The U.S Census Bureau (2018)’s report calculated that from the total Latinx population, 11.6 % of this community has a Bachelor of Arts. The report also estimated that less than half of the Latinx students who begin pursuing higher education would eventually earn their degrees. Given the Spanish Heritage Language (SHL) field’s fast-paced growth, Carreira (2007) argued for the field to get involved in reducing the Latino Achievement Gap since this gap has severe consequences in students’ lives. The objective of the current study is to analyze 1. What types of capital do SHL students bring to the upper-division university course? 2. How do the types of capital that SHL students bring to the upper division university course shaped by the end of the course? And 3. How do SHL students understand the knowledge they bring to the course and 3.1. How do they see the course having shaped their knowledge by the end of the semester? The data collected via semi-structured interviews and student reflective journals were coded using thematic analysis (Seidman, 2013) and Yosso’s (2005; 2013) six types of capital. The findings show that the course helped students gain linguistic confidence, reinforcing their linguistic capital. Also, students developed their Critical Language Awareness, which strengthens their resistant and aspirational capital. Students also mentioned that the assignments and discussions validated their sense of belonging at ASU increasing their navigational capital. This data reflects how the SHL classroom leads students to strengthen their linguistic capital and gives them the tools to reinforce their familial, navigational, resistant, and aspirational capital. These findings point out the different ways SHL courses support students along their academic journey and provide insights into how SHL educators could contribute to narrow the Latino Achievement Gap.
- Amezcua, Angelica (Author)
- Beaudrie, Sara (Thesis advisor)
- Bernstein, Katie (Committee member)
- Gradoville, Michael (Committee member)
- Velazquez, Isabel (Committee member)
- Arizona State University (Publisher)
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
Topical Subject
Resource Type
- eng
- Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2021
- Field of study: Spanish
Additional Information
- 181 pages