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This article can be divided into six parts.

The first chapter analyzes the background, theatrical and particle reasons of this research. The author argues that the management of law firm needs a set of good system. The first one is operating the law firm in scale, and the other on

This article can be divided into six parts.

The first chapter analyzes the background, theatrical and particle reasons of this research. The author argues that the management of law firm needs a set of good system. The first one is operating the law firm in scale, and the other on is corporate management model, which shall be constructed in detail in the paper and will be put into practice by the law firm in which the author is worked.

The second chapter will introduce modern management theory, combining the situation of management in our law firm to analyze, raising some reasonable suggestions and instructions to promote our law firm to achieve the corporate management.

In the third chapter, the first chapter, starting with the review of the development process of foreign and our law firms, listing the organizational forms and the characteristics of our law firm, analyzing the situation and the drawbacks of the law firm management.

The fourth and fifth chapter introduce he background, the connotation of the corporate management model, listing the development and successful experience of some typical cases in respect of corporate management.

In the last chapter, the construction of corporate management model will be introduced in terms of organization form, human resource management and informationizing development.

The corporate management model is not mature in china. Though it is not easy to reform the existing model, but it should be believed that the development benefiting the legal industry will be achieved.
ContributorsZhu, Ping (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Chang, Chun (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Ning (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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This study examines the 3 key questions of media budget allocation, to find our a better invest model. Including spending share of traditional media and digital media, program selection strategy and duration mix optimization to analyse the trend of sample A (a global cosmetic brand) . Based on every test

This study examines the 3 key questions of media budget allocation, to find our a better invest model. Including spending share of traditional media and digital media, program selection strategy and duration mix optimization to analyse the trend of sample A (a global cosmetic brand) . Based on every test media campaign, we do research of media performance and sales volumn, add youth consumer behavior result, to develop a media investment ROI model for this brand. Create the evaluation system according to past big data and find the learnings of different length TVC usage. Of course all relavant findings and implications will be summarized after every section.
ContributorsXu, Jin (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Chen, Xinlei (Thesis advisor) / Shao, Benjamin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsZhao, Liang (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Chen, Xinlei (Thesis advisor) / Shao, Benjamin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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During the past decade, the Chinese bond market has been rapidly developing. The percentage of bond to total social funding is constantly increasing. The structure and behavior of investors are crucial to the construction of China’s bond market. Due to specific credit risks, bond market regulation usually involves in rules

During the past decade, the Chinese bond market has been rapidly developing. The percentage of bond to total social funding is constantly increasing. The structure and behavior of investors are crucial to the construction of China’s bond market. Due to specific credit risks, bond market regulation usually involves in rules to control investor adequancy. It is heatedly discussed among academia and regulators about whether individual investors are adequate to directly participate in bond trading. This paper focuses on the comparison between individual and institutional bond investors, especially their returns and risks. Based on the comparison, this paper provides constructive suggestions for China’s bond market development and the bond market investor structure.
ContributorsLiu, Shaotong (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Ning (Thesis advisor) / Yan, Hong (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Based on multiple case studies of the transactions in China by private equity funds, this paper attempts to explore the value-creation capabilities of private equity funds at the transaction/deal level.

Previous studies on financial performance of PE funds utilized data collected from publically traded companies in European/US markets. By

Based on multiple case studies of the transactions in China by private equity funds, this paper attempts to explore the value-creation capabilities of private equity funds at the transaction/deal level.

Previous studies on financial performance of PE funds utilized data collected from publically traded companies in European/US markets. By measuring financial performance of both “pre- and post-transactions,” these studies researched two questions: 1) Do buyout funds create value? 2) If they do, what are the sources of value creation? In general, studies conclude that private equity/buyout funds do create value at both the deal level and investor level. They also identified four possible sources of such value creation: 1) undervaluation, 2) leverage effect, 3) better governance, and 4) operational improvement.

However, relatively little is known about the process of value creation. In this study, I attempt to fill that gap, revealing the “secret recipe” of value creation.

By carefully looking into the process of value creation, this study suggests five propositions covering capabilities at 1) deal selection/screening, 2) deal structuring, 3) operational improvement, 4) investment exit, and 5) Top Management Team (TMT). These capabilities at private equity/buyout funds are critical factors for value creation. In a thorough review of the value-creation process, this paper hopes to:

1) Share real-life experiences and lessons learned on private equity transactions in China as a developing economy.

2) Reveal the process of deal/transaction to observe measures taken place within deal/transaction for value creation.

3) Show how well-executed strategies and capabilities in deal selection/screening, deal structuring, operational improvement, and investment exit can still create value for private equity firms without financial leverage.

4) Share the experience of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) reform participated in by private equity firms in China. This could provide valuable information for policy makers in China.
ContributorsYe, Youming (Author) / Lee, Peggy (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Ning (Thesis advisor) / Wahal, Sunil (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description新世纪以来中国电影的产业化改革与探索愈发呈现良好的态势,国产院线电影也在实践中努力赢得观众和票房市场。其中类型喜剧电影,最符合商业电影规律、最顺应影视市场需求、最能获得票房收益而备受影视创投机构、制作公司青睐。本论文研究对象聚焦类型喜剧电影,通过“欢声笑语里的财富”现象,探究类型喜剧电影内部本体构成要素与外部客观促成要素的关联;以通过分析自变量与因变量因素对中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素进行实证研究,为影视创投和影视制作总结并提供可靠建议。 本论文整体结构包括:第一部分为导论,包括研究背景、目的意义,相关文献综述与文献评述和论文创新性。第二部分聚焦类型喜剧本身,从电影学范畴的电影本体出发,探究“笑”的心理、社会与文化内涵,并分析将“笑”对经济领域的延伸。第三部分以影视投资、票房为依托,从现象和数据中探寻影响类型喜剧电影的因素,为展开中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素实证研究做好理论的铺垫。第四与第五部分则基于上述理论进行实证检验,选用2013-2020年电影样本,采用多元线性回归模型研究喜剧类型对票房的吸引力,以及不同种类型喜剧对电影票房的提振效果作用差异。研究发现喜剧电影对电影票房有显著的提振作用;以及研究电影的外部影响因素(续集效应)对电影票房的作用。发现续集电影有更好的票房表现,续集效应的票房提升作用在喜剧电影中表现的更加明显。 本论文研究成果最终将回归到“欢声笑语里的财富”本身;即“类型复合喜剧”对促进电影与金融产业的互动关联、实现更加可持续化发展,以及进而推动经济及文化业的发展。
ContributorsLiu, Yongqian (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Ning (Thesis advisor) / Dong, Xiaodan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description在目前中国资本市场中,风险资本偏好于科创企业,而科创企业的重要创新产出——专利,是衡量其创新程度的重要指标。本文以上市公司和非上市公司样本为研究标的,分别探讨其专利数量、质量对股权融资的影响效应。从理论意义来看,目前关于专利与企业价值关系的研究,大多集中在上市公司。此外,对上市公司的研究层面及内容,大多关注一个维度,专利要素内容相对单一。另外,既有研究对专利与企业绩效之间关系研究较多,对于专利与融资估值之间关系的关注较少。为此,本文从非上市科创企业入手,从专利的数量、质量两个维度对其股权融资进行整体分析、研究。从实践意义来看,本文通过收集非上市公司、科创板上市公司的专利、财务等数据,进行分析,得出专利数量、质量与融资估值之间的关系,从而对预备在科创板上市的公司提供可借鉴的内容。 基于此,本文以综合质性研究和定量实证研究两种研究方法,对专利数量、质量与创新型企业的融资估值关系进行了分析。本文以3家非上市公司和3家上市公司为研究标的,取得初步结论后,以非上市公司和上市公司数据为样本,进行对比分析,得出主要研究结论如下: 1、无论是上市公司还是非上市公司,专利数量与融资估值之间存在着显著的倒U型关系。 2、无论是上市公司还是非上市公司,专利质量与融资估值之间存在着显著的正相关关系。 3、将上市公司与非上市公司进行对比,在专利数量与融资估值的关系方面,上市公司的专利数量的临界值比非上市公司更高,且在跨过临界值之后,专利数量的增减对于非上市公司融资估值的影响会比上市公司的影响更大。 4、从企业IPO前的专利情况与企业IPO后第一年的融资估值之间的关系来看,企业IPO前的专利数量与专利质量与融资估值之间都存在显著的正相关的关系。说明对于科技创新能力较强的企业来说,在企业IPO前的积累阶段,企业的专利数量越多,专利质量越高,对于企业的融资估值的促进作用越显著。
ContributorsWang, Hua (Author) / Shao, Benjamin (Thesis advisor) / Chang, Eric (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Kevin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description随着国外企业社会责任思潮的涌入,中国企业整体社会责任履行得到了不断地提升,但在企业发展过程中,诸如产品质量问题、环境污染、劳资冲突等社会责任事件仍层出不穷。为了推动企业社会责任在中国的发展,中国政府和社会组织陆续出台多个纲要和文件推动了我国企业社会责任的建设。自党的十八大以来,中国国家领导人多次强调构建企业社会责任体系对于企业和社会长远发展的重要性。可以说,当下中国关于企业社会责任的探讨已经从“企业是否要履行”,转向“企业如何履行”以及“如何促进企业履行”。然而,中国上市公司履行社会责任的情况并不容乐观,根据“润灵环球”社会责任报告评级数据库显示,中国2018年披露社会责任信息的上市企业数量占比不足1/4,其中自愿披露的占比不到1/5,而从披露的质量来看,平均得分也仅为42分,较及格线还有较大的距离。针对这一研究背景,本文将媒体关注和制度环境二者同时考虑在内,构建一个系统的外部环境对企业社会责任履行影响的理论框架,并利用中国2009-2018年沪深两市A股上市企业作为研究样本,通过定量的方法考察了媒体关注和制度环境二者对企业社会责任的直接影响以及交互影响效果,实证结果显示,媒体关注和制度环境均能显著的促进企业社会责任水平,且制度环境在媒体关注和企业社会责任之间具有正向调节效应。这一结论在经过指标替换、考察内生性问题和分组回归等一系列稳健性检验后依旧成立。进一步研究结论发现,媒体关注和制度环境二者对企业社会责任的影响在不同的企业社会责任水平、不同的媒体报道类型以及不同性质企业中具有异质性。随着全媒体时代的到来和中国特色 制度背景下,本研究对如何从外部治理视角出发推进企业社会责任水平具有较强的政策启发。
ContributorsJi, Pengbin (Author) / Shao, Benjamin (Thesis advisor) / Shi, Weilei (Thesis advisor) / Jiang, Zhan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsZhong, Rujian (Author) / Zhang, John (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Ning (Thesis advisor) / Hu, Jie (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsHuang, Qianping (Author) / Shao, Benjamin (Thesis advisor) / Cheng, Shijun (Thesis advisor) / Jiang, Zhan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)