Cha Ching! How Do Legislative Salaries Affect Polarization in State Legislatures?

Polarization has been a cause of political gridlock and other negative attributes within the state legislature for many years. Many legislatures complain that salaries are too low to allow an elected official position to be their full-time job. Therefore, I

Polarization has been a cause of political gridlock and other negative attributes within the state legislature for many years. Many legislatures complain that salaries are too low to allow an elected official position to be their full-time job. Therefore, I explore the theory that some candidates emerge to change the status quo, not for material incentives. Using an original state-level data set from 2007 and 2017 and OLS techniques, I hypothesize that legislative salaries negatively correlate with polarization in roll-call voting on average, ceteris paribus.


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  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: M.A., Arizona State University, 2024
  • Field of study: Political Science

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  • 36 pages
Open Access

Do Actions Speak Louder than Words? Exploring the Influence of Informal Political Discourse on Twitter During Crisis

In this dissertation I explore how informal rhetoric on Twitter may alter public opinion and political behavior during moments of crisis. I theorize that rhetoric on social media, despite being less premeditated than other speech, has the capacity to alter

In this dissertation I explore how informal rhetoric on Twitter may alter public opinion and political behavior during moments of crisis. I theorize that rhetoric on social media, despite being less premeditated than other speech, has the capacity to alter the responses of both individual citizens and politicians alike by inconspicuously shaping societal realities. To explore this phenomenon, I use Twitter API to scrape 25,169 tweets from politicians and healthcare authorities in 2020. I code all tweets by hand to explore how various rhetorical choices influenced gubernatorial policy decisions and the public’s responses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adds to the literature on political communication, public opinion, and political behavior by demonstrating the nuanced ways by which individuals may be persuaded to act. Understanding the nature of the influence of informal political discourse online has important implications for the future of social media strategy, particularly during crisis situations.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2024
  • Field of study: Political Science

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  • 503 pages
Open Access

A Computational Analysis on the Efficacy of Independent Redistricting Commissions

Gerrymandering involves the purposeful manipulation of districts in order to gain some political advantage. Because legislators have a vested interest in continuing their tenure, they can easily hijack the redistricting process each decade for their and their political party's benefit.

Gerrymandering involves the purposeful manipulation of districts in order to gain some political advantage. Because legislators have a vested interest in continuing their tenure, they can easily hijack the redistricting process each decade for their and their political party's benefit. This threatens the cornerstone of democracy: a voter’s capability to select an elected official that accurately represents their interests. Instead, gerrymandering has legislators to choose their voters. In recent years, the Supreme Court has heard challenges to state legislature-drawn districts, most recently in Allen v. Milligan for Alabama and Moore v. Harper for North Carolina. The highest court of the United States ruled that the two state maps were gerrymandered, and in coming to their decision, the 9 justices relied on a plethora of amicus briefs- one of which included the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, a computational method used to find gerrymandering. Because of how widespread gerrymandering has become on both sides of the political aisle, states have moved to create independent redistricting commissions. Qualitative research regarding the efficacy of independent commissions is present, but there is little research using the quantitative computational methods from these SCOTUS cases. As a result, my thesis will use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to answer if impartial redistricting commissions (like we have in Arizona) actually preclude unfair redistricting practices. My completed project is located here:


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  • Academic Year 2023-2024
  • 13 pages
Open Access

What is the intent behind ESA expansion in Arizona?


During the Spring 2022 semester, I had the opportunity to work as a legislative intern for the Arizona Department of Education. While working there, I came into contact with various issues revolving around public education. However, these issues were nothing

During the Spring 2022 semester, I had the opportunity to work as a legislative intern for the Arizona Department of Education. While working there, I came into contact with various issues revolving around public education. However, these issues were nothing compared to the pressing issue of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs). ESAs allow state funding to follow a student to whichever school they choose - public schooling, private schooling, or homeschooling. The most significant debate surrounding this issue is whether or not the legislation was created with the intent to help students in their educational pursuits. I noticed that many left-leaning legislators had it in their minds that right-leaning groups supported this legislation with the intent of giving private schools public money. However, right-leaning supporters claim that ESAs are intended to assist needy students when public schools cannot meet their needs. I wanted to pursue my thesis on this topic because as an intern I always wondered which group was correct.


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  • Academic Year 2022-2023
Open Access

The Design of School-Based Mental Health Services in the United States: An Analysis and Understanding of Policy Implications


This thesis first examines the history and contemporary landscape of school mental health, offering evidence for schools as an essential component of the child and adolescent system of care. It then provides contemporary discussion around the importance of design in

This thesis first examines the history and contemporary landscape of school mental health, offering evidence for schools as an essential component of the child and adolescent system of care. It then provides contemporary discussion around the importance of design in public administration, as well as analyzes the current design model of school-based mental health services, including key actors, normative assumptions, and underlying conceptual models to demonstrate the outdated presumptions that have led to a model that is not designed to adapt to the unique needs of students, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on contemporary theory of design in public administration, I argue that the largely fragmented, decentralized, bureaucratic, complex, and underdeveloped design of school-based mental health services mainly developed in the 1970s and 1980s has reached its limits and cannot adapt to new societal variables. Lastly, I discuss said limitations of this model to argue for a conceptual and practical re-design of the current system of school-based mental health systems in the United States.


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  • Academic Year 2022-2023
Open Access

Teach History as History Knew Itself: How the Focus on Presentism and Modern Politics in American History Indoctrinates Students, Divides Citizens and Erodes Our Civic Culture


History is written by the winners. The losers’ narrative ends with the downfall of their civilization. Right now, the winners writing and teaching American history are setting up the next generation for failure. Instead of honing in on the structural

History is written by the winners. The losers’ narrative ends with the downfall of their civilization. Right now, the winners writing and teaching American history are setting up the next generation for failure. Instead of honing in on the structural landmarks that made the United States a shining city upon a hill, as most victors that would look to perpetuate prosperity would do, many institutions of higher education in charge of teaching our history imbue shame and skepticism of our past into our curriculum. By focusing on the atrocities of American history from an out-of-context modern perspective, we are teaching our young adults that monumental institutions deserve to be torn down, not venerated or improved for modern times. In my research for the Center for American Institutions, I have discovered that the winners that have captured academia and American history subscribe to corrosive tenets rooted in postmodernism and subjective victimhood. Postmodern American historians believe objective truth and knowledge collected over the centuries should be held in radical skepticism because of its origins in a society formed in oppressive systems of hierarchies. After discarding much of our history because progress did not happen fast enough, contemporary American historians believe in constructing a culture that emphasizes an equitable, multiracial democracy rooted in intersectionality, an ideology which has its proponents looking to align itself on vertices of identity—both real and perceived— in search for victimhood and offense. After examining syllabi that displayed this ideology in an empirical study, I examine evidence of this ideology worming itself into history, before spilling off college campuses and into our daily lives. Amplified by social media algorithms, extremist factions on both sides of the political spectrum have been empowered by our academic institutions to abandon the pursuit of truth and our history to construct the culture as they see fit. The casualties in this war over history and culture are too numerous to count, but perhaps the most the most costly one is the Generation Z. By teaching a history that shames instead of empowers, our newest generation enters the political fray unprepared for reasonable civil discourse, interprets such discussions as personal attacks, and feeds the polarized dichotomy destroying our political culture. Beyond our politics, the teaching of history—along with factors like the decline of freedom to play and a concerted focus to aim children towards higher education among others— has resulted in a generation of fragile, anxious, and unprepared individuals that stand ready to be hoodwinked by life, instead of embracing it. My thesis seeks to not only present these problems to you, but to present a model of a solution, a way to tell our history from a winning perspective. My model syllabus strengthens debate, encourages participation in our discourse, and strives to equip students with the tools they need to thrive in America’s vibrant civic culture. America is a winning country and idea, one which deserves to be perpetuated for as long as possible: we should teach our young people to embody this idea and succeed rather than confuse them with a pessimistic portrayal.


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  • Academic Year 2022-2023
Open Access

Public Banking to Public Ownership: a neo-Chartalist Vision for a Collective Economy

A literary review of the origins of money and finance, a positive analysis of the Bank of North Dakota, and a series of normative prescriptions to functionally charter public banks in an effort to build an economy of social and ecological care.


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Resource Type
  • eng

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  • Academic Year 2020-2021
Open Access

The Influence of Billionaires in the United States: Using YouTube


Billionaires are a relatively new phenomenon, yet their influence is immense. Some billionaires hide in the shadows, and others are at the forefront of our society. With the advent of social media, the reach of billionaires at the forefront has

Billionaires are a relatively new phenomenon, yet their influence is immense. Some billionaires hide in the shadows, and others are at the forefront of our society. With the advent of social media, the reach of billionaires at the forefront has expanded exponentially. Some sport their fancy lifestyles, some preach their views on the world, and some share what it takes to become like them. With 2.562 billion monthly YouTube users and millions of views for any video with or about billionaires, the reach the highly wealthy have is immense. So many are watching, raising two questions are the viewers watching with the intent of learning how to become a billionaire themselves or are they purely focused on entertainment value? Additionally, what purpose does speaking to the masses through YouTube serve for the wealthiest individuals in the world? This paper will attempt to answer these questions and dive deeper into the billionaire YouTube landscape. There will be a discussion of the immense power of billionaires, what it means to be one, and an analysis of a select few of America’s wealthiest individuals. Hopefully, this will give a better perspective on the wealth-based social media landscape.


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  • Academic Year 2022-2023
Open Access