Matching Items (11)
Description随着经营中赊销占比的增加,对企业的营运资本管理能力要求更高,而如何优化营运资金项目,特别是其中的应收账款和存货等流动资产对企业意义重大。混凝土企业的存货占比很小,应收账款在企业流动性资金中的占比极高,影响营运资本周转期的主要因素为应收账款周转期,如何有效提高营运资本效率,特别是应收账款回收效率,是混凝土企业在市场竞争中求得生存的核心之一。以占用营运资金形成应收帐款促进销售会给企业带来一定的优势,也会为企业带来一定的风险,应收账款增加带来的营运资本管理是财务管理的重要事实,需要准确监视和适当管理,企业必须了解应收帐款的规模、性质以及时限,并深入分析讨论这些因素会对企业的绩效带来的潜在影响,合理发挥应收帐款的作用,确保企业营运资本处于正常、合理水平。本文首先以营运资本周转期为核心被解释变量,查看影响不同企业营运资本周转期差异的原因,并基于对这些原因的分析,建立混凝土企业营运资本风险,特别是应收账款风险的预警机制,其次,探讨营运资本周转期与企业绩效的相关关系,验证不同企业的营运资本周转期差异是否会影响企业绩效,在数据支撑的范围内,对影响大小进行一定程度的探讨,为江苏省混凝土行业公司提供一定的经营指导意见,同时为不同企业探索营运资本周转期与企业绩效的相关关系提供参考。 本文研究发现对于江苏省内不同混凝土企业,营运资本周转期与企业绩效正相关且显著,这表明混凝土企业的贸易特征非常明显,企业绩效更多的来自于降低营运资本效率。同时,研究还发现,企业站点数量、周边站点数量、银行承兑汇票结算、其他结算方式、激励机制、客户付款流程、分类催收、第三方催收、竞争形势、高管交际能力这些变量与营运资本周转期密切相关,这些维度分别属于企业规模、企业竞争、资金结算、激励机制、客户信息、账款催收、高管特征等大类,表明提升混凝土企业营运资本周转效率的方式方法多样,值得行业内企业家们总结与探索。
ContributorsTang, Wenfeng (Author) / Huang, Xiaochuan (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Thesis advisor) / Yan, Hong (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description随着中国双碳目标的问世和ESG投资的崛起,绿色低碳经济和可持续发展逐步推进。企业环境绩效越来越重要,但其影响因素是什么?为了回答这一问题,本文结合利益相关者理论、资源依赖理论、高层梯队理论和深口袋理论,以 2015-2019 年沪深 300 成份股企业为研究对象,实证分析了前十大股东持股比例、独立董事比例、CEO 学历、CEO任职经历、四大会计事务所审计以及分析师关注度对企业环境绩效影响的影响。研究结果表明:当企业由四大会计事务所审计、具有高分析师关注度、CEO有重污染行业的任职经历时,其环境绩效更好。进一步研究表明外部治理会吸收其他因素对企业环境绩效的影响。本文为CEO 背景及外部治理因素和企业ESG的关系提供了新证据,帮助投资者和监管层理解企业环境绩效。
ContributorsLim, Kah Ghee (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Chiu, Tzu-Kuan (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description资本市场开放是新兴市场国家经济发展和金融体系完善的重要举措,本研究探讨了中国沪深港通制度如何影响企业研发支出,以及在高管持股、境内机构持股、契约环境和行业竞争程度的不同水平下,沪深港通制度对企业创新投入影响效果的差异。基于DID双重差分模型和中国A股上市公司数据,本研究验证了沪深港通制度的实施能有效提高企业的研发支出水平,并且在控制企业资产规模和收入规模后,该正向影响依然显著。另外,对于高管持股比例较高、境内机构持股比例较低、契约环境水平较高和行业竞争程度较弱的企业,其研发支出受沪深港通制度的提升激励作用更强。因为高管持股比例高,企业内部管理者能获得更多的创新收益,创新意愿将更强。契约环境水平越高意味着创新资源越充足,公平竞争的市场环境越有效,也会激发企业的创新行为。行业竞争程度较弱的企业,沪深港通制度的引入能激励企业打造长期竞争优势,缓解由缺乏外部竞争而导致的创新动力不足。另外,本研究还进一步分析了由调节变量交互产生的双重调节效应。发现高管持股水平与契约环境水平正向调节沪深港通的积极作用,而与市场竞争程度负向调节。高管持股水平与境内金融机构持股、契约环境水平与行业竞争程度均正向调节沪深港通的积极作用。最重要的是,契约环境是其中最关键的影响因素,良好的契约环境水平有助于强化股权激励、金融机构持股以及市场竞争的作用。 总体来看,沪深港通制度引入了较为成熟的境外投资者,提高了监督作用的同时扩散了鼓励创新的经营理念,能有效缓解企业创新面临的融资约束、信息不对称、创新认知和意愿不足的问题,从而激励企业增加创新投入。本研究验证了沪深港通制度对企业研发支出的正向影响,并且分析了多种内外部情境因素下该影响的差异性。丰富了资本市场开放对企业微观行为影响与机制,一定程度拓展了资本市场开放与企业创新等研究的理论边界。
ContributorsXie, Mingru (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Thesis advisor) / Shi, Weilei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description在世界经济周期当中,货币及信贷政策是各国政府调节经济周期的主要手段,但宽松的货币及信贷环境不仅仅会体现在GDP生产和交易过程中,也会带来二手的资产市场价格变动,进而对国家的经济,资产市场等产生长远的影响。当前疫情之下,美国采取极度宽松的货币政策,而中国资产价格经过过去30年的发展,已经处在高位,如何控制货币信贷政策和资产价格的关系是政策研究重点。本文引入信贷脉冲(Credit impulse)、利率、房地产价格增速作为变量,采用VAR模型评估中国的信贷脉冲对于中国房地产价格增速的影响,发现信贷脉冲的冲击在当期不会对房地产价格增速造成很大影响,但在第二期开始对房地产价格增速产生明显的正向作用,然后从第三期开始效果减弱,但是持续时间也比较长,即信贷脉冲可以作为房价预测的6-12个月的领先指标。而对分能级的一二三线城市的研究来看,一线城市房价增速受到信贷脉冲的影响程度明显强于二线城市,二线城市强于三线城市;而从脉冲响应的时间滞后性来看也是一线城市快于二线城市,二线城市快于三线城市。 本文引入房地产价格增速、信贷脉冲、利率、收入因素、城市化作为变量采用面板模型分析了中国信贷脉冲对各类城市商品住房平均销售价格增速的影响。从能级来看,信贷脉冲影响的程度上,一线城市强于二线城市,二线城市强于三线城市;从区位来看,信贷脉冲对东部地区价格影响显著,中部和西部影响较弱。 本文从一个新的视角提出了一个预测中国房地产价格的走势的宏观模型,并提供了实证检验,可为中国的投资者提供投资判断依据。
ContributorsGuo, Hongzhi (Author) / Huang, Xiaochuan (Thesis advisor) / Yan, Hong (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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In recent years, with the increasing awareness of sustainable development, the ESG performance of enterprises has gradually attracted extensive attention from investors, and has a continuous impact on the long-term stable operation of enterprises. In the new stage of development, whether ESG performance can reduce the cost of corporate debt

In recent years, with the increasing awareness of sustainable development, the ESG performance of enterprises has gradually attracted extensive attention from investors, and has a continuous impact on the long-term stable operation of enterprises. In the new stage of development, whether ESG performance can reduce the cost of corporate debt financing deserves further study. This paper takes domestic A-share listed non-financial companies with ESG ratings from 2011 to 2021 as samples to empirically study the impact of domestic corporate ESG performance on corporate debt financing costs. The empirical results show that: First, the improvement of ESG performance can effectively reduce the cost of corporate debt financing. Second, the moderating variable analysis shows that corporate transparency, CEO's academic background, and whether the company is in a recession period all have a positive moderating effect on the negative relationship between ESG performance and debt financing costs. However, the moderating effect of internal control and CEO's overseas study background on the relationship between ESG performance and debt financing cost is not significant. The innovation of this paper is that CEO characteristics (whether the CEO has overseas study background and academic background) are innovatively introduced as moderating variables, and further analysis is carried out to further analyze whether CEO characteristics play a moderating role in the relationship between ESG and debt financing costs.Key words: ESG, Corporate Debt Financing Costs, Internal Control , Corporate Transparency , CEO Characteristics
ContributorsAi, Qing (Author) / Zhu, David (Thesis advisor) / Chiu, Tzu-Kuan (Thesis advisor) / Liu, Peng (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description随着市场环境的日趋激烈,并购已经成为了一种扩大自身规模,增强核心竞争力,实现战略发展目标的重要方式,近年来我国企业之间的并购活动不断增多,形式也逐渐多样,无论是采用横向或纵向,还是多元化的并购,其最终目的都是通过有效的并购行为推动企业快速发展。但由于并购活动十分复杂,一直以来理论界和实务界都关心这样一个问题:企业进行并购究竟是出于何种考虑?最自然的回答便是纷繁复杂的并购活动背后企业真实的并购动机是出于企业自身价值提升:从宏观上讲,公司并购是对社会资源在配置,表现为产业结构升级换代:从微观的公司个体角度讲,建立一个现代企业要求有两个完全不同的机制,即经营管理战略机制和公司交易战略机制,而上市公司的并购行为会促使其经营机制等发生改变。尽管并购这种形式已经被企业家们运用的十分熟练,但由于每个企业所处的市场环境、并购的过程、采用的手段等都有所不同,每一次并购行为都有其自身的特点,对于一些较为典型的并购案例其并购经验值得其他的企业进行参考。 本文采用案例分析的模式,首先阐述了并购和品牌价值的概念,并介绍了市场上常见的并购类型以及并购的内部动因和外部动因。通过研究过往案例梳理出品牌价值的影响因素以及并购对品牌认知度的影响。 其次,以美年健康并购慈铭体检为例,介绍了美年健康和慈铭体检的基本情况,梳理了美年健康并购慈铭体检的整个过程,对美年健康并购慈铭体检所处的历史时期以及并购动因进行分析。 随后,通过财务指标研究法对美年健康并购前后的绩效变化进行分析,主要通过并购前后的市场占有率、盈利能力、运营能力和成长能力四个方面的变化来入手;然后通过分析2014年-2019年美年健康EVA值的变化来分析并购前后美年健康企业价值是否实现增长。接着,通过问卷调查形式来分析消费者对于美年健康的体检业务、体检服务以及并购情况的认知情况,以此来分析消费者眼中美年健康的品牌价值在并购前后的变化。同时通过托宾Q理论来间接评价美年健康并购前后品牌价值变化。 最后,本文对美年健康并购慈铭体检这一案例做出总结。根据研究案例自身情况,分析美年健康并购慈铭体检的成功之处,归纳出其中值得借鉴的地方。有助于为其他中国拟通过并购实现品牌价值飞跃的企业提供参考。
ContributorsMiao, Hong (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Chiu, Tzu-Kuan (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description2021年10月24日,中共中央、国务院印发《关于全面准确全面贯彻新发展理念做好碳达峰碳中和工作的意见》,再次对碳达峰碳中和做出战略部署。意见中重点指出,到2030年单位国内生产总值能耗大幅下降;与2005年相比,单位GDP的二氧化碳排放量下降了65%以上;非化石能源消费比例达到25%左右。11月7日,中共中央、国务院发布关于深入打好污染防治攻坚战的意见。其中提到,坚决遏制高耗能、高排放项目盲目发展。2020年第七十五届联合国大会上,我国向世界郑重承诺:力争在2030年前实现碳达峰,努力争取在2060年前实现碳中和。 实现碳达峰、碳中和目标,意味着我国在产业结构、能源结构、投资结构、生活方式等方面都将发生深刻转变。服务好碳达峰、碳中和的战略部署,是未来一段时期金融工作的重点之一。通过对电解铝环节能耗控制和总量控制是实现碳排放下降的重要途径之一。 目前大多研究文献集中在宏观层面的“双碳”目标趋势与热点分析,研究推导缺乏数据支撑。大多数文献以某一个因子为重点进行研究,研究具有片面性。为了有效量化通过对电解铝行业产能布局、产量调整,通过对电解铝上市企业经营数据在"双碳"目标实施前后变化的定量分析,进一步理解和分析碳达峰及碳中和对电解铝行业的影响。 量化和评估碳达峰和碳中和目标实施前后对电解铝行业的影响,本文将电解铝行业政策实施前后的政策变量作为此研究的主要自变量。同时,将电解铝上市企业的产能或产量作为因变量,将总资产、资产负债率等作为控制变量予以研究。本文选取的数据示例来自于WIND数据库和CSMAR经济金融研究数据库。 距离碳达峰及碳中和具体目标首次公布的时间短,碳达峰、碳中和工作的路线图、施工图处于建立与推进阶段,可研究的目标公布后的上市企业样本数据有限,在研究电解铝上市企业样本的基础上,本文也尝试用同样的方法研究控制组上市企业的财务数据及产能、产量数据,通过对比"双碳"目标对电解铝影响的差异,更加完整地论证碳中和及碳达峰战略对电解铝行业的影响。
ContributorsRuan, Xiaowen (Author) / Huang, Xiaochuan (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Institutional on-site visit can reflect the focus of institutional investors in a timely manner. This article starts with the short-term and long-term impacts of institutional on-site visit, using abnormal return models and factor model to study the value of institutional on-site visit. It is found that institutional on-site visit has

Institutional on-site visit can reflect the focus of institutional investors in a timely manner. This article starts with the short-term and long-term impacts of institutional on-site visit, using abnormal return models and factor model to study the value of institutional on-site visit. It is found that institutional on-site visit has certain information value in the short term, but the abnormal return is not large, and long-term abnormal returns are not obvious. Further information processing is needed in conjunction with other information to find effective investment methods. Research has found that: (1) The results of the CAPM model show that cumulative abnormal returns are significantly different from 0 during the impact window period, and the t-values are very high. The abnormal returns of the Fama French model are only significant within the two intervals of [T0-1, T0+1] and [T0+1, T0+5], indicating a certain level of significant abnormal returns within the week after the event announcement date. However, the average daily abnormal return within the interval is less than 1%, indicating that the abnormal returns are not significant. (2) During the financial reporting period, the abnormal returns were significantly negative in the 5 trading days before the research, while the abnormal returns were significantly positive in the 5 trading days after the on-site visit. On the survey day, the abnormal returns were not significant. In the non financial reporting period, the sample size accounted for 28.11%. Although abnormal returns were positive before and after the survey, their impact during the time window was not significant. (3) There were significant negative abnormal returnsii before the survey, while there were significant positive returns after the survey. (4) Institutional on-site visit cannot predict excess returns for individual stocks, and this effect is valid within 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year.
ContributorsYan, Zhao (Author) / Chen, Pei-Yu (Thesis advisor) / Li, Feng (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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At present, the photovoltaic industry has entered into the stage of affordable power generation, with power generation costs tending towards thermal power. China has also gradually cancelled various subsidy policies, and the risks faced by enterprises have changed to a certain extent. This paper aims to explore the characteristics and

At present, the photovoltaic industry has entered into the stage of affordable power generation, with power generation costs tending towards thermal power. China has also gradually cancelled various subsidy policies, and the risks faced by enterprises have changed to a certain extent. This paper aims to explore the characteristics and causes of financial crises faced by photovoltaic enterprises through horizontal and vertical comparisons, and analyze the relationship between financial crisis management capabilities and performance. By identifying the risk areas that are most likely to turn into crises and developing crisis response strategies in advance, we provide useful exploration at the practical level to enhance the competitiveness of Chinese photovoltaic enterprises.
ContributorsCheng, Zhongguang (Author) / Chen, Pei-Yu (Thesis advisor) / Cheng, Shijun (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Currently, supply chain finance takes various forms such as factoring, pledge financing, and commercial acceptance bills. It has evolved from being predominantly led by commercial banks to spontaneously emerging within the physical industrial chains. It has also gradually integrated innovations in financial technology, resulting in a flourishing landscape. It is

Currently, supply chain finance takes various forms such as factoring, pledge financing, and commercial acceptance bills. It has evolved from being predominantly led by commercial banks to spontaneously emerging within the physical industrial chains. It has also gradually integrated innovations in financial technology, resulting in a flourishing landscape. It is foreseeable that in China, where indirect financing and debt financing are currently mainstream and there are numerous manufacturing enterprises, supply chain finance will gradually replace the traditional credit model that relies primarily on the creditworthiness of the borrowing entity. This study focuses on supply chain finance within China's manufacturing industry clusters, examining its role in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the real economy. Currently, supply chain finance in China is diversified, encompassing products like factoring, inventory financing, and commercial acceptance bills. This research takes the supply chain of a Fortune Global 500 manufacturing company as a case study, analyzing transaction and supply chain finance data from hundreds of companies. The focus is on assessing the impact of supply chain finance products on transaction prices, stability for SMEs, and the cost implications for core enterprises. It also explores who ultimately bears the cost of supply chain finance and how it is transmitted along the supply chain. Through in-depth analysis, the study reveals the potential benefits of supply chain finance in promoting industry chain synergy, reducing transaction costs, and enhancing transaction efficiency. It is observed that while supply chain finance provides liquidity benefits for SMEs, it also significantly impacts the cost structure and competitiveness of core enterprises. The study also notes that in China's financial system, where commercial banks dominate, insensitivity to commodity transactions and prices may limit the depth of integration and effectiveness of supply chain finance. In summary, this research not only provides empirical support for supply chain finance within manufacturing industry clusters but also offers insights for commercial banks and policymakers on optimizing financial products and strategies.
ContributorsZhu, Nan (Author) / Guo, Hong (Thesis advisor) / Chiu, Tzu-Kuan (Thesis advisor) / Yin, Rui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)