Matching Items (34)
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ContributorsShen, Limei (Author) / Wang, Yimin (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Thesis advisor) / Hou, Kewei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description城投债是地方政府投融资平台作为发行主体发行的债券,所融资金多被投入地方政府基础设施建设或者公益性项目,拥有地方政府信用的隐性担保。城投债在一定程度上缓解了地方政府在城市发展过程中资金的短缺问题,在我国城市化进程,促进当地经济发展,引导产业转型升级等方面做出了重大贡献。 随着城投债不断发展,代表城投债信用风险的主要考量点-城投债信用利差愈发备受关注。因为无论是城投债的承销机构,还是城投债的投资机构,包括涉及到城投债风险管控的政策制定部门,都会关注到城投债信用利差,那么影响城投债信用利差的影响因素有哪些呢,这些影响因素有哪些是对城投债信用利差有显著影响呢。 本文首先对城投债相关理论概念,包括政府投融资平台、城投债概念以及相关文献综述做了介绍;并指出了之前研究的一些不足之处等问题。同时对城投债的发展概况做了简要描述并进行了相关统计;其次针对影响城投债信用风险的相关因素进行了详细的分析,主要包括宏观经济因素分析、地方政府影响因素分析、发债主体影响因素分析和债项自身影响因素分析;通过分析每一种影响因素的具体情况,假设相关因素与信用利差的关系。然后再提取二手数据通过实证验证回归分析的方法分别验证假设是否成立,找出影响城投债信用风险的主要共同影响因素,同时得出影响最为强烈的几种因素。最后根据上述分析得出的相关结论, 提出防范与降低城投债信用风险的对策和建议。 该研究一方面引导市场正视城投债信用利差的各种因素,明确我们平时认为的影响因素和理论研究得出的影响因素是否一致;继而找到影响城投债信用利差的关键因素,供城 投债承销机构及投资机构做参考,同时提示城投债风险防范应重点关注的核心问题,为防范和降低城投债风险提供重要参考。
ContributorsLi, Juhui (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Liang, Bing (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description2021年10月24日,中共中央、国务院印发《关于全面准确全面贯彻新发展理念做好碳达峰碳中和工作的意见》,再次对碳达峰碳中和做出战略部署。意见中重点指出,到2030年单位国内生产总值能耗大幅下降;与2005年相比,单位GDP的二氧化碳排放量下降了65%以上;非化石能源消费比例达到25%左右。11月7日,中共中央、国务院发布关于深入打好污染防治攻坚战的意见。其中提到,坚决遏制高耗能、高排放项目盲目发展。2020年第七十五届联合国大会上,我国向世界郑重承诺:力争在2030年前实现碳达峰,努力争取在2060年前实现碳中和。 实现碳达峰、碳中和目标,意味着我国在产业结构、能源结构、投资结构、生活方式等方面都将发生深刻转变。服务好碳达峰、碳中和的战略部署,是未来一段时期金融工作的重点之一。通过对电解铝环节能耗控制和总量控制是实现碳排放下降的重要途径之一。 目前大多研究文献集中在宏观层面的“双碳”目标趋势与热点分析,研究推导缺乏数据支撑。大多数文献以某一个因子为重点进行研究,研究具有片面性。为了有效量化通过对电解铝行业产能布局、产量调整,通过对电解铝上市企业经营数据在"双碳"目标实施前后变化的定量分析,进一步理解和分析碳达峰及碳中和对电解铝行业的影响。 量化和评估碳达峰和碳中和目标实施前后对电解铝行业的影响,本文将电解铝行业政策实施前后的政策变量作为此研究的主要自变量。同时,将电解铝上市企业的产能或产量作为因变量,将总资产、资产负债率等作为控制变量予以研究。本文选取的数据示例来自于WIND数据库和CSMAR经济金融研究数据库。 距离碳达峰及碳中和具体目标首次公布的时间短,碳达峰、碳中和工作的路线图、施工图处于建立与推进阶段,可研究的目标公布后的上市企业样本数据有限,在研究电解铝上市企业样本的基础上,本文也尝试用同样的方法研究控制组上市企业的财务数据及产能、产量数据,通过对比"双碳"目标对电解铝影响的差异,更加完整地论证碳中和及碳达峰战略对电解铝行业的影响。
ContributorsRuan, Xiaowen (Author) / Huang, Xiaochuan (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Jianfei (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description2012年,《绿色信贷指引》发布,标志着成熟的绿色信贷政策体系的开始,该政策奠定了绿色信贷的基础。在绿色信贷政策的影响下,绿色企业是否能够扩大融资规模,降低融资成本,优化融资结构,使得资金向碳中和领域投入;通过该政策,银行信贷实现对社会投资的撬动,能否发挥积极作用;在双碳目标下,现行政策在实现碳中和方面能否起到新的关键作用,尤其是在清洁能源发电等碳中和重点行业;绿色信贷政策是否可通过技术升级推动高碳企业实现低碳转型尚未可知。 为回答上述问题,本文将2012年《绿色信贷指引》的颁布作为准自然实验,以上市公司为样本,运用双重差分模型考察绿色信贷政策对企业融资活动的影响。并就产权性质、行业特征、环境规制压力以及地区发展程度等维度,探讨绿色信贷政策对相关企业融资活动影响的差异性。并结合商业银行相关分行2014-2022年对公表内贷款数据,对绿色与非绿色信贷规模以及加权利率进行对比趋势分析。 最后以上述实证结果为依据,结合商业银行绿色信贷实践,得到本文的主要发现:一是绿色激励过低,绿色属性对于企业融资成本的降低,未能够超过融资期限对融资成本的降低;二是在碳中和重点行业,绿色信贷对社会融资总量的带动能力较弱,体现银行绿色信贷与其他融资此消彼长的现象;三是绿色信贷对重污染行业长期债务规模未有显著影响,反映该企业有其他融资方式的替代,向高成本融资转移;四是重污染企业可通过技术升级实现绿色转型。 在新的双碳背景下,对现行绿色信贷政策提出相关建议:一是完善政策体系,对绿色标准进行统一,企业绿色属性在融资端应给与更高激励;二是现行政策对两高一剩行业的限制与转型起到积极作用,但在推进碳中和领域中需要提升政策适用性;三是该政策后续要在推进转型金融领域发挥更重要作用。
ContributorsZhu, Xiaozhe (Author) / Huang, Shawn (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Thesis advisor) / Liang, Bing (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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长。 在此背景下, 医疗器械企业的估值研究对投融资双方都有较大的意义。




边际和其市场容量,并对此用 12 个指标做出了定量的估计。本研究主要的数据来源是上市


般回归分析测量产品差异度与公司估值之间的关系。在得出正面的回归结果之后, 我们采



1、 “产生营收的产品唯一性水平”和“边际利润”与市值有显著相关性: 说明医疗器械

类企业确实是核心产品驱动发展的, 产品唯一性程度高(已剔除那些已逐渐被市场淘汰的

产品) 说明市场定价能力强, 边际利润率高,盈利能力强, 进而对公司估值形成正面影


2、 “”净利润“和”“互联网概念”与市值也呈现显著相关性。净利润的相关性是显而易见



3、 其他一些指标未呈现明显的相关性,有可能是因为我们的数据量太少引起的, 也



在后面进行的实证分析中, 除个别情况外,我们发现公司重磅新产品相关信息的发布

基本上对公司之后 1-30 个交易日的股价起到了较明显的推动作用。

关键词: 产品差异度 医疗器械行业 公司估值
ContributorsShen, Huifeng (Author) / Chen, Pei-Yu (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Thesis advisor) / Jiang, Zhan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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ContributorsWu, Jintao (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Li, Feng (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Given the "New Nine Measures" for capital market reform, a policy document issued by the State Council of China, the development of markets for interest rate derivatives, such as treasury futures, becomes an increasingly important task. Several shortcomings of the existing treasury futures market have been noted: including low market

Given the "New Nine Measures" for capital market reform, a policy document issued by the State Council of China, the development of markets for interest rate derivatives, such as treasury futures, becomes an increasingly important task. Several shortcomings of the existing treasury futures market have been noted: including low market liquidity, singular investor composition, restrict contract terms, and low hedging demand.

This study contributes to a better understanding of the treasury futures market by analyzing changes in China treasury futures market regulations and their impact on market liquidity of treasury futures. Found that compared with the mature market, China treasury futures market exists liquidity shortage, the trading system, market structure and the division of regulatory are factors which influence the liquidity of China treasury futures market.

This study found that reducing transaction costs for further optimization of the width and depth of China treasury futures market are not obvious by using quantitative analysis method, expanding the smallest change price can optimize the market depth, reducing transaction costs and expanding smallest change price can optimize the immediacy, volume and hosting amount. In addition, the bond market will also influence the treasury futures market, the price fluctuations and the morphology of the yield curve of bond market have significant influence on width, depth and holdings of market.

The system of China treasury futures market needs to be optimized by expanding the smallest change price and reducing transaction costs. The market structure needs to be optimized by establishing unified bond market and enriching investor structure.

These findings have significant theoretical and practical implications. The study also provides policy recommendations for the design and establishment of treasury futures market to the regulatory agencies.
ContributorsMa, Jun (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Chen, Hong (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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III-nitride InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) enable wide range of applications in solid-state lighting, full-color displays, and high-speed visible-light communication. Conventional InGaN quantum well LEDs grown on polar c-plane substrate suffer from quantum confined Stark effect due to the large internal polarization-related fields, leading to a reduced radiative recombination rate and

III-nitride InGaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs) enable wide range of applications in solid-state lighting, full-color displays, and high-speed visible-light communication. Conventional InGaN quantum well LEDs grown on polar c-plane substrate suffer from quantum confined Stark effect due to the large internal polarization-related fields, leading to a reduced radiative recombination rate and device efficiency, which limits the performance of InGaN LEDs in high-speed communication applications. To circumvent these negative effects, non-trivial-cavity designs such as flip-chip LEDs, metallic grating coated LEDs are proposed. This oral defense will show the works on the high-modulation-speed LEDs from basic ideas to applications. Fundamental principles such as rate equations for LEDs/laser diodes (LDs), plasmonic effects, Purcell effects will be briefly introduced. For applications, the modal properties of flip-chip LEDs are solved by implementing finite difference method in order to study the modulation response. The emission properties of highly polarized InGaN LEDs coated by metallic gratings are also investigated by finite difference time domain method.
ContributorsChen, Hong (Author) / Zhao, Yuji (Thesis advisor) / Yao, Yu (Committee member) / Wang, Liping (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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With the fast development of Chinese capital market, an increasing number of institutions and retail investors invest through professional managers. The key to evaluating investment manager’s skill and performance persistence largely lies in portfolio style research and attribution analysis.

The current dissertation takes advantage of a unique dataset, uncover

With the fast development of Chinese capital market, an increasing number of institutions and retail investors invest through professional managers. The key to evaluating investment manager’s skill and performance persistence largely lies in portfolio style research and attribution analysis.

The current dissertation takes advantage of a unique dataset, uncover hidden investment style and trading behavior, understanding their source of excess returns, and establishing a more comprehensive methodology for evaluating portfolio performance and manager skills.

The dissertation focuses on quantitative analysis. Highlights three most important aspects. Investment style determines the systematic returns and risks of any portfolio, and can be assessed ex-ante; Transaction can be observed and modified during the investment process; and return attribution can be implemented to evaluate portfolio (managers), ex-post. Hence, these three elements make up a comprehensive and logical investment process.

Investment style is probably the most important factor in determining portfolio returns. However, Chinese investment managers are under constant pressure to follow the market trend and shift style accordingly. Therefore, accurately identifying and predicting each manager’s investment style proves critically valuable.

In addition, transaction data probably provides the most reliable source of information in observing and evaluating an investment manager’s style and strategy, in the middle of the investment process.

Despite the efficacy of traditional return attribution methodology, there are clear limitations. The current study proposes a novel return attribution methodology, by synthesizing major portfolio strategy components, such as risk exposure adjustment, sector rotation, stock selection, altogether. Our novel methodology reveals that investment managers do not obtain much abnormal returns through risk exposure adjustment or sector rotation. Instead, Chinese investment managers seem to enjoy most of their excess returns through stock selection.

In addition, we find several interesting patterns in Chinese A-share market: 1). There is a negative relationship between asset under management (AUM) and investment performance, beyond certain AUM threshold; 2). There are limited benefits from style switching in the long run; 3). Many investment managers use CSI 300 component stocks as portfolio ballast and speculate with CSI500 and Medium-and-Small board component stocks for excess returns; 4). There is no systematic negative relationship between portfolio turnover and investment performance; despite negative relationship within certain sub-samples and sectors; 5). It is plausible to construct out-performing portfolios with style index funds and ETFs.
ContributorsZhan, Yuyin (Author) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Jiang (Thesis advisor) / Wang, Tan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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The city of Shanghai is set to become an international financial center (IFC) by 2020. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to clearly define the key characteristics of an IFC. In this study I draw from recent research on the ranking of IFCs to develop an index of these

The city of Shanghai is set to become an international financial center (IFC) by 2020. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to clearly define the key characteristics of an IFC. In this study I draw from recent research on the ranking of IFCs to develop an index of these key characteristics that can be used to assess a city’s standings as an IFC. Based on a review of prior research, I first put together a comprehensive list of the indicators that have been used to evaluate IFCs, which includes six first-level indicators and 34 second-level indicators. I then collect information on all these indicators from public sources for the following eight cities each year from 2011 to 2013: London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing and Shanghai. Next, I conduct a principal component analysis (PCA) on my data, and obtain four primary factors that contain most information of the original 34 indicators. The first factor covers 18 of the original indicators and reflects a city’s level of development in general business environment. The second factor covers 10 of the original indicators and reflects a city’s level of development in financial markets. The third factor covers three of the original indicators and reflects a city’s level of economic vitality. The fourth factor covers three of the original indicators and reflects a city’s level of the costs of living. I further calculate the composite scores for the above eight cities along these four factors, and find that these eight cities can be classified into three tiers on the basis of their scores. The first tier consists of New York and London; the second tier consists of Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris and Tokyo; and the third tier consists of Shanghai and Beijing. I also find that Shanghai has been making progress in its scores along these four factors over the last three years, especially regarding financial market development, economic vitality, and cost of living. What Shanghai needs to focus on next is to improve its business environment so that it can move up to the second tier in IFC status.
ContributorsWang, Weiren, Ph.D (Author) / Yao, David (Thesis advisor) / Gu, Bin (Thesis advisor) / Chen, Hong (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)