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ContributorsYe, Tao (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Chang, Chun (Thesis advisor) / Jiang, Zhan (Committee member) / Gu, Bin (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description本文在对分子诊断与基因测序相关概念以及文献进行分析和整理的基础上,通过批判分析找到当前研究的空白之处。在此基础上,从理论角度对研发投入、团队背景、应用场景等因素对公司财务绩效的作用机理以及销售模式对研发投入与公司财务绩效关系的调节机理进行分析并提出相关研究假设。利用华大基因、达安基因、凯普生物、金域医学、迪安诊断、艾德生物、透景生命、贝瑞基因等8家分子诊断与基因测序领域上市公司的数据实证了上述研究假设。研究发现:(1)研发投入能够显著促进分子诊断与基因测序公司的财务绩效,但是这种作用效力较小。公司规模和债务水平的提高会降低公司财务绩效,机构投资人持股比例和市场推广费用对公司财务绩效的影响不显著。 (2)创业团队背景的不同并不会导致分子诊断与基因测序公司财务绩效产生差异。 (3)采取直销模式的分子诊断与基因测序公司财务绩效要优于代销和混合模式,后两者公司财务绩效没有显著差异;与代理模式相比,采取直销模式的公司其研发对公司财务绩效的促进作用更加明显,混合模式公司则没有显著差异。 (4)不同产品应用场景的分子诊断与基因测序公司财务绩效,肿瘤的最好,传染病其次,遗传病的排在最后。
ContributorsGuan, Jian (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Jiang, Zhan (Thesis advisor) / Sun, Tianshu (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description随着信息通信技术在金融科技领域中得到广泛应用,传统金融机构依靠互联网技术极大的提升了自己的金融服务能力和金融服务效率。但与此同时,作为一个新兴业态,与互联网金融服务配套的法律制度和保障措施还未完善,特别是互联网借贷业务,贷前的风控系统不完善,同时还缺乏贷后管理机制,造成了网络贷款平台不断出现爆雷现象。仅2018年7月一个月内就有200多家平台出现问题,而到2020年底为止,出现问题的在线借贷平台高达80%。为了更好的保障在线借贷平台和互联网金融行业的健康发展,亟需完善个人征信体系建设,科学评估借款人违约风险。为了解决这一问题,本文首先对现有研究进行了理论梳理,找到可能对违约风险产生影响的因素,并总结为个人特征、社交网络特征、金融特征等三方面的因素。在这之后,从社交网络特征对违约风险进行了深入分析。其次,利用大数据分析方法,构建了随机森林信用评价模型。最后,文章还通过与不同数据集上的相同模型、相同数据集上的不同模型进行对比,对本文构建模型的有效性进行了评估。 研究结论表明:(1)用户的社交网络特征对用户违约风险、欺诈等级具有一定的解释力度,其中用户通话类社交特征对用户欺诈等级的识别效果最好,其次为风险等级,违约标签的识别效果最差,而且用户的地域特征对社交网络特征有显著的调节作用。(2)通过随机森林模型,本文发现年龄、贷款金额是影响客户违约风险和欺诈等级的最重要的因素。(3)比较多元回归模型和随机森林模型,随机森林模型对样本用户特征重要性探索的准确度要高于多元回归模型。 根据上述结论,本文提出了相应了建议:(1)在线借贷平台在判断用户违约风险时,应该在现有的分析框架中考虑用户社交特征来提升用户风险预测精度;(2)信贷公司应该将随机森林等方法纳入到用户是否违约、风险等级和欺诈等级的预测中,这样会显著的提升公司对用户违约、欺诈等级的预测精度。
ContributorsHan, Wei (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Hu, Jie (Thesis advisor) / Zheng, Zhiqiang (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description新世纪以来中国电影的产业化改革与探索愈发呈现良好的态势,国产院线电影也在实践中努力赢得观众和票房市场。其中类型喜剧电影,最符合商业电影规律、最顺应影视市场需求、最能获得票房收益而备受影视创投机构、制作公司青睐。本论文研究对象聚焦类型喜剧电影,通过“欢声笑语里的财富”现象,探究类型喜剧电影内部本体构成要素与外部客观促成要素的关联;以通过分析自变量与因变量因素对中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素进行实证研究,为影视创投和影视制作总结并提供可靠建议。 本论文整体结构包括:第一部分为导论,包括研究背景、目的意义,相关文献综述与文献评述和论文创新性。第二部分聚焦类型喜剧本身,从电影学范畴的电影本体出发,探究“笑”的心理、社会与文化内涵,并分析将“笑”对经济领域的延伸。第三部分以影视投资、票房为依托,从现象和数据中探寻影响类型喜剧电影的因素,为展开中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素实证研究做好理论的铺垫。第四与第五部分则基于上述理论进行实证检验,选用2013-2020年电影样本,采用多元线性回归模型研究喜剧类型对票房的吸引力,以及不同种类型喜剧对电影票房的提振效果作用差异。研究发现喜剧电影对电影票房有显著的提振作用;以及研究电影的外部影响因素(续集效应)对电影票房的作用。发现续集电影有更好的票房表现,续集效应的票房提升作用在喜剧电影中表现的更加明显。 本论文研究成果最终将回归到“欢声笑语里的财富”本身;即“类型复合喜剧”对促进电影与金融产业的互动关联、实现更加可持续化发展,以及进而推动经济及文化业的发展。
ContributorsLiu, Yongqian (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Ning (Thesis advisor) / Dong, Xiaodan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description汽车行业属于国家支柱型产业,创造了高额的产值,增加了就业岗位。随着汽车生产行业竞争日趋激烈的趋势影响,汽车经销商在未来会出现明显的分化,并且逐步向头部集中。基于这样的行业背景,本项研究开展汽车经销商整体经营和盈利能力等方面的详细深入分析,即系统整合汽车经销商业务运营层面和财务层面数据,结合统计研究方法,对经销商盈利能力进行系统且详实归因分析,从而试别驱动盈利能力的关键业务要素。其研究成果能够完善对行业发展规律和经营模式系统性理解,从而进一步指导该领域的相关业务实践,提高经销商整体经营业绩。本课题通过四个阶段来开展经销商整体经营与盈利归因的相关研究。首先,本课题梳理了中国汽车消费行业发展的历史,同时阐述样本期内(2018-2020年)国内宏观经济和汽车消费市场的特征进行,并介绍X品牌汽车经销商的地理分布、资质和业绩评级体系、自身经营特征以及汽车生产商对经销商扶持政策等方面。在第二阶段,本课题聚焦研究假设、模型与方法,通过对X品牌汽车经销商的业务结构和运营管理开展分析,并逐步识别影响经销商盈利的关键指标变量,并提出研究假设和相关模型(即时间序列模型和面板回归模型)。在第三阶段,本课题首先开展经销商相关信息整体性统计分析,获得关键业务指标在样本期内动态特征,并结合时间序列回归模型探讨各项业务指标对经销商整体盈利能力的影响程度。在第四阶段,本课题采用(个体)固定效应的面板回归模型来研究不同组别(控制)条件下经销商盈利能力的影响因素以及其盈利能力对这些因素的敏感程度,从而更深入和全面地揭示影响经销商盈利能力的潜在因素。 基于上述四阶段的研究结果,本研究进一步就提升经销商盈利能力展开讨论,并提出相应对策。本课题相关结论仅从X品牌汽车经销商经营和财务数据进行定性和定量分析获得,但衷心希望本研究的成果能够对汽车经销商改善经营业务方面能起到实践上的借鉴和指导意义。
ContributorsPan, Guangxiong (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Wu, Fei (Thesis advisor) / Zhu, Qigui (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Entrepreneurship entails a transition from status quo to a founder/leader of a new organization, and the dominant view in the literature focuses on opportunities in a hypothetical situation, namely an entrepreneurial option. This study shifts the attention from an entrepreneurial option to a current situation and proposes that a perception

Entrepreneurship entails a transition from status quo to a founder/leader of a new organization, and the dominant view in the literature focuses on opportunities in a hypothetical situation, namely an entrepreneurial option. This study shifts the attention from an entrepreneurial option to a current situation and proposes that a perception of costliness in status quo as a driver of entrepreneurial decisions and strategies. Specifically, I propose that a perception of inequality due to the local hierarchy of an organization engenders motivation of disadvantaged employees to become a leader of his/her own entrepreneurial organization. Utilizing hierarchy-based power dynamics and attribution biases, I theorize that i) status gap between a leader and a member and ii) status distinctiveness of a leader in the current organization affect an entrepreneurial decision because of inequality perception. Furthermore, I hypothesize that entrepreneurial organizations driven by such status inequality are more likely to replicate the local structure of the previous employer in terms of status hierarchy to compensate for the perceived disadvantages in the previous employer. The empirical analyses of this study investigate entrepreneurial decisions and entrepreneurial team formation of jazz musicians from jazz discographies between 1950 and 2018, and I found supportive results. This study contributes to the entrepreneurship and inequality literature by bridging two research spaces. It first uncovers the roles of a negative perception of the status quo in entrepreneurship, in addition to the established idea of a positive perception of an alternative option. It also suggests a novel explanation of the long-standing question of inequality reproduction by looking at whether and how inequality spreads via entrepreneurship.
ContributorsJeon, Chunhu (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Bundy, Jonathan N (Thesis advisor) / Certo, S. Trevis (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Description人口的老龄化不仅对养老事业提出更高的要求,也对养老服务产业人才的培养提出要求。但是青年学生选择涉老服务专业的意愿却非常低。因此,为了探究职业学院如何增强涉老服务专业吸引力这一问题,本文以学生为主体视角,利用相关理论,对于影响青年学生选择涉老服务专业的因素进行全面的分析,并结合深度访谈和调查法,提出并建构了相关的理论模型。首先,通过深度访谈和焦点小组讨论,结合对现有的文献的分析,本文提出了影响青年学生选择职业院校涉老服务专业的各种因素,主要包括:个人未来风险感知、家庭经济资本、社会信息评价、校企合作水平、专业课程建设水平、学生激励水平、师资队伍建设水平。之后,本文通过调查法,基于社会认同理论构建了本文的研究模型,并通过结构方程模型对所构建的模型进行检查。 本文的研究结果表明:个人未来风险感知对学生专业认同度产生负面影响;家庭经济资本对学生专业认同度产生负面影响;社会信息评价对学生专业认同度产生正面影响;校企合作水平对学生专业认同度产生正面影;专业课程建设水平对学生专业认同度产生正面影响;学生激励水平对学生专业认同度产生正面影响;师资队伍建设水平对学生专业认同度产生正面影响;学生专业认同度对学生专业选择意愿产生正面影响。 基于上述研究结论,本文选取了个人未来风险感知、家庭经济资本、社会信息评价、校企合作水平、专业课程建设水平、学生激励水平、师资队伍建设水平等因素对于广东岭南职业技术学院涉老服务专业的现有吸引力进行了分析和评估,并从这些视角进一步了对如何提升招生吸引力问题进行探讨,为提高涉老服务专业对于青年学生的吸引力,得出了相关管理建议。
ContributorsZhou, Lanqing (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Wu, Fei (Thesis advisor) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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In this study I investigate the organizational strategies that Chinese power generation companies may use to reduce the impact of coal price increases on their profits. Organizations are open systems in that no organization possesses all the resources that it needs and all organizations must obtain resources from their external

In this study I investigate the organizational strategies that Chinese power generation companies may use to reduce the impact of coal price increases on their profits. Organizations are open systems in that no organization possesses all the resources that it needs and all organizations must obtain resources from their external environments in order to survive. Resource dependent theory suggests that the most important goal of an organization is to find effective mechanisms to cope with its dependence on the external environments for resources that are critical to its survival. Chinese power generation companies traditionally rely heavily on coal as their raw materials, and an increase in coal price can have a significant negative impact on their profits. To address this issue, I first provide a systematic review of the resource dependence theory and research, with a focus on the strategies such as vertical integration, diversification, and hedging that organizations can undertake to reduce their dependence on the external environment as well as their respective benefits and costs. Next, I conduct a qualitative case analysis of the primary strategies the largest Chinese power generation companies have used to reduce their dependence on coal. I then explore a new approach that Chinese power generation companies may use to cope with increases in coal price, namely, by investing in an index of coal companies in the stock market. My regression analysis shows that coal price has a strong positive relation with the price of the coal company index. This finding suggests that it is possible for firms to reduce the negative impact of raw material price increase on their profits by investing in a stock market index of the companies that supply the raw materials that they depend on.
ContributorsSun, Min (Author) / Shen, Wei (Thesis advisor) / Liu, Jun (Committee member) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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This thesis starts with an analysis of the current situation of the pharmaceutical industry in China, and discusses the strategic mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the pharmaceutical industry in China. It elaborates on the rationale for the development of the mergers and acquisitions of

This thesis starts with an analysis of the current situation of the pharmaceutical industry in China, and discusses the strategic mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the pharmaceutical industry in China. It elaborates on the rationale for the development of the mergers and acquisitions of the pharmaceutical SMEs. Then a literature review is provided on the causes of corporate mergers and acquisitions such as the economies of scale, synergistic effect, transaction costs, market power, and strategic diversification.Next,the thesis analyzes the underlying rationale for the M&A transactions in the pharmaceutical industry in China, and explores the likely path of successful value creation for pharmaceutical SMEs in China. Specifically, with five in-depth case studies of M&A transactions of pharmaceutical firms, this thesis reveals the critical success factors leading to value creation and growth in the practice of mergers and acquisitions of the pharmaceutical SMEs in China.
ContributorsZhou, Yan (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Chen, Hong (Committee member) / Shen, Wei (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been playing a very significant role in the capital market. Many companies regard mergers and acquisitions as an important way for their business expansion and transformation. This paper begins with a review of literature on firm’s motivations of and outcomes in M&A, and followed

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been playing a very significant role in the capital market. Many companies regard mergers and acquisitions as an important way for their business expansion and transformation. This paper begins with a review of literature on firm’s motivations of and outcomes in M&A, and followed by a critical examination of three case studies of actual M&A transactions based on the insights provided from the literature review. For each case study, a firm’s motivations and related managerial initiatives for M&A activities were examined, followed by an assessment of the firm’s post M&A performance results. This allows the study to discerns the insights of why and how a firm proceed in its M&A transactions from its strategic intent to its post M&A managerial actions. Collectively, the results show that the key drivers for a firm’s M&A successes rest on a firm’s abilities to manage the M&A activities consistent with its strategic intent (e.g., creating synergies or transformation through diversification) and followed by its post M&A integration efforts in achieving its strategic intent.
ContributorsYang, Zhibo (Author) / Pei, Ker-Wei (Thesis advisor) / Qian, Jun (Thesis advisor) / Shen, Wei (Committee member) / Jiang, Zhan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)