
Spreadsheet tabs with genomic coordinates of synteny between B. terrestris and B. impatiens (A), a list of manually annotated genes and species-specific names (B), bee-specific (C) and Bombus-specific (D) genes based on ortholog analysis, protein domains relating to transposable elements

Spreadsheet tabs with genomic coordinates of synteny between B. terrestris and B. impatiens (A), a list of manually annotated genes and species-specific names (B), bee-specific (C) and Bombus-specific (D) genes based on ortholog analysis, protein domains relating to transposable elements (E), venom peptide genes in B. terrestris with proteomic support (F), venom proteins without proteomic evidence, and details of their presence/absence in the genome sequence (G), B. impatiens venom protein predictions (H), an ortholog-based list of bumblebee genes in immune related families (I), proteins identified in B. terrestris queen hemolymph by mass spectrometry (J), and miRNAs sequenced in B. terrestris (K), predicted but not sequenced in B. terrestris (L), and predicted in B. impatiens (M).

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