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This research lays down foundational work in the semantic reconstruction of linguistic politeness in English-to-Japanese machine translation and thereby advances semantic-based automated translation of English into other natural languages. I developed a Java project called the PoliteParser that is intended

This research lays down foundational work in the semantic reconstruction of linguistic politeness in English-to-Japanese machine translation and thereby advances semantic-based automated translation of English into other natural languages. I developed a Java project called the PoliteParser that is intended as a plug-in to existing semantic parsers to determine whether verbs in dialogue in an English corpus should be conjugated into the plain or the polite honorific form when translated into Japanese. The PoliteParser bases this decision off of semantic information about the social relationships between the speaker and the listener, the speaker's personality, and the circumstances of the utterance. Testing undergone during the course of this research demonstrates that the PoliteParser can achieve levels of accuracy 31 percentage points higher than that of statistical translation systems when integrated with a semantic parser and 54 percentage points higher when used with pre-parsed data.
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  • Conjugating Honorifics in English-to-Japanese Machine Translation
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  • Text
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