、降低存货储备的同时,也无形中减少了企业的现金流量,造成企业真实盈利能力下降、偿还债务能力减弱、资金周转效率降低,加大企业经营风险。所以,如何有效管理应收账款,从而增加企业竞争力是每个企业发展过程中的重要课题。应收账款的管理不仅要在形成应收账款之后加大催收力度,形成多种多样、真实有效的回款方式,同时也要在合同签订、执行过程中加强风险管理力度。应收账款的信用风险管理已经成为现代企业管理中不可或缺的一部分。分析卧龙公司应收账款的成因与管理可以发现,赊销形成的应收账款占据极高比例,卧龙公司对于赊销管理缺乏有效的组织结构与保障体系,本研究从销售合同、客户特征属性、客户财务数据角度出发,研究合同条款、客户特征属性、客户财务数据与应收账款是否逾期的关系。研究发现,应收账款逾期的客户,每年的逾期原因都不一样,但是影响逾期的显性因素是很少的,这与电机行业作为传统制造业,受宏观经济周期影响相关,行业形势每年都面临较大的变化,但是另一方面,影响逾期的因素相对少意味着其实还是有办法找到主要原因的,只要可以提前预判出主要因素,并有针对性的采取预防措施,可以一定程度上缓解应收账款逾期的问题。从整体的逾期与否预测的逻辑回归模型看,无论使用单变量筛选的logistic回归模型,还是使用层次分析法确定的logistic回归模型,分类正确率都可以达到70%以上,使用本研究中提炼出来的变量,在历史数据中,模拟预测过程的效果很好,为解决应收账款逾期问题提供了有力的辅助工具,而且,层次分析法充分采纳了团队管理公司多年的经验,变量最后控制在15个以内,能实现与50多个变量类似的效果,甚至更佳,降价了模型维护的经济成本、实际使用的难度,也客观上给带领团队进行尝试提供了信心。本文研究成果可以辅助卧龙集团管理应收账款,为控制风险提供指导,具有一定的实践价值。
ContributorsPang, Xinyuan (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Chang, Chun (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description汽车行业属于国家支柱型产业,创造了高额的产值,增加了就业岗位。随着汽车生产行业竞争日趋激烈的趋势影响,汽车经销商在未来会出现明显的分化,并且逐步向头部集中。基于这样的行业背景,本项研究开展汽车经销商整体经营和盈利能力等方面的详细深入分析,即系统整合汽车经销商业务运营层面和财务层面数据,结合统计研究方法,对经销商盈利能力进行系统且详实归因分析,从而试别驱动盈利能力的关键业务要素。其研究成果能够完善对行业发展规律和经营模式系统性理解,从而进一步指导该领域的相关业务实践,提高经销商整体经营业绩。本课题通过四个阶段来开展经销商整体经营与盈利归因的相关研究。首先,本课题梳理了中国汽车消费行业发展的历史,同时阐述样本期内(2018-2020年)国内宏观经济和汽车消费市场的特征进行,并介绍X品牌汽车经销商的地理分布、资质和业绩评级体系、自身经营特征以及汽车生产商对经销商扶持政策等方面。在第二阶段,本课题聚焦研究假设、模型与方法,通过对X品牌汽车经销商的业务结构和运营管理开展分析,并逐步识别影响经销商盈利的关键指标变量,并提出研究假设和相关模型(即时间序列模型和面板回归模型)。在第三阶段,本课题首先开展经销商相关信息整体性统计分析,获得关键业务指标在样本期内动态特征,并结合时间序列回归模型探讨各项业务指标对经销商整体盈利能力的影响程度。在第四阶段,本课题采用(个体)固定效应的面板回归模型来研究不同组别(控制)条件下经销商盈利能力的影响因素以及其盈利能力对这些因素的敏感程度,从而更深入和全面地揭示影响经销商盈利能力的潜在因素。 基于上述四阶段的研究结果,本研究进一步就提升经销商盈利能力展开讨论,并提出相应对策。本课题相关结论仅从X品牌汽车经销商经营和财务数据进行定性和定量分析获得,但衷心希望本研究的成果能够对汽车经销商改善经营业务方面能起到实践上的借鉴和指导意义。
ContributorsPan, Guangxiong (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Wu, Fei (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description随着市场环境的日趋激烈,并购已经成为了一种扩大自身规模,增强核心竞争力,实现战略发展目标的重要方式,近年来我国企业之间的并购活动不断增多,形式也逐渐多样,无论是采用横向或纵向,还是多元化的并购,其最终目的都是通过有效的并购行为推动企业快速发展。但由于并购活动十分复杂,一直以来理论界和实务界都关心这样一个问题:企业进行并购究竟是出于何种考虑?最自然的回答便是纷繁复杂的并购活动背后企业真实的并购动机是出于企业自身价值提升:从宏观上讲,公司并购是对社会资源在配置,表现为产业结构升级换代:从微观的公司个体角度讲,建立一个现代企业要求有两个完全不同的机制,即经营管理战略机制和公司交易战略机制,而上市公司的并购行为会促使其经营机制等发生改变。尽管并购这种形式已经被企业家们运用的十分熟练,但由于每个企业所处的市场环境、并购的过程、采用的手段等都有所不同,每一次并购行为都有其自身的特点,对于一些较为典型的并购案例其并购经验值得其他的企业进行参考。 本文采用案例分析的模式,首先阐述了并购和品牌价值的概念,并介绍了市场上常见的并购类型以及并购的内部动因和外部动因。通过研究过往案例梳理出品牌价值的影响因素以及并购对品牌认知度的影响。 其次,以美年健康并购慈铭体检为例,介绍了美年健康和慈铭体检的基本情况,梳理了美年健康并购慈铭体检的整个过程,对美年健康并购慈铭体检所处的历史时期以及并购动因进行分析。 随后,通过财务指标研究法对美年健康并购前后的绩效变化进行分析,主要通过并购前后的市场占有率、盈利能力、运营能力和成长能力四个方面的变化来入手;然后通过分析2014年-2019年美年健康EVA值的变化来分析并购前后美年健康企业价值是否实现增长。接着,通过问卷调查形式来分析消费者对于美年健康的体检业务、体检服务以及并购情况的认知情况,以此来分析消费者眼中美年健康的品牌价值在并购前后的变化。同时通过托宾Q理论来间接评价美年健康并购前后品牌价值变化。 最后,本文对美年健康并购慈铭体检这一案例做出总结。根据研究案例自身情况,分析美年健康并购慈铭体检的成功之处,归纳出其中值得借鉴的地方。有助于为其他中国拟通过并购实现品牌价值飞跃的企业提供参考。
ContributorsMiao, Hong (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Chiu, Tzu-Kuan (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description本论文主要探讨特色小镇客户居住满意度的影响因素,及提升客户满意度的建议,以CL特色小镇为例,通过理论与实践相结合的方法,利用有序回归模型,探讨CL小镇中影响客户满意度的因素是哪些。在本文的初步研究中,发现:客户对特色小镇的总体满意度水平为3.38,其中对小镇户型布局、空间使用率、居住舒适、环境卫生的满意度达到4.0以上属于非常满意的范畴;且对居住内容期望重要性较高,重要性平均值为 3.70,由此可见客户对所有项目都认为重要性程度较高,其中得分最高的项目为小镇距离行政中心的距离,最低项目为民宿、酒店。 在进一步的回归分析中,发现客户基本特征中的年龄、职业、家庭年收入等;以及客户感受到的内容满意度因素中的特色小镇所在区位、交通便利程度、物业服务等对客户居住满意度有显著正向影响。通过比较分析,发现客户基本特征对于特色小镇客户居住满意度的总体影响大于客户感受到的内容满意度因素。 通过IPA分析,我们发现企业在资源配置中需要做出适当调整,对于小镇的优势区,应在后续运营管理过程中投入更多的关注:小镇周边道路设施情况;建筑布局;小镇公共活动空间包括广场、道路等;景观环境;户型布局:空间使用率、居住舒适度等。对于小镇的重点改进范围应引起高度重视,因为这些因素体现了客户最为重视的需求,如果得不到满足的话则会带来负面的不良影响。所以,为避免此类因素拉低整体满意度,管理者需要尽可能的改进并维持此类绩效因素,该区域的特征为重要性高满意度低。指标包括:小镇距离行政中心的距离;高速;地铁/轻轨;施工质量;儿童乐园;医疗门诊配套;康复理疗;居民素质。通过对细分客户进行IPA分析,发现不同客群对小镇资源的感知程度不一样。因此,在后续小镇的运营中,不仅要关注企业资源配置,小镇内容建设,也需进一步对客户进行甄别。 最后,结合本文实证分析,从政府与企业角度提出改进建议,以期对后续特色小镇客户居住满意度的提升有所帮助。
ContributorsWu, Chen (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Wu, Fei (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsHan, Liqing (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Zhang, Anmin (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)