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DescriptionThis paper details my journey into children's publishing (as a Supply Chain major fairly unfamiliar with the industry) and culminates with my attempt at writing a picture book.
ContributorsGillmore, Lauren Emily (Author) / Brooks, Dan (Thesis director) / Gopalakrishnan, Mohan (Committee member) / Mokwa, Michael (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Department of Supply Chain Management (Contributor)
The main purpose of this thesis was to further explore factors that render particular children more susceptible to bullying and peer victimization. Race, age, and the activities that the children participated in were considered potential predictors of bullying and victimization. Self- and peer-reported data were gathered on 437 first and

The main purpose of this thesis was to further explore factors that render particular children more susceptible to bullying and peer victimization. Race, age, and the activities that the children participated in were considered potential predictors of bullying and victimization. Self- and peer-reported data were gathered on 437 first and third grade children (234 boys and 203 girls, M age = 7 years, 6 months), including the frequency of peer victimization and the extent of their engagement in gender-typed activities. Activities were identified as either masculine (e.g., watching sports on television, playing with tools) or feminine (e.g., playing house, cheerleading) according to which sex was mostly likely to engage in them. Mixed support was obtained for the hypothesis that boys are at greater risk for being targets of peer aggression. Specifically, while peer-reports of victimization supported this hypothesis, self-reports revealed no sex differences. Support was obtained for the hypotheses that engaging in cross gender-typed activities would be a stronger risk factor for peer victimization for boys than for girls.
ContributorsAboud, Lauren Ashley (Author) / Ladd, Becky (Thesis director) / Eggum, Natalie (Committee member) / Ladd, Gary (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Department of English (Contributor)
Sentencing reform has been the subject of much debate in the 21st century and has resulted in a great deal of consternation in state and federal systems of government (Chesney-Lind, 2012). The public does not view incarceration as an important topic needing attention or requiring change, which makes invisible the

Sentencing reform has been the subject of much debate in the 21st century and has resulted in a great deal of consternation in state and federal systems of government (Chesney-Lind, 2012). The public does not view incarceration as an important topic needing attention or requiring change, which makes invisible the needs and histories of prisoners as a consequence of not addressing them (Connor, 2001). Through an analysis of the spectrum of women’s crime, ranging from non-violent drug trafficking to homicide, I conclude within this paper that the criminal justice system was written as a male-oriented code of addressing crime, which has contributed to women being made into easier targets for arrest and female imprisonment at increasing rates for longer lengths of time.
In the last decade, California’s imprisoned population of women has increased by nearly 400% (Chesney-Lind, 2012). The focus of this thesis is to discuss the treatment—or lack thereof—of women within California’s criminal justice system and sentencing laws. By exploring its historical approach to two criminal actions related to women, the Three Strikes law (including non-violent drug crimes) and the absence of laws accounting for experiences of female victims of domestic violence who killed their abusers, I explore how California’s criminal code has marginalized women, and present a summary of the adverse effects brought about by the gender invisibility that is endemic within sentencing policies and practice. I also discuss recent attempted and successful reforms related to these issues, which evidence a shift toward social dialogue on sentencing aiming to address gender inequity in the sentencing code. These reforms were the result of activism; organizations, academics and individuals successfully raised awareness regarding excessive and undue sentencing of women and compelled action by the legislature.
By method of a feminist analysis of these histories, I explore these two pertinent issues in California; both are related to women who, under harsh sentencing laws, were incarcerated under the state’s male-focused legislation. Responses to the inequalities found in these laws included attempts toward both visibility for women and reform related to sentencing. I analyze the ontology of sentencing reform as it relates to activism in order to discuss the implications of further criminal code legislation, as well as the implications of the 2012 reforms in practice. Through the paper, I focus upon how women have become a target of arrest and long sentences not because they are strategically arrested to equalize their representation behind bars, but because the “tough on crime” framework in the criminal code cast a wide and fixed net that incarcerated increasingly more women following the codification of both mandatory minimums and a male-oriented approach to sentencing (Chesney-Lind et. al, 2012).
ContributorsD'Souza, Kristin Tessa (Author) / Gomez, Alan (Thesis director) / Fonow, Mary Margaret (Committee member) / Leone Hamm, Donna (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Social Transformation (Contributor)
To demonstrate the way in which Benedict Anderson's theory of imagined communities applies to Vietnamese nationalism, a work of historical fiction was written to illustrate several of Anderson's key points. These scenes were then elaborated on in the second non-fiction portion, which analyzes the history of Vietnamese nationalism and how

To demonstrate the way in which Benedict Anderson's theory of imagined communities applies to Vietnamese nationalism, a work of historical fiction was written to illustrate several of Anderson's key points. These scenes were then elaborated on in the second non-fiction portion, which analyzes the history of Vietnamese nationalism and how they are portrayed creatively in the first section to prove the accuracy and utility of applying a constructivist model to the origin of the Vietnamese nation.
ContributorsLy, Jane Truc (Author) / Lundry, Chris (Thesis director) / Le, Thuy-Kim (Committee member) / Cruse, Markus (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of International Letters and Cultures (Contributor) / School of Politics and Global Studies (Contributor) / School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies (Contributor)
This paper explores the use of different classroom management styles by teachers engaged in a study. The study was focused on testing an educational computer program called The Doctor's Cure in s southwester school district with ready access to computers. The Doctor's Cure uses interactive storytelling and transformational play to

This paper explores the use of different classroom management styles by teachers engaged in a study. The study was focused on testing an educational computer program called The Doctor's Cure in s southwester school district with ready access to computers. The Doctor's Cure uses interactive storytelling and transformational play to teach seventh graders how to write persuasively. The definitions of student centered and teacher centered management styles used in this paper are drawn from Garret (2008) which suggests that teachers are not entirely one management style or the other, but a mix of the two. This paper closely examines three teachers, two with teacher centered styles and one with a student centered style in order to see which style was most effective in promoting the learning of persuasive writing skills. The findings tentatively indicate that teacher centered management styles yield larger gains in learning compared to more student centered styles.
ContributorsAyala, Joel Nicholas (Author) / Hayes, Elisabeth (Thesis director) / Siyahhan, Sinem (Committee member) / Holmes, Jeff (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Harrington Bioengineering Program (Contributor)
Lipid microdomains play a vital role in a number of biological processes. They are often a target of diseases and viruses. Viruses in particular utilize lipid microdomains to gain entry and fuse with the host-cell membrane. Measles virus (MV) a human pathogen, spread from cell to cell by inducing fusion

Lipid microdomains play a vital role in a number of biological processes. They are often a target of diseases and viruses. Viruses in particular utilize lipid microdomains to gain entry and fuse with the host-cell membrane. Measles virus (MV) a human pathogen, spread from cell to cell by inducing fusion of cellular membranes. This causes the formation of large multinucleated cells, syncytia. It has been previously reported that lipid microdomains are essential for measles virus infection/replication. In this study we used methyl beta cyclodextrin (MBCD), a cholesterol-sequestering agent to disrupt lipid microdomains. Through transfection of Vero h/SLAM cells, we found that Measles virus fusion was dependent on lipid microdomains integrity. Indeed, a dose dependent fusion inhibition was documented with increasing concentrations of MBCD resulting in reduced formation of syncytia.
ContributorsKwan, Jason (Author) / Reyes del Valle, Jorge (Thesis director) / Chang, Yung (Committee member) / Mor, Tsafrir (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Department of Finance (Contributor) / School of Life Sciences (Contributor)
My research examines the case of Joseph Vacher, one of the most prolific serial murderers in French history, as a micro- historical study to analyze the evolution of criminal theory and application of the insanity defense over the course of the Belle Époque, as French judicial systems and medico-legal experts

My research examines the case of Joseph Vacher, one of the most prolific serial murderers in French history, as a micro- historical study to analyze the evolution of criminal theory and application of the insanity defense over the course of the Belle Époque, as French judicial systems and medico-legal experts attempted to cope with the emerging psychiatric distinction between mental illness and personality disorders. Historically, attempts to explain seemingly unmotivated homicides left a narrow margain for mitigating factors, aside from pleas of insanity. The success of such pleas reflected the conviction that these crimes could only result from severe mental incapacity. Nevertheless, in the late nineteenth century, there emerged a new medical perspective, the sadism diagnosis. Those involved in the realm of criminal behavior began to entertain the possibility that certain individuals might commit violent acts in pursuit of pleasure while maintaining full command of their reason.
ContributorsKlosterman, Isabel Maria (Author) / Fuchs, Rachel (Thesis director) / Wright, Kent (Committee member) / Hopkins, Richard (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies (Contributor) / School of Politics and Global Studies (Contributor)
This was a social movements analysis of the protests against Arizona's Senate Bill 1070, better known as the "Show Me your Papers" law. The project looked at the role religious organizations and religious leaders took in the protests as part of the immigration rights movement in Arizona. It was found

This was a social movements analysis of the protests against Arizona's Senate Bill 1070, better known as the "Show Me your Papers" law. The project looked at the role religious organizations and religious leaders took in the protests as part of the immigration rights movement in Arizona. It was found that there were frames, networks, and resources already in place when SB 1070 passed in 2010. Rather than a movement emerging as a response to the legislation, it looked more like a social movement in crisis. The established frames, networks, and resources allowed this social movement to meet the challenge and have some measure of success in resisting and overturning SB 1070.
ContributorsMcInnis, Haley Marhon (Author) / Ingram-Waters, Mary (Thesis director) / Menjivar, Cecilia (Committee member) / Bruhn, Karen (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics (Contributor) / Department of Psychology (Contributor)
Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths in females worldwide, accounting for 23% of all new cancer cases and 14% of all total cancer deaths in 2008. Five tumor-normal pairs of primary breast epithelial cells were treated for infinite proliferation by

Background: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths in females worldwide, accounting for 23% of all new cancer cases and 14% of all total cancer deaths in 2008. Five tumor-normal pairs of primary breast epithelial cells were treated for infinite proliferation by using a ROCK inhibitor and mouse feeder cells. Methods: Raw paired-end, 100x coverage RNA-Seq data was aligned to the Human Reference Genome Version 19 using BWA and Tophat. Gene differential expression analysis was completed using Cufflinks and Cuffdiff. Interactive Genome Viewer was used for data visualization. Results: 15 genes were found to be down-regulated by at least one log-fold change in 4/5 of tumor samples. 75 genes were found to be down-regulated in 3/5 of our tumor samples by at least one log-fold change. 11 genes were found to be up-regulated in 4/5 of our tumor samples, and 68 genes were identified to be up-regulated in 3/5 of the tumor samples by at least one-fold change. Conclusion: Expression changes in genes such as AZGP1, AGER, ALG11, and S1007 suggest a disruption in the glycosylation pathway. No correlation was found between Cufflink's Her2 gene-expression and DAKO score classification.
ContributorsHernandez, Fernando (Author) / Anderson, Karen (Thesis director) / Mangone, Marco (Committee member) / Park, Jin (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / Department of Information Systems (Contributor)
DescriptionDiagnosis is an analysis of human behavior, examined through several types of poetry. The project delves into how individuals act and re-act when put into stress-inducing situations, whether due to that situation, personality, traits, an interaction with another person, or mental illness.
ContributorsBreisblatt, Faith Wood (Author) / Hogue, Cynthia (Thesis director) / Humphrey, Ted (Committee member) / Goldberg, Beckian Fritz (Committee member) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor) / T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics (Contributor) / Department of Psychology (Contributor) / Department of English (Contributor)