Testing and Regulation of Genetically Engineered Biological Containment Techniques
Industries and research utilizing genetically-engineered organisms are often subject to strict containment requirements such as physical isolation or specialized equipment to prevent an unintended escape. A relatively new field of research looks for ways to engineer intrinsic containment techniques- genetic safeguards that prevent an organism from surviving outside of specific conditions. As interest in this field has grown over the last few decades, researchers in molecular and synthetic biology have discovered many novel ways to accomplish this containment, but the current literature faces some ambiguity and overlap in the ways they describe various biocontainment methods. Additionally, the way publications report the robustness of the techniques they test is inconsistent, making it uncertain how regulators could assess the safety and efficacy of these methods if they are eventually to be used in practical, consumer applications. This project organizes and clarifies the descriptions of these techniques within an interactive flowchart, linking to definitions and references to publications on each within an Excel table. For each reference, variables such as the containment approach, testing methods, and results reported are compiled, to illustrate the varying degrees to which these techniques are tested.
- Dilly, Leon (Author)
- Frow, Emma (Thesis director)
- Vogel, Kathleen (Committee member)
- Gillum, David (Committee member)
- Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)
- School of Life Sciences (Contributor)
- School of Earth and Space Exploration (Contributor)
Date Created
The date the item was original created (prior to any relationship with the ASU Digital Repositories.)
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