Does it Reinforce or Ridicule? Predicting Inferences of Endorsement vs. Subversion in Stereotype Humor

Stereotype humor is a highly prevalent but particularly divisive phenomenon, with the potential for both negative and positive social implications. While highly subjective, interpretations of stereotype humor's subtext (support/challenge of stereotype) have major implications for reactions to this type of

Stereotype humor is a highly prevalent but particularly divisive phenomenon, with the potential for both negative and positive social implications. While highly subjective, interpretations of stereotype humor's subtext (support/challenge of stereotype) have major implications for reactions to this type of humor. This experimental study (N = 104) represents a novel investigation of the effect of two facets of stereotype humor, explicitness of stereotyping and stereotype distortion, on judgments of stereotype endorsement (support) versus subversion (challenge) in memes about four different groups (Asian, Hispanic, Irish, White) and associated group stereotypes. In this completely within-subjects design, participants viewed several memes about the target groups which varied systematically by the two factors of interest and provided judgments of stereotype endorsement versus subversion, ratings of funniness, and ratings of offensiveness. Multilevel models were used to determine the effect of explicitness, distortion, and their interaction, as well as target group, on judgements of stereotype humor while accounting for nesting of responses within participants. Results showed that stereotype distortion (e.g., exaggeration) and explicit stereotyping (e.g., overtly linking group to stereotype) both significantly predicted greater ratings of subversion. Unexpectedly, stereotype distortion also predicted greater levels of offense. Interestingly, marginalized group membership (i.e., Asian, Hispanic) significantly predicted lower ratings of subversion, lower funny ratings, and higher offense ratings. Findings highlight the significant role of explicitness and distortion when considering how individuals interpret the subtext of stereotype humor. Furthermore, findings underscore the major influence of group status on judgments and social implications of this type of humor. Overall, this study contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms by which individuals interpret stereotype humor, providing valuable insights for promoting better intergroup relations and communication.


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Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2024
  • Field of study: Psychology

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  • 94 pages
Open Access

Power Dynamics and Relationship Satisfaction: Interactions Between Gender and Sexual Orientation

Power— defined as material or social resources one brings into a relationship—can influence the experiences of each partner and has implications for relationship satisfaction. Queer individuals have distinct sexual and gender identities that may influence power dynamics within their relationships,

Power— defined as material or social resources one brings into a relationship—can influence the experiences of each partner and has implications for relationship satisfaction. Queer individuals have distinct sexual and gender identities that may influence power dynamics within their relationships, yet Queer relationships have rarely been investigated. We used cross-sectional data to examine how sexual orientation and gender interact to predict experiences of power in Queer relationships, and how power experience affects relationship satisfaction. Participants (N = 196) were recruited online via Prolific. Analyses suggested that lesbians experience the most egalitarian power dynamics, followed by heterosexuals, with bisexual/pansexuals and gay men experiencing the least egalitarian power dynamics. Relationship satisfaction followed a similar trend across groups, consistent with previous work. However, no interaction was found between participant gender and sexual orientation in predicting power dynamics. Exploratory analyses revealed a possible significant association of satisfaction with power in one’s relationship and relationship satisfaction, beyond effects of overall power dynamics. We benefited from a diverse sample; however, our analyses were underpowered. Future studies should continue to examine power dynamics in Queer relationships, and the role of satisfaction with couple power differentials and gender roles in mediating these associations.


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  • Academic Year 2023-2024
  • 32 pages
Open Access

What is the Combination?: The Role of Posttraumatic Cognitions in the Relation Between PTSD and Alcohol Use in U.S. Service Members with a Reported History of Military Sexual Trauma

Active U.S. service members and veterans engage in heightened and hazardous alcohol consumption, which has negative implications when it comes to fulfilling their military duties. It is common for service members and veterans to suffer from both posttraumatic stress disorder

Active U.S. service members and veterans engage in heightened and hazardous alcohol consumption, which has negative implications when it comes to fulfilling their military duties. It is common for service members and veterans to suffer from both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and hazardous alcohol use concurrently, and it is unclear how other challenges could strengthen or weaken this relation. The current study examined the extent to which posttraumatic cognitions (PTCs)–conceptualized as thinking negatively about the world, self, and self-blame–moderated the relation between PTSD and alcohol use in service members with a history of military sexual assault (MSA). An additional exploratory analysis was conducted to see if there was a possible mediating role PTCs play in the relation between PTSD and alcohol use. The current study utilized data from a parent study that administered self-report surveys to 400 U.S. service members and veterans (50%) with a history of MSA. At the bivariate level, PTSD and PTCs were significantly associated with higher alcohol use. PTCs did not moderate the association between PTSD severity and alcohol use severity. An exploratory analysis of PTCs as a mediator of the relation between PTSD and alcohol use found a significant indirect effect of PTSD severity on alcohol use severity through higher PTCs. PTCs could be a target for cognitive-behavioral therapy treatments among those who are experiencing heavy alcohol use. Keywords: alcohol use, posttraumatic stress disorder, posttraumatic cognitions, military sexual assault, military


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  • Academic Year 2023-2024
  • 33 pages
Open Access

Helping in Times of Need Increases Dispositional Empathic Concern Over Time

Previous work suggests that lower-income individuals are more likely to engage in mutual aid as a means to manage risk, giving rise to a psychology that is other-oriented, including an empathetic disposition and a proclivity to help people in need.

Previous work suggests that lower-income individuals are more likely to engage in mutual aid as a means to manage risk, giving rise to a psychology that is other-oriented, including an empathetic disposition and a proclivity to help people in need. While no study has directly investigated whether helping in times of need increases dispositional empathic concern over time, this assumption is deep-seated among social psychologists. Employing a two-year longitudinal survey of US adults (N = 915), I show that people who experience more needs report helping others when in need a greater number of times, in turn leading to a small but positive increase in their empathetic disposition. This study also identifies the types of needs that elicit empathic concern (i.e., those that arise from unpredictable sources of risk), and shows why cultivating an empathetic disposition is likely to pay off in the long run: those who provide help are more likely to receive help during future times of need. Moreover, this study identifies the types of targets for whom providing help might cultivate an empathetic disposition: those with whom people are likely to share lower interdependence. While previous theoretical frameworks posit that empathic concern selectively directs investment towards interdependent others, providing help to non-interdependent targets might allow people to build positive interdependence with prospective risk pooling partners. Cultivating an empathetic disposition and building interdependence with prospective risk pooling partners can allow people to manage needs that arise from unpredictable sources of risk.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2023
  • Field of study: Psychology

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  • 64 pages
Open Access

The Fundamentals of Friendship: A College Course Designed to Teach Students How To Build and Maintain Healthy Friendships


I have designed a college-level course to help college-aged students build and maintain healthy friendships. Every week, students will engage in collaborative activities and learn a variety of topics related to friendship, including the benefits of friendship, barriers to friendship,

I have designed a college-level course to help college-aged students build and maintain healthy friendships. Every week, students will engage in collaborative activities and learn a variety of topics related to friendship, including the benefits of friendship, barriers to friendship, and friendship maintenance mechanisms. As part of their final project, students will demonstrate their knowledge of making and maintaining healthy friendships by completing a case study in which students will be expected to apply their learnings from class to a chosen friendship and observe how the friendship changes as a result. In order to establish the need for the course I made, I first conducted a literature review on friendship, loneliness, and factors that may contribute to young adults having difficulties making friends.


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  • Academic Year 2022-2023
Open Access

The Effects of Remote vs. In-Person Socializing on Well-Being in the COVID-19 Pandemic


Early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic introduced a change in communication norms in regard to well-being. People traversed through different forms of communication to adapt to policies and regulations that limited in-person interactions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19

Early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic introduced a change in communication norms in regard to well-being. People traversed through different forms of communication to adapt to policies and regulations that limited in-person interactions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Social interactions have been found to be an innate human need, important to one’s health and well-being. The study looked at the relationship between socializing and well-being during the state of the COVID-19 pandemic. Socializing variables consisted of remote and in-person socializing which in-person socializing was divided into two distinct categories. In-person socializing was divided into in-person safe socializing, indicating socializing that was safe from the risk of contracting the virus, and in-person unsafe socializing which indicates that socializing was at risk of contracting the virus. Additionally, the current study also investigated how age moderates this relationship between socializing and well-being. SEM analyses reported that in-person unsafe socializing has a significant positive association with well-being outcomes: anxiety and depression which indicate high levels of anxiety and depression with increased in-person unsafe socializing. The study also found remote socializing to have a significant positive association with the well-being outcome: positive affect, indicating increased levels of positive affect with increased remote socializing. Regression analyses looked at moderation by age, finding no significant interactions of age between socializing and well-being. Findings suggest the beneficial role of remote socializing and although remote socializing cannot replace in-person interactions, it serves as a supplemental resource during unpredictable events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


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  • Academic Year 2022-2023
Open Access

Why Exercise? An Intervention to Promote Healthy Activity

Physical activity has been shown to have a multitude of physical health benefits, including reduction of risk of certain illnesses and an overall improvement in physical and cognitive functioning. Current intervention techniques work to improve physical activity habits in participants

Physical activity has been shown to have a multitude of physical health benefits, including reduction of risk of certain illnesses and an overall improvement in physical and cognitive functioning. Current intervention techniques work to improve physical activity habits in participants through education about these long-term health benefits. However, most individuals living in the United States are not currently reaching ideal amounts of physical activity, suggesting that these interventions have not been entirely effective. Might an intervention that fosters intrinsic motivation via exercise enjoyment be more effective? The current study sought to compare a long-term health benefit-focused intervention to an alternative that focuses on immediate enjoyment of exercise. Participants were randomly assigned to one of these two intervention conditions. Participants reported their time spent doing physical activity and level of enjoyment of physical activity pre- and post-intervention. We found no significant differences between conditions. Frequency and enjoyment of physical activity increased post-intervention, regardless of condition. Future research should be done to correct the limitations of this study and gain a more accurate view into which factors are most important in exercise motivation.


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  • Academic Year 2021-2022
Open Access

Humor Based Coping: For Which Negative Emotions Do We Use Humor?


People use a variety of emotion regulation strategies to cope with difficult situations. Although there is research supporting humor as an effective emotion regulation strategy, less is known about what circumstances lead people to use humor and what negative emotions

People use a variety of emotion regulation strategies to cope with difficult situations. Although there is research supporting humor as an effective emotion regulation strategy, less is known about what circumstances lead people to use humor and what negative emotions humor seems to be the most helpful in mitigating. The current study aimed to determine to what extent specific negative emotions lead people to choose humor as an emotion regulation strategy. Participants wrote about a neutral situation and then selected from four card decks with different stimuli (funny, pleasant, awe-inspiring, or neutral). Participants were then randomly assigned to a negative emotion condition (sadness, embarrassment, anxiety, or anger) and wrote about a situation in which they have experienced that specific emotion. They then completed the card selection task again. We compared the number of funny cards chosen between the neutral vs negative emotion trials for each emotion. We found that card selection did not change significantly from the neutral-affect trial to the negative emotion trial across any of the negative emotions. Limitations and future directions are discussed.


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Topical Subject
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  • Academic Year 2021-2022
  • 31 pages
Open Access

Identification in Stigmatized Groups: Investigating the Role of Status Threat, Concealability, and Stereotype Endorsement


This study tested the effect of status threat on ingroup identification and examined identity concealability and stereotype endorsement as moderators of the relationship. Participants included a visible identity group (Asian men) and a concealable identity group (gay men). Participants were

This study tested the effect of status threat on ingroup identification and examined identity concealability and stereotype endorsement as moderators of the relationship. Participants included a visible identity group (Asian men) and a concealable identity group (gay men). Participants were randomized into either a status threat condition, in which they read a vignette that reminded them of a negative stereotype about the target group and discussed positive stereotypes of the group as well, or a control condition that discussed positive stereotypes only. Participants then responded to a measure of ingroup identification and a measure of stereotype endorsement. A significant main effect of status threat on ingroup identification was found, such that participants in the status threat condition showed lower ingroup identification. The interaction of condition and concealability was not significant. The interaction of condition and stereotype endorsement was marginally significant, such that the main effect shows up stronger for those lower on stereotype endorsement. The main effect is interpreted as a potential protective strategy for self-esteem. The stereotype threat interaction is interpreted as a difference in the way that those who do and do not endorse the stereotype view the legitimacy of the status threat.


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Embargo Release Date
Resource Type
  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2020-2021
  • 31 pages

The Effect Of Discrete Positive Emotions On Attentional Focus and Creativity


Both attentional focus and creativity have been shown to differ depending on the emotional state one is experiencing. We hypothesize that different positive emotions, in this case amusement, enthusiasm and awe, induce characteristically different breadths of attentional focus that are

Both attentional focus and creativity have been shown to differ depending on the emotional state one is experiencing. We hypothesize that different positive emotions, in this case amusement, enthusiasm and awe, induce characteristically different breadths of attentional focus that are reflective of their respective evolutionary functions and levels of approach motivation. Ultimately we predict that high-approach motivations such as enthusiasm will result in attentional localization and an overall decrease in creativity, whereas low-approach motivations, such as amusement and awe, will result in attentional globalization and overall increased levels of creativity. In this study 105 participants read an emotion inducing story, followed by a globalization attentional focus test, the Alternate Uses Task test for creativity, and an emotion manipulation check. A 1-way ANOVA followed by several t-tests were completed to compare the effects of the different emotion conditions as a whole, and then individually against one another. The experiment was statistically underpowered, and as such there were no significant differences found either for overall emotional affects or those between emotions. However, the patterns suggested by the results of the analyses were not expected and creativity measures differed strongly from predicted results. Data collection is ongoing, and in the future problems with study underpowerment will likely be amended.


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Resource Type
  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2010-2011
  • 35 pages