Sequence-based web page template detection

Templates are wildly used in Web sites development. Finding the template for a given set of Web pages could be very important and useful for many applications like Web page classification and monitoring content and structure changes of Web pages.

Templates are wildly used in Web sites development. Finding the template for a given set of Web pages could be very important and useful for many applications like Web page classification and monitoring content and structure changes of Web pages. In this thesis, two novel sequence-based Web page template detection algorithms are presented. Different from tree mapping algorithms which are based on tree edit distance, sequence-based template detection algorithms operate on the Prüfer/Consolidated Prüfer sequences of trees. Since there are one-to-one correspondences between Prüfer/Consolidated Prüfer sequences and trees, sequence-based template detection algorithms identify the template by finding a common subsequence between to Prüfer/Consolidated Prüfer sequences. This subsequence should be a sequential representation of a common subtree of input trees. Experiments on real-world web pages showed that our approaches detect templates effectively and efficiently.