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- All Subjects: Machine learning
- All Subjects: Fault scarps
- All Subjects: Volcanic Tableland
- Genre: Academic theses

Scientific research encompasses a variety of objectives, including measurement, making predictions, identifying laws, and more. The advent of advanced measurement technologies and computational methods has largely automated the processes of big data collection and prediction. However, the discovery of laws, particularly universal ones, still heavily relies on human intellect. Even with human intelligence, complex systems present a unique challenge in discerning the laws that govern them. Even the preliminary step, system description, poses a substantial challenge. Numerous metrics have been developed, but universally applicable laws remain elusive. Due to the cognitive limitations of human comprehension, a direct understanding of big data derived from complex systems is impractical. Therefore, simplification becomes essential for identifying hidden regularities, enabling scientists to abstract observations or draw connections with existing knowledge. As a result, the concept of macrostates -- simplified, lower-dimensional representations of high-dimensional systems -- proves to be indispensable. Macrostates serve a role beyond simplification. They are integral in deciphering reusable laws for complex systems. In physics, macrostates form the foundation for constructing laws and provide building blocks for studying relationships between quantities, rather than pursuing case-by-case analysis. Therefore, the concept of macrostates facilitates the discovery of regularities across various systems. Recognizing the importance of macrostates, I propose the relational macrostate theory and a machine learning framework, MacroNet, to identify macrostates and design microstates. The relational macrostate theory defines a macrostate based on the relationships between observations, enabling the abstraction from microscopic details. In MacroNet, I propose an architecture to encode microstates into macrostates, allowing for the sampling of microstates associated with a specific macrostate. My experiments on simulated systems demonstrate the effectiveness of this theory and method in identifying macrostates such as energy. Furthermore, I apply this theory and method to a complex chemical system, analyzing oil droplets with intricate movement patterns in a Petri dish, to answer the question, ``which combinations of parameters control which behavior?'' The macrostate theory allows me to identify a two-dimensional macrostate, establish a mapping between the chemical compound and the macrostate, and decipher the relationship between oil droplet patterns and the macrostate.
ContributorsZhang, Yanbo (Author) / Walker, Sara I (Thesis advisor) / Anbar, Ariel (Committee member) / Daniels, Bryan (Committee member) / Das, Jnaneshwar (Committee member) / Davies, Paul (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)

Despite the rapid adoption of robotics and machine learning in industry, their application to scientific studies remains under-explored. Combining industry-driven advances with scientific exploration provides new perspectives and a greater understanding of the planet and its environmental processes. Focusing on rock detection, mapping, and dynamics analysis, I present technical approaches and scientific results of developing robotics and machine learning technologies for geomorphology and seismic hazard analysis. I demonstrate an interdisciplinary research direction to push the frontiers of both robotics and geosciences, with potential translational contributions to commercial applications for hazard monitoring and prospecting. To understand the effects of rocky fault scarp development on rock trait distributions, I present a data-processing pipeline that utilizes unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) and deep learning to segment densely distributed rocks in several orders of magnitude. Quantification and correlation analysis of rock trait distributions demonstrate a statistical approach for geomorphology studies. Fragile geological features such as precariously balanced rocks (PBRs) provide upper-bound ground motion constraints for hazard analysis. I develop an offboard method and onboard method as complementary to each other for PBR searching and mapping. Using deep learning, the offboard method segments PBRs in point clouds reconstructed from UAV surveys. The onboard method equips a UAV with edge-computing devices and stereo cameras, enabling onboard machine learning for real-time PBR search, detection, and mapping during surveillance. The offboard method provides an efficient solution to find PBR candidates in existing point clouds, which is useful for field reconnaissance. The onboard method emphasizes mapping individual PBRs for their complete visible surface features, such as basal contacts with pedestals–critical geometry to analyze fragility. After PBRs are mapped, I investigate PBR dynamics by building a virtual shake robot (VSR) that simulates ground motions to test PBR overturning. The VSR demonstrates that ground motion directions and niches are important factors determining PBR fragility, which were rarely considered in previous studies. The VSR also enables PBR large-displacement studies by tracking a toppled-PBR trajectory, presenting novel methods of rockfall hazard zoning. I build a real mini shake robot providing a reverse method to validate simulation experiments in the VSR.
ContributorsChen, Zhiang (Author) / Arrowsmith, Ramon (Thesis advisor) / Das, Jnaneshwar (Thesis advisor) / Bell, James (Committee member) / Berman, Spring (Committee member) / Christensen, Philip (Committee member) / Whipple, Kelin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)

Rock traits (grain size, shape, orientation) are fundamental indicators of geologic processes including geomorphology and active tectonics. Fault zone evolution, fault slip rates, and earthquake timing are informed by examinations of discontinuities in the displacements of the Earth surface at fault scarps. Fault scarps indicate the structure of fault zones fans, relay ramps, and double faults, as well as the surface process response to the deformation and can thus indicate the activity of the fault zone and its potential hazard. “Rocky” fault scarps are unusual because they share characteristics of bedrock and alluvial fault scarps. The Volcanic Tablelands in Bishop, CA offer a natural laboratory with an array of rocky fault scarps. Machine learning mask-Region Convolutional Neural Network segments an orthophoto to identify individual particles along a specific rocky fault scarp. The resulting rock traits for thousands of particles along the scarp are used to develop conceptual models for rocky scarp geomorphology and evolution. In addition to rocky scarp classification, these tools may be useful in many sedimentary and volcanological applications for particle mapping and characterization.
ContributorsScott, Tyler (Author) / Arrowsmith, Ramon (Thesis advisor) / Das, Jnaneshwar (Committee member) / DeVecchio, Duane (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)