Can You See Me? Primary Care Provider Education to Satisfy the Visually impaired

Vision impairment has affected 2.2 billion people globally, with 12 million people affected in the United States; more than 700,000 Californians experience visual impairment or blindness (VI/B). Causes of VI/B can be prevented with early identification and intervention. This project

Vision impairment has affected 2.2 billion people globally, with 12 million people affected in the United States; more than 700,000 Californians experience visual impairment or blindness (VI/B). Causes of VI/B can be prevented with early identification and intervention. This project aims to identify perspectives of the VI/B, use this insight to build and improve the knowledge/skills of the primary care provider (PCP). A quantitative study, utilizing the Theory of Interpersonal Relations alongside the Star Model of Knowledge Transformation, incorporated pre-intervention questionnaires for the VI/B and the intention of pre- and post-intervention questionnaire for the PCP. After consenting, the VI/B completed the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire-18 (α = 0.87) and Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25 (α = 0.95) surveys via telephone. An interventional video discussing visual acuity and screening, legal blindness versus visually impaired, leading causes of blindness, common ophthalmic drops and their side effects, helpful hints, and resources for the visually impaired was created. Deidentified results were analyzed with descriptive analysis and Pearson correlation. Currently, 30 voluntary, consented VI/B members have completed the pre-surveys. The overall average patient satisfaction score was 46.73 with financial aspect and communication with the most positive evaluation. Unfortunately, their PCPs have not responded. The PCP questionnaire will be distributed to the ophthalmologist partner’s healthcare organization. The needs of VI/B community are poorly identified and addressed in primary care; thus, the educational video was created to address the perceived gaps. Improved provider knowledge and enhanced patient care can enhance patient satisfaction with the delivery of care.