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Distributed inference has applications in a wide range of fields such as source localization, target detection, environment monitoring, and healthcare. In this dissertation, distributed inference schemes which use bounded transmit power are considered. The performance of the proposed schemes are studied for a variety of inference problems. In the first

Distributed inference has applications in a wide range of fields such as source localization, target detection, environment monitoring, and healthcare. In this dissertation, distributed inference schemes which use bounded transmit power are considered. The performance of the proposed schemes are studied for a variety of inference problems. In the first part of the dissertation, a distributed detection scheme where the sensors transmit with constant modulus signals over a Gaussian multiple access channel is considered. The deflection coefficient of the proposed scheme is shown to depend on the characteristic function of the sensing noise, and the error exponent for the system is derived using large deviation theory. Optimization of the deflection coefficient and error exponent are considered with respect to a transmission phase parameter for a variety of sensing noise distributions including impulsive ones. The proposed scheme is also favorably compared with existing amplify-and-forward (AF) and detect-and-forward (DF) schemes. The effect of fading is shown to be detrimental to the detection performance and simulations are provided to corroborate the analytical results. The second part of the dissertation studies a distributed inference scheme which uses bounded transmission functions over a Gaussian multiple access channel. The conditions on the transmission functions under which consistent estimation and reliable detection are possible is characterized. For the distributed estimation problem, an estimation scheme that uses bounded transmission functions is proved to be strongly consistent provided that the variance of the noise samples are bounded and that the transmission function is one-to-one. The proposed estimation scheme is compared with the amplify and forward technique and its robustness to impulsive sensing noise distributions is highlighted. It is also shown that bounded transmissions suffer from inconsistent estimates if the sensing noise variance goes to infinity. For the distributed detection problem, similar results are obtained by studying the deflection coefficient. Simulations corroborate our analytical results. In the third part of this dissertation, the problem of estimating the average of samples distributed at the nodes of a sensor network is considered. A distributed average consensus algorithm in which every sensor transmits with bounded peak power is proposed. In the presence of communication noise, it is shown that the nodes reach consensus asymptotically to a finite random variable whose expectation is the desired sample average of the initial observations with a variance that depends on the step size of the algorithm and the variance of the communication noise. The asymptotic performance is characterized by deriving the asymptotic covariance matrix using results from stochastic approximation theory. It is shown that using bounded transmissions results in slower convergence compared to the linear consensus algorithm based on the Laplacian heuristic. Simulations corroborate our analytical findings. Finally, a robust distributed average consensus algorithm in which every sensor performs a nonlinear processing at the receiver is proposed. It is shown that non-linearity at the receiver nodes makes the algorithm robust to a wide range of channel noise distributions including the impulsive ones. It is shown that the nodes reach consensus asymptotically and similar results are obtained as in the case of transmit non-linearity. Simulations corroborate our analytical findings and highlight the robustness of the proposed algorithm.
ContributorsDasarathan, Sivaraman (Author) / Tepedelenlioğlu, Cihan (Thesis advisor) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Committee member) / Reisslein, Martin (Committee member) / Goryll, Michael (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Electrical neural activity detection and tracking have many applications in medical research and brain computer interface technologies. In this thesis, we focus on the development of advanced signal processing algorithms to track neural activity and on the mapping of these algorithms onto hardware to enable real-time tracking. At the heart

Electrical neural activity detection and tracking have many applications in medical research and brain computer interface technologies. In this thesis, we focus on the development of advanced signal processing algorithms to track neural activity and on the mapping of these algorithms onto hardware to enable real-time tracking. At the heart of these algorithms is particle filtering (PF), a sequential Monte Carlo technique used to estimate the unknown parameters of dynamic systems. First, we analyze the bottlenecks in existing PF algorithms, and we propose a new parallel PF (PPF) algorithm based on the independent Metropolis-Hastings (IMH) algorithm. We show that the proposed PPF-IMH algorithm improves the root mean-squared error (RMSE) estimation performance, and we demonstrate that a parallel implementation of the algorithm results in significant reduction in inter-processor communication. We apply our implementation on a Xilinx Virtex-5 field programmable gate array (FPGA) platform to demonstrate that, for a one-dimensional problem, the PPF-IMH architecture with four processing elements and 1,000 particles can process input samples at 170 kHz by using less than 5% FPGA resources. We also apply the proposed PPF-IMH to waveform-agile sensing to achieve real-time tracking of dynamic targets with high RMSE tracking performance. We next integrate the PPF-IMH algorithm to track the dynamic parameters in neural sensing when the number of neural dipole sources is known. We analyze the computational complexity of a PF based method and propose the use of multiple particle filtering (MPF) to reduce the complexity. We demonstrate the improved performance of MPF using numerical simulations with both synthetic and real data. We also propose an FPGA implementation of the MPF algorithm and show that the implementation supports real-time tracking. For the more realistic scenario of automatically estimating an unknown number of time-varying neural dipole sources, we propose a new approach based on the probability hypothesis density filtering (PHDF) algorithm. The PHDF is implemented using particle filtering (PF-PHDF), and it is applied in a closed-loop to first estimate the number of dipole sources and then their corresponding amplitude, location and orientation parameters. We demonstrate the improved tracking performance of the proposed PF-PHDF algorithm and map it onto a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA platform to show its real-time implementation potential. Finally, we propose the use of sensor scheduling and compressive sensing techniques to reduce the number of active sensors, and thus overall power consumption, of electroencephalography (EEG) systems. We propose an efficient sensor scheduling algorithm which adaptively configures EEG sensors at each measurement time interval to reduce the number of sensors needed for accurate tracking. We combine the sensor scheduling method with PF-PHDF and implement the system on an FPGA platform to achieve real-time tracking. We also investigate the sparsity of EEG signals and integrate compressive sensing with PF to estimate neural activity. Simulation results show that both sensor scheduling and compressive sensing based methods achieve comparable tracking performance with significantly reduced number of sensors.
ContributorsMiao, Lifeng (Author) / Chakrabarti, Chaitali (Thesis advisor) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Thesis advisor) / Zhang, Junshan (Committee member) / Bliss, Daniel (Committee member) / Kovvali, Narayan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Adaptive processing and classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are important in eliminating the strenuous process of manually annotating ECG recordings for clinical use. Such algorithms require robust models whose parameters can adequately describe the ECG signals. Although different dynamic statistical models describing ECG signals currently exist, they depend considerably on

Adaptive processing and classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are important in eliminating the strenuous process of manually annotating ECG recordings for clinical use. Such algorithms require robust models whose parameters can adequately describe the ECG signals. Although different dynamic statistical models describing ECG signals currently exist, they depend considerably on a priori information and user-specified model parameters. Also, ECG beat morphologies, which vary greatly across patients and disease states, cannot be uniquely characterized by a single model. In this work, sequential Bayesian based methods are used to appropriately model and adaptively select the corresponding model parameters of ECG signals. An adaptive framework based on a sequential Bayesian tracking method is proposed to adaptively select the cardiac parameters that minimize the estimation error, thus precluding the need for pre-processing. Simulations using real ECG data from the online Physionet database demonstrate the improvement in performance of the proposed algorithm in accurately estimating critical heart disease parameters. In addition, two new approaches to ECG modeling are presented using the interacting multiple model and the sequential Markov chain Monte Carlo technique with adaptive model selection. Both these methods can adaptively choose between different models for various ECG beat morphologies without requiring prior ECG information, as demonstrated by using real ECG signals. A supervised Bayesian maximum-likelihood (ML) based classifier uses the estimated model parameters to classify different types of cardiac arrhythmias. However, the non-availability of sufficient amounts of representative training data and the large inter-patient variability pose a challenge to the existing supervised learning algorithms, resulting in a poor classification performance. In addition, recently developed unsupervised learning methods require a priori knowledge on the number of diseases to cluster the ECG data, which often evolves over time. In order to address these issues, an adaptive learning ECG classification method that uses Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture models is proposed. This approach does not place any restriction on the number of disease classes, nor does it require any training data. This algorithm is adapted to be patient-specific by labeling or identifying the generated mixtures using the Bayesian ML method, assuming the availability of labeled training data.
ContributorsEdla, Shwetha Reddy (Author) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Thesis advisor) / Chakrabarti, Chaitali (Committee member) / Kovvali, Narayan (Committee member) / Tepedelenlioğlu, Cihan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Immunosignaturing is a medical test for assessing the health status of a patient by applying microarrays of random sequence peptides to determine the patient's immune fingerprint by associating antibodies from a biological sample to immune responses. The immunosignature measurements can potentially provide pre-symptomatic diagnosis for infectious diseases or detection of

Immunosignaturing is a medical test for assessing the health status of a patient by applying microarrays of random sequence peptides to determine the patient's immune fingerprint by associating antibodies from a biological sample to immune responses. The immunosignature measurements can potentially provide pre-symptomatic diagnosis for infectious diseases or detection of biological threats. Currently, traditional bioinformatics tools, such as data mining classification algorithms, are used to process the large amount of peptide microarray data. However, these methods generally require training data and do not adapt to changing immune conditions or additional patient information. This work proposes advanced processing techniques to improve the classification and identification of single and multiple underlying immune response states embedded in immunosignatures, making it possible to detect both known and previously unknown diseases or biothreat agents. Novel adaptive learning methodologies for un- supervised and semi-supervised clustering integrated with immunosignature feature extraction approaches are proposed. The techniques are based on extracting novel stochastic features from microarray binding intensities and use Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture models to adaptively cluster the immunosignatures in the feature space. This learning-while-clustering approach allows continuous discovery of antibody activity by adaptively detecting new disease states, with limited a priori disease or patient information. A beta process factor analysis model to determine underlying patient immune responses is also proposed to further improve the adaptive clustering performance by formatting new relationships between patients and antibody activity. In order to extend the clustering methods for diagnosing multiple states in a patient, the adaptive hierarchical Dirichlet process is integrated with modified beta process factor analysis latent feature modeling to identify relationships between patients and infectious agents. The use of Bayesian nonparametric adaptive learning techniques allows for further clustering if additional patient data is received. Significant improvements in feature identification and immune response clustering are demonstrated using samples from patients with different diseases.
ContributorsMalin, Anna (Author) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Thesis advisor) / Bliss, Daniel (Committee member) / Chakrabarti, Chaitali (Committee member) / Kovvali, Narayan (Committee member) / Lacroix, Zoé (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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This dissertation introduces stochastic ordering of instantaneous channel powers of fading channels as a general method to compare the performance of a communication system over two different channels, even when a closed-form expression for the metric may not be available. Such a comparison is with respect to a variety of

This dissertation introduces stochastic ordering of instantaneous channel powers of fading channels as a general method to compare the performance of a communication system over two different channels, even when a closed-form expression for the metric may not be available. Such a comparison is with respect to a variety of performance metrics such as error rates, outage probability and ergodic capacity, which share common mathematical properties such as monotonicity, convexity or complete monotonicity. Complete monotonicity of a metric, such as the symbol error rate, in conjunction with the stochastic Laplace transform order between two fading channels implies the ordering of the two channels with respect to the metric. While it has been established previously that certain modulation schemes have convex symbol error rates, there is no study of the complete monotonicity of the same, which helps in establishing stronger channel ordering results. Toward this goal, the current research proves for the first time, that all 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional modulations have completely monotone symbol error rates. Furthermore, it is shown that the frequently used parametric fading distributions for modeling line of sight exhibit a monotonicity in the line of sight parameter with respect to the Laplace transform order. While the Laplace transform order can also be used to order fading distributions based on the ergodic capacity, there exist several distributions which are not Laplace transform ordered, although they have ordered ergodic capacities. To address this gap, a new stochastic order called the ergodic capacity order has been proposed herein, which can be used to compare channels based on the ergodic capacity. Using stochastic orders, average performance of systems involving multiple random variables are compared over two different channels. These systems include diversity combining schemes, relay networks, and signal detection over fading channels with non-Gaussian additive noise. This research also addresses the problem of unifying fading distributions. This unification is based on infinite divisibility, which subsumes almost all known fading distributions, and provides simplified expressions for performance metrics, in addition to enabling stochastic ordering.
ContributorsRajan, Adithya (Author) / Tepedelenlioğlu, Cihan (Thesis advisor) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Committee member) / Bliss, Daniel (Committee member) / Kosut, Oliver (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Structural integrity is an important characteristic of performance for critical components used in applications such as aeronautics, materials, construction and transportation. When appraising the structural integrity of these components, evaluation methods must be accurate. In addition to possessing capability to perform damage detection, the ability to monitor the level of

Structural integrity is an important characteristic of performance for critical components used in applications such as aeronautics, materials, construction and transportation. When appraising the structural integrity of these components, evaluation methods must be accurate. In addition to possessing capability to perform damage detection, the ability to monitor the level of damage over time can provide extremely useful information in assessing the operational worthiness of a structure and in determining whether the structure should be repaired or removed from service. In this work, a sequential Bayesian approach with active sensing is employed for monitoring crack growth within fatigue-loaded materials. The monitoring approach is based on predicting crack damage state dynamics and modeling crack length observations. Since fatigue loading of a structural component can change while in service, an interacting multiple model technique is employed to estimate probabilities of different loading modes and incorporate this information in the crack length estimation problem. For the observation model, features are obtained from regions of high signal energy in the time-frequency plane and modeled for each crack length damage condition. Although this observation model approach exhibits high classification accuracy, the resolution characteristics can change depending upon the extent of the damage. Therefore, several different transmission waveforms and receiver sensors are considered to create multiple modes for making observations of crack damage. Resolution characteristics of the different observation modes are assessed using a predicted mean squared error criterion and observations are obtained using the predicted, optimal observation modes based on these characteristics. Calculation of the predicted mean square error metric can be computationally intensive, especially if performed in real time, and an approximation method is proposed. With this approach, the real time computational burden is decreased significantly and the number of possible observation modes can be increased. Using sensor measurements from real experiments, the overall sequential Bayesian estimation approach, with the adaptive capability of varying the state dynamics and observation modes, is demonstrated for tracking crack damage.
ContributorsHuff, Daniel W (Author) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Thesis advisor) / Kovvali, Narayan (Committee member) / Chakrabarti, Chaitali (Committee member) / Chattopadhyay, Aditi (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Tracking a time-varying number of targets is a challenging

dynamic state estimation problem whose complexity is intensified

under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or high clutter conditions.

This is important, for example, when tracking

multiple, closely spaced targets moving in the same direction such as a

convoy of low observable vehicles moving

Tracking a time-varying number of targets is a challenging

dynamic state estimation problem whose complexity is intensified

under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or high clutter conditions.

This is important, for example, when tracking

multiple, closely spaced targets moving in the same direction such as a

convoy of low observable vehicles moving through a forest or multiple

targets moving in a crisscross pattern. The SNR in

these applications is usually low as the reflected signals from

the targets are weak or the noise level is very high.

An effective approach for detecting and tracking a single target

under low SNR conditions is the track-before-detect filter (TBDF)

that uses unthresholded measurements. However, the TBDF has only been used to

track a small fixed number of targets at low SNR.

This work proposes a new multiple target TBDF approach to track a

dynamically varying number of targets under the recursive Bayesian framework.

For a given maximum number of

targets, the state estimates are obtained by estimating the joint

multiple target posterior probability density function under all possible


existence combinations. The estimation of the corresponding target existence

combination probabilities and the target existence probabilities are also

derived. A feasible sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) based implementation

algorithm is proposed. The approximation accuracy of the SMC

method with a reduced number of particles is improved by an efficient

proposal density function that partitions the multiple target space into a

single target space.

The proposed multiple target TBDF method is extended to track targets in sea

clutter using highly time-varying radar measurements. A generalized

likelihood function for closely spaced multiple targets in compound Gaussian

sea clutter is derived together with the maximum likelihood estimate of

the model parameters using an iterative fixed point algorithm.

The TBDF performance is improved by proposing a computationally feasible

method to estimate the space-time covariance matrix of rapidly-varying sea

clutter. The method applies the Kronecker product approximation to the

covariance matrix and uses particle filtering to solve the resulting dynamic

state space model formulation.
ContributorsEbenezer, Samuel P (Author) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Thesis advisor) / Chakrabarti, Chaitali (Committee member) / Bliss, Daniel (Committee member) / Kovvali, Narayan (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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This work considers the problem of multiple detection and tracking in two complex time-varying environments, urban terrain and underwater. Tracking multiple radar targets in urban environments is rst investigated by exploiting multipath signal returns, wideband underwater acoustic (UWA) communications channels are estimated using adaptive learning methods, and multiple UWA communications

This work considers the problem of multiple detection and tracking in two complex time-varying environments, urban terrain and underwater. Tracking multiple radar targets in urban environments is rst investigated by exploiting multipath signal returns, wideband underwater acoustic (UWA) communications channels are estimated using adaptive learning methods, and multiple UWA communications users are detected by designing the transmit signal to match the environment. For the urban environment, a multi-target tracking algorithm is proposed that integrates multipath-to-measurement association and the probability hypothesis density method implemented using particle filtering. The algorithm is designed to track an unknown time-varying number of targets by extracting information from multiple measurements due to multipath returns in the urban terrain. The path likelihood probability is calculated by considering associations between measurements and multipath returns, and an adaptive clustering algorithm is used to estimate the number of target and their corresponding parameters. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated for different multiple target scenarios and evaluated using the optimal subpattern assignment metric. The underwater environment provides a very challenging communication channel due to its highly time-varying nature, resulting in large distortions due to multipath and Doppler-scaling, and frequency-dependent path loss. A model-based wideband UWA channel estimation algorithm is first proposed to estimate the channel support and the wideband spreading function coefficients. A nonlinear frequency modulated signaling scheme is proposed that is matched to the wideband characteristics of the underwater environment. Constraints on the signal parameters are derived to optimally reduce multiple access interference and the UWA channel effects. The signaling scheme is compared to a code division multiple access (CDMA) scheme to demonstrate its improved bit error rate performance. The overall multi-user communication system performance is finally analyzed by first estimating the UWA channel and then designing the signaling scheme for multiple communications users.
ContributorsZhou, Meng (Author) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Thesis advisor) / Tepedelenlioğlu, Cihan (Committee member) / Kovvali, Narayan (Committee member) / Berisha, Visar (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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Three dimensional (3-D) ultrasound is safe, inexpensive, and has been shown to drastically improve system ease-of-use, diagnostic efficiency, and patient throughput. However, its high computational complexity and resulting high power consumption has precluded its use in hand-held applications.

In this dissertation, algorithm-architecture co-design techniques that aim to make hand-held 3-D ultrasound

Three dimensional (3-D) ultrasound is safe, inexpensive, and has been shown to drastically improve system ease-of-use, diagnostic efficiency, and patient throughput. However, its high computational complexity and resulting high power consumption has precluded its use in hand-held applications.

In this dissertation, algorithm-architecture co-design techniques that aim to make hand-held 3-D ultrasound a reality are presented. First, image enhancement methods to improve signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are proposed. These include virtual source firing techniques and a low overhead digital front-end architecture using orthogonal chirps and orthogonal Golay codes.

Second, algorithm-architecture co-design techniques to reduce the power consumption of 3-D SAU imaging systems is presented. These include (i) a subaperture multiplexing strategy and the corresponding apodization method to alleviate the signal bandwidth bottleneck, and (ii) a highly efficient iterative delay calculation method to eliminate complex operations such as multiplications, divisions and square-root in delay calculation during beamforming. These techniques were used to define Sonic Millip3De, a 3-D die stacked architecture for digital beamforming in SAU systems. Sonic Millip3De produces 3-D high resolution images at 2 frames per second with system power consumption of 15W in 45nm technology.

Third, a new beamforming method based on separable delay decomposition is proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the beamforming unit in an SAU system. The method is based on minimizing the root-mean-square error (RMSE) due to delay decomposition. It reduces the beamforming complexity of a SAU system by 19x while providing high image fidelity that is comparable to non-separable beamforming. The resulting modified Sonic Millip3De architecture supports a frame rate of 32 volumes per second while maintaining power consumption of 15W in 45nm technology.

Next a 3-D plane-wave imaging system that utilizes both separable beamforming and coherent compounding is presented. The resulting system has computational complexity comparable to that of a non-separable non-compounding baseline system while significantly improving contrast-to-noise ratio and SNR. The modified Sonic Millip3De architecture is now capable of generating high resolution images at 1000 volumes per second with 9-fire-angle compounding.
ContributorsYang, Ming (Author) / Chakrabarti, Chaitali (Thesis advisor) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Committee member) / Karam, Lina (Committee member) / Frakes, David (Committee member) / Ogras, Umit Y. (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)
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The healthcare system in this country is currently unacceptable. New technologies may contribute to reducing cost and improving outcomes. Early diagnosis and treatment represents the least risky option for addressing this issue. Such a technology needs to be inexpensive, highly sensitive, highly specific, and amenable to adoption in a clinic.

The healthcare system in this country is currently unacceptable. New technologies may contribute to reducing cost and improving outcomes. Early diagnosis and treatment represents the least risky option for addressing this issue. Such a technology needs to be inexpensive, highly sensitive, highly specific, and amenable to adoption in a clinic. This thesis explores an immunodiagnostic technology based on highly scalable, non-natural sequence peptide microarrays designed to profile the humoral immune response and address the healthcare problem. The primary aim of this thesis is to explore the ability of these arrays to map continuous (linear) epitopes. I discovered that using a technique termed subsequence analysis where epitopes could be decisively mapped to an eliciting protein with high success rate. This led to the discovery of novel linear epitopes from Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria) and Treponema palladium (Syphilis), as well as validation of previously discovered epitopes in Dengue and monoclonal antibodies. Next, I developed and tested a classification scheme based on Support Vector Machines for development of a Dengue Fever diagnostic, achieving higher sensitivity and specificity than current FDA approved techniques. The software underlying this method is available for download under the BSD license. Following this, I developed a kinetic model for immunosignatures and tested it against existing data driven by previously unexplained phenomena. This model provides a framework and informs ways to optimize the platform for maximum stability and efficiency. I also explored the role of sequence composition in explaining an immunosignature binding profile, determining a strong role for charged residues that seems to have some predictive ability for disease. Finally, I developed a database, software and indexing strategy based on Apache Lucene for searching motif patterns (regular expressions) in large biological databases. These projects as a whole have advanced knowledge of how to approach high throughput immunodiagnostics and provide an example of how technology can be fused with biology in order to affect scientific and health outcomes.
ContributorsRicher, Joshua Amos (Author) / Johnston, Stephen A. (Thesis advisor) / Woodbury, Neal (Committee member) / Stafford, Phillip (Committee member) / Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia (Committee member) / Arizona State University (Publisher)