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The activities of drum corps and high school marching band are similar in many ways, and yet drum corps is styled as the "major league" of the marching arts. What makes the learning environment different between drum corps and high school marching band? While drum corps has a denser rehearsal

The activities of drum corps and high school marching band are similar in many ways, and yet drum corps is styled as the "major league" of the marching arts. What makes the learning environment different between drum corps and high school marching band? While drum corps has a denser rehearsal schedule, and involved an audition process where high school marching band does not, the biggest difference between the two activities lies in the instructional practices utilized. Drum corps does not have to adhere to state or national arts education standards, and so the instructors must create their own standards and forms of assessment for the students, which directly affects student motivation. This student motivation can be understood through the Self-Determination Theory pioneered by Deci & Ryan, in which the conditions of autonomy, competency, and relatedness must be supported for students to reach the highest levels of motivation. By interviewing the directors of the Academy Drum and Bugle Corps, and the Casa Grande Union High School marching band, and surveying students of each organization, a comparison can be made in the instructional practices of each organization and the subsequent effect on student motivation. Through the interviews with the directors, it was gathered that instructors in drum corps had more chances to work with the students one on one, and assess their personal growth in a subjective manner than the instructors in the high school marching band. This affected the way in which the drum corps instructors structured their rehearsals and set their goals. High school instructors were able to assess technical skill more often with graded assessments such as playing tests or scale checks, though this did not always take into account the students' personal growth or experience. From the anonymous surveys of the students of both organizations, a desire for relatedness was communicated from the high school students more than the drum corps students, and a greater lack of comfort with asking questions was displayed from the high school students. Interpreting these results with SDT, it could be said that these high school students were feeling less motivated than the drum corps students due to a lack of fulfillment in the areas of relatedness and competence. In the end, it would seem that the differentiated instruction that is possible in drum corps sets the activity apart from high school marching band, as the instructors are able to work with students on setting personal goals and may subjectively assess their growth within the activity. Self- and peer-evaluation in drum corps is also facilitated through video assignments in which other students may give comments to their peers, which builds the area of relatedness more within drum corps students than in high school students.
ContributorsRogers, Sierra Kathryn (Author) / Mantie, Roger (Thesis director) / Farrand, Kathleen (Committee member) / School of Music (Contributor) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)
"Look Up" is a full length hip hop concept album that follows a day in the life of protagonist Ozy Mandias, except with a science fiction twist. He has been abducted by an alien who is going through his memories. The project includes a full length script and lyric companion

"Look Up" is a full length hip hop concept album that follows a day in the life of protagonist Ozy Mandias, except with a science fiction twist. He has been abducted by an alien who is going through his memories. The project includes a full length script and lyric companion as well as a package mood visuals to go along with the album.
ContributorsDurkin, Jonathan Joseph (Author) / Mantie, Roger (Thesis director) / Norby, Christopher (Committee member) / School of Earth and Space Exploration (Contributor) / W.P. Carey School of Business (Contributor) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)
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The attainment of a meaningful existence is a one of the most fundamental human desires. While the pursuit for a meaningful existence is universal, the path to achieving it looks different for all people. An important aspect in achieving a meaningful existence is personal enlightenment that is attained through not

The attainment of a meaningful existence is a one of the most fundamental human desires. While the pursuit for a meaningful existence is universal, the path to achieving it looks different for all people. An important aspect in achieving a meaningful existence is personal enlightenment that is attained through not only a profound understanding of one's own identity through reflection but also an awareness of the environment that has shaped that identity. The purpose of reflection should not be to attach blame or find excuses for the aspects of one's life that are unfavorable or shameful; rather, it should be to achieve the sense of inner peace that is integral in making informed and rational progress towards realizing aspects of an individual's life that bring meaning and happiness. The purpose of the following two sections is to demonstrate how an understanding of group-specific challenges regarding identity and upbringing may help those that identify with Chinese American or immigrant culture in their pursuit of a meaningful and satisfying existence. The first section provides a profile on some of the common issues facing Asian Americans, particularly how an immigrant approach to parenting can affect the degree of acculturation, mental health, and identity of immigrant children. The second section provides a personal backdrop to some of the themes discussed in the first section through an autoethnographic account from a Chinese American student. The purpose of the autoethnographic account is to demonstrate that leisure activities, such as music, can address issues regarding acculturation and identity that Asian Americans commonly face.
ContributorsWen, Charles H (Author) / Mantie, Roger (Thesis director) / Libman, Jeff (Committee member) / Department of Supply Chain Management (Contributor) / School of International Letters and Cultures (Contributor) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)
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This study tracks specific earworm tendencies amongst a sample of university students in an effort to support previous theories and to offer fresh perspectives about what causes earworms and why some people may experience more earworms than others. Every participant was placed in one of four categories: Female Music Major

This study tracks specific earworm tendencies amongst a sample of university students in an effort to support previous theories and to offer fresh perspectives about what causes earworms and why some people may experience more earworms than others. Every participant was placed in one of four categories: Female Music Major (FMM), Female, Non-Music Major (FNM), Male Music Major (MMM), and Male, Non-Music Major (MNN). This study determined that females experienced more earworms than males, and music majors experienced less earworms than other majors. The study also found that most earworms occurred while participants were in an environment that they did not find particularly engaging, ranging from doing homework to commuting on the bus. Data collected from this research provides potential platforms for future research in the topic of a deep analysis of earworm tendencies amongst a wider population.
ContributorsPallad, Alexandra Nicole (Author) / Mantie, Roger (Thesis director) / Ericson, John (Committee member) / School of Music (Contributor) / Barrett, The Honors College (Contributor)