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Description政府引导基金自诞生至今,始终处于管理模式的摸索状态。本文试图从公司治理的角度分析不同利益方(政府、社会出资人以及管理人)之间的博弈关系以及其对引导基金投资效果的影响。政府引导基金的注册数量和规模在过去十几年中得到了快速显著的发展。从引导基金设立的政府行政层级来看,地县级政府设立基金是引导基金出资中的绝对主力。本文拟深入研究地县级政府引导基金的运作模式,尝试探索其治理结构与投资效果。 目前,引导基金的运作模式仍然处于摸索阶段,论文试图对引导基金若干个指标做出客观比较,分析政府参与度对资金投资效果的影响,希望对未来引导基金的设立模式选择提供有力的理论基础。为实现较好的研究效果,论文选择了某经济发达的地级市的样本进行了研究,该市的政府引导私募股权基金发展程度相对较高,市本级以及区县级均有较多的政府引导私募股权基金,该市范围政府引导私募股权基金可研究价值相对较高。在样本选择方面,论文将采样某市及所辖区县政府直接出资基金十六只,针对其参与设立的直投基金以及直接投资项目进行分析。同时,论文还总正反两个方面选择了两个经典案例进行详细剖析。 论文发现,市场化运作程度越低,引导基金所期望实现的目标效果相对不理想,投资效果越差。政府在决策中所占比重越高,形成的投资决策对于项目成长性判断的准确度越差,对地方经济社会发展的综合贡献越低。然而,纯粹的商业运作,无法实现引导基金所承担的社会使命。对不同的资金诉求导致的投资要求在不同的决策层级实现,通过政府或其代表出资方对管理方以协议约束的方式保证其投资行为而不再进行对单个项目进行价值判断,是有效实现引导诉求和专业判断兼顾的引导基金管理模式。 论文建议,在经济相对发达地区,政府引导基金应该积极采用市场化运作模式,在现有可选择的模式中,政府引导基金以LP身份且获取咨询委角色,从外部监察约束角度对基金进行投资引导的模式为最佳选择。
ContributorsWu, Di (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Wu, Fei (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, David (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description投资实践中,股债等大类资产配置问题是实务从业者面临的核心问题之一。中国的宏观政策决策缺乏良好运作的预期引导机制,宏观政策往往并不能被市场在博弈中充分预期。从历史实践看,中国经济的宏观周期与政策的逆周期调节经常出现错位,政策滞后与超调现象经常出现。从股票市场的过往历程来看,在2007年之前,中国股市走势与宏观经济波动的关联度不大,那时市场规模还不大,并且市场交易以散户投资者为主,驱动股市涨跌的核心因素是投资者的博弈情绪。而在2007年的一轮牛市之后,中国股市中机构投资者的资金规模逐步扩大,总市值也达到80多万亿元,基本面研究的重要性凸显。然而,以公募基金经理为代表的实践者在相对业绩比较基准的业绩考核体系下,更加关注自下而上的个股选择,相对忽视自上而下的宏观及配置研究。此外,长期以来,股票基金经理与债券基金经理的投资方法体系与关注点不一样。相比之下,海外投资机构在20多年以前已经建立起非常成熟的资产配置体系,而国内这方面的研究与实践在近几年才刚起步。 本文通过胜率与赔率的视角,实证研究发现。在可投资股票指数层面,单独的估值与成长信号的平均表现相对于沪深300指数或者中证500指数并不占有明显优势,因此,策略配置的构建需要进行信号遴选与组合。此外,研究还表明,成长因子相对于估值因子在A股指数层面的表现更占优。权益资产指数层面对因子信号的有效性进行分析。研究发现,宏观因子结合估值因子的权益资产配置体系相对于传统的基于资产的配置体系效果更好,前者构建的投资策略可以跑赢中证500指数与沪深300指数,是指数层面实现收益增强的潜在手段,其收益增益主要来源于宏观因子对大类资产相对关系的预测正确率的明显提升。另一方面,估值因子在截面上的因子溢价性价比较高,通过指数产品之间的动态配置转换可以实现部分增强效果。
ContributorsMei, Dongya (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Yan, Hong (Thesis advisor) / Zhang, Harold (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsHe, Xiuqin (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Wu, Fei (Thesis advisor) / Zhang, Zhen (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description中资美元城投债近年来蓬勃发展,潜力巨大,成为市场的新亮点。但是因为其诸多特殊性,目前关于中资美元城投债的实证研究几乎是空白。本文选取2018年初至2021年4月底发行的所有中资美元城投债为样本,通过多元线性回归的方法,构建中资美元城投债一级市场发行定价模型,用实证方法来系统分析中资美元城投债发行信用利差的影响因素。在信用风险溢价方面,本研究首先从当地政府对城投公司的支持能力和支持意愿两个维度,创新地选择发行人应收账款政府占比等代理变量,以考察地方政府对城投债隐形担保问题。实证研究发现:(1)发行人所在地区的的人均GDP/全国人均GDP与发行利差显著负相关。(2)发行人所在地区的政府负债率与发行利差显著正相关。(3)发行人应收账款政府占比与中资美元城投债发行利差显著正相关。这些发现对于厘清中资美元城投债发行定价与当地政府的关系提供启发。 其次,本研究首次用实证的方法检验了中资美元城投债信用评级与发行信用利差的相关性。研究表明:(1)发行人国内信用评级与中资美元城投债的发行利差的负相关性在统计意义上并不显著。(2)国际债项评级、发行人国际评级与发行利差的负相关性非常显著。中国国内的信用评级体系还有待完善,国内信用评级的市场公信力有待提升。 另外,在其他宏观风险溢价方面,本研究创新地引入国家风险溢价变量,并以主权债券收益率差作为其代理变量。实证研究发现:(1)国家风险溢价与中资美元城投债发行利差的正相关性非常显著。(2)在同一模型中,目前市场通常采用的发行日美元指数、发行日人民币兑美元中间价与中资美元城投债发行利差的相关性并不显著。这表明,在中资美元城投债这一特殊的跨境债券产品发行定价中,国家风险溢价变量能够更精准、更全面地捕捉不同国家的汇率因素,不同国家经济、政治等宏观风险因素。 本研究在中资美元城投债发行定价模型构建、研究视角切入和变量选择等方面都有创新和突破,并对中资美元城投债市场的良性发展具有实践指导意义。
ContributorsDeng, Lingli (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Yan, Hong (Thesis advisor) / Kan, Rui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description随着中国双碳目标的问世和ESG投资的崛起,绿色低碳经济和可持续发展逐步推进。企业环境绩效越来越重要,但其影响因素是什么?为了回答这一问题,本文结合利益相关者理论、资源依赖理论、高层梯队理论和深口袋理论,以 2015-2019 年沪深 300 成份股企业为研究对象,实证分析了前十大股东持股比例、独立董事比例、CEO 学历、CEO任职经历、四大会计事务所审计以及分析师关注度对企业环境绩效影响的影响。研究结果表明:当企业由四大会计事务所审计、具有高分析师关注度、CEO有重污染行业的任职经历时,其环境绩效更好。进一步研究表明外部治理会吸收其他因素对企业环境绩效的影响。本文为CEO 背景及外部治理因素和企业ESG的关系提供了新证据,帮助投资者和监管层理解企业环境绩效。
ContributorsLim, Kah Ghee (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Chiu, Tzu-Kuan (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description作者采访了六家财产保险公司的16位与车险电销的崛起和发展密切相关的高级管理人员(含个别实际负责电销运营的中层管理人员),力图寻找和发现2000年到2016年期间车险电销在中国财产保险市场的崛起与发展、某些保险公司依托车险电销的创新战略实现突破性发展、超越竞争对手的主要原因和背后因素。通过一对一访谈和公开资料收集,还原了车险电销作为一个新的销售渠道在中国财险市场崛起和发展的演进过程,不同财险公司对于车险电销的认知、判断、战略决策与定位、战略执行与创新变革以及最终的结果等巨大差异的体现,包括对于商业模式创新的意识、认知和实际战略的选择,采用先行还是跟随的市场策略。从本案例16位高层管理人员的访谈内容可以看到,公司决策机制的差异在公司作为一个组织面对商业模式创新战略的选择时是一个关键因素,而善于学习、思维敏锐、危机意识强烈的领导者是公司能够选择与定位业务创新战略的催化剂和决定性因素,作者称之为公司的实际控制人,某些时候也可以叫战略家。他们敢于试验和投入,力争主导制定发展标准,在发展过程中,不断否定自我和改革创新,在不同阶段选择和引进合适的人才、培养适应新战略的知识与能力、建立新的管理架构和全新的绩效激励制度,这一切都是建立在持续稳定的领导力基础之上,以使新的战略决策和定位得以强力推进、反馈改进、开花结果。本案例中不同所有制公司所呈现的个人(领导者)对于战略的作用是不言而喻的,也极具特色。 大量的文献表明,在制造业中的成熟企业往往很难认知和应对激进的技术变革和商业模式的创新,它们的组织惯性阻碍其做出改变和创新,在战略决策上无法抛弃原有的业务模式和组织架构,那么,在中国的金融(保险)服务业,面对产品或渠道的商业模式变革,是否也存在同样的困境?
ContributorsChen, Chun (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Yu, Xiaoyun (Thesis advisor) / Jia, Nan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description近些年来,我国资产管理行业发展势头迅猛,短短十余年时间,资产管理资金规模便由人民币十万亿余元扩大至百万亿之巨。资产管理行业覆盖范围广阔,几乎渗透了所有金融子行业。在庞大的资金规模下,很多资管机构及管理人并没有足够的专业管理能力,而是依赖政策红利、忽视风险匹配与防范,“人为”埋下许多投资风险隐患。随着2018年《资管新规》的推出,刚性兑付被打破,大量资管产品相继因所投标的违约而产生逾期兑付现象,市场上俗称“暴雷”。“暴雷”产品中不乏知名金融机构身影,且资管产品中涉及管理人未尽勤勉尽职问题,甚至存在直接违反资管合同约定进行投资的诉争案件数目也呈指数增长,即使头部机构也难逃未尽勤勉尽职而担责的境地。目前,我国的相关法律条款对管理人勤勉尽职范围、标准及责任的认定并没有非常明确,相应的惩罚机制也不够严厉。这种情况下,资管合约对管理人相关权利义务的具体约定就变得十分重要。资管合约内容中若对资产管理人投资管理行为及违约责任有明晰的约定,更能杜绝资产管理人不当投资行为,相比同类其它产品,也可以降低资管产品的不当投资风险。本文通过将资管合约条款数据化后,运用数据分析的方法分析固收类资管产品中法律责任规定的明确程度(可追责性)与相应产品的投资风险的关系,以便更好地提示投资者如何进行有效的资产配置,帮助监管者更好地对资管行业进行良性引导与约束,辅助资管机构更好地做好内控、风控及投资流程管理,减少因管理人的不当行为而导致超出正常市场投资风险事件发生的概率,最终实现更好地保护投资者利益及推动社会资产的良性配置的目标。研究发现:(1)管理人权限受约束程度越大,产品投资风险越小;(2)信息披露约定要求越高,产品投资风险越小;(3)投资限制约定越严格,产品投资风险越小;(4)风险披露约定越充分,产品投资风险越小;(5)关联交易限制约定越严格,产品投资风险越小。同时,部分证据还支持:(6) 反映对管理权限制的产品持有人大会权力越大,产品投资风险越小;(7)逾期兑付情况越严重,产品投资风险越大;(8)产品成立时间越早,产品投资风险越大。此外,虽然数据并未直接支持以下研究假设,但是仍有证据表明,在特定条件下这些假设也有成立可能性,具体结论还需进一步研究确立:(9)机构背景风险等级越高,产品投资风险越大;(10)投资团队实力越强,产品投资风险越低;(11)违约责任越明确,产品投资风险越低。 这些研究结果显示,若资管产品合同约定更为明确、更具有可追责性、资产管理机构的内部控制越严谨高效,管理人能尽到勤勉尽职义务,预期风险及收益更为匹配,则固收类资管产品的投资风险相对较低、收益情况更符合预期。
ContributorsOuyang, Qun (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Yan, Hong (Thesis advisor) / Kan, Rui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsChen, Min (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Li, Feng (Thesis advisor) / Cheng, Shijun (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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This article first reviews the development process and research status of ESG, pointing out that there has been less attention paid to the impact of executive teams on corporate ESG performance in existing studies, while studying the impact of executive team background on corporate ESG performance has important theoretical and

This article first reviews the development process and research status of ESG, pointing out that there has been less attention paid to the impact of executive teams on corporate ESG performance in existing studies, while studying the impact of executive team background on corporate ESG performance has important theoretical and practical significance. This article starts from two aspects: the overseas background and academic background of the executive team, and uses empirical research methods to examine the impact of the background characteristics of the executive team on the ESG performance of enterprises.This study found that firstly, the larger the proportion of executive members with overseas backgrounds, the better the ESG performance of a company. The research results indicate that overseas experience and experience can influence executive behavior and make decisions that are beneficial for the ESG performance of the company. Secondly, the larger the proportion of executive members with academic backgrounds, the better the ESG performance of the enterprise. The research results indicate that the academic background of the executive team can significantly improve their learning and information collection abilities, thereby making them more proficient in ESG related decision-making, and thus having a positive promoting effect on the ESG performance of the enterprise. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the impact of overseas and academic backgrounds of executive teams on ESG performance is more pronounced in state- ii owned enterprises, when the external legal environment of the enterprise is more perfect, and when the proportion of executive shareholding is higher. Further research has found that the overseas background of the board of directors also has a positive impact on the ESG performance of enterprises. In addition, this study found that the improvement of ESG performance by the overseas background of the executive team is mainly reflected in the two dimensions of ESG society and governance, while the improvement of ESG performance by the academic background of the executive team is mainly reflected in the two dimensions of ESG environment and society. This article starts with the latest business philosophy of enterprise ESG performance, examining the impact of executive team background characteristics on enterprise ESG performance, enriching research on the economic consequences of executive team background characteristics, and expanding research on the influencing factors of enterprise ESG performance. The research conclusions of this article contribute to a deeper understanding and understanding of the scenarios in which background characteristics of executive teams may play a role, and also contribute to a deeper analysis of the possible influencing factors of ESG performance in enterprises. The research conclusions of this article have certain practical guiding significance for the construction of ESG system and the formation of executive teams in Chinese listed companies.
ContributorsHe, Jing (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Cheng, Shijun (Thesis advisor) / Pei, Buck (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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This paper first introduces the institutional background of the study. In the context of the transition from the approval system to the registration system in China, the gatekeeper role of IPO enterprises has changed from the supervisor to the market, which puts forward higher requirements for intermediary institutions such as

This paper first introduces the institutional background of the study. In the context of the transition from the approval system to the registration system in China, the gatekeeper role of IPO enterprises has changed from the supervisor to the market, which puts forward higher requirements for intermediary institutions such as securities companies. As an important market medium connecting IPO enterprises and external investors, securities companies are known as the "gatekeepers" of the capital market. They can authenticate and supervise the IPO enterprises they underwrite and/or sponsor. The impact of securities companies on the IPO process has also been a hot topic in the academic and practical circles. This paper examines the impact of internal control of securities companies on IPO companies.This study finds that the higher the level of internal control of securities companies, the higher the quality of IPO companies, including higher IPO information disclosure quality, lower IPO underpricing and higher post IPO performance. The mechanism test indicates that the internal control of securities companies can reduce employees' self-interest behavior and improving employees' work efficiency. Secondly, the impact is stronger in non-state-owned enterprises, when the reputation of securities companies is lower, and the external legal environment is lower. In addition, this study finds the compliance degree of internal control and the reliability of reporting of securities firms are important dimensions that affect the quality of IPO enterprises. iv The conclusions of this study have some practical significance. First, this study finds that the level of internal control of securities firms has an important impact on the quality of IPO enterprises. Therefore, improving the internal control of China's securities companies is an important work that needs to be grasped for a long time. The research conclusions of this paper have important research significance for further optimizing the gatekeeper responsibilities of securities companies and improving the efficiency of resource allocation in the IPO market under the background of the transition from the approval system to the registration system in China's IPO market.
ContributorsZhang, Hongzhe (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Zhang, Anmin (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Yimin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)