Purpose/Background: Children exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress have an increased risk of developing chronic illness and early death in the absence of protective factors. Many providers feel inadequately prepared to screen for and treat

Purpose/Background: Children exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress have an increased risk of developing chronic illness and early death in the absence of protective factors. Many providers feel inadequately prepared to screen for and treat ACEs. This quality improvement project, based on the Health Belief Model, investigated if providing ACEs education before a screening program is effective in improving attitudes, knowledge, and the number of completed screenings. Method: The project was conducted at a pediatric primary care practice in the southwestern United States. All providers voluntarily consented to attend four education sessions: 1) Trauma overview, 2) Trauma physiology, 3) Trauma-informed care, 4) Screening tool/referral process. An anonymous pre/post-education Likert-Scale survey was completed to assess knowledge and attitudes about ACEs and screening. The number of completed ACEs screening tools and referrals made were collected four- and eight-weeks post-implementation. Results: Data were analyzed using Intellectus Statistics SoftwareTM. There was a significant increase in ACEs knowledge from the pre-test (p= .011, ?=.05). There was not a significant change in attitudes from the pre-test (p=.066, ?=.05). However, the mean pre- to post-survey scores increased for both categories, indicating improved attitudes. Over the first four weeks, 75% of eligible children were screened and 6% were referred to an ACEs resource program. In the second four weeks, 56% of children were screened and 8.6% were referred. Discussion: A comprehensive education program for providers can improve knowledge about ACEs screening, leading to improved screening practices, early identification, and the introduction of protective resources.
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    • Incorporating Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening into Pediatric Primary Care
    Date Created
    • Trauma Informed Care
    Resource Type
  • Text
  • Collaborating institutions
    College of Nursing and Health Innovation

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