Creating Educational Videos for Students in Introduction to Biology

Having an understanding of the importance of BIO 181, we have centered our project around providing educational resources to students that we believe would have benefitted us. Our compelling project involves creating a playlist of educational videos that will focus

Having an understanding of the importance of BIO 181, we have centered our project around providing educational resources to students that we believe would have benefitted us. Our compelling project involves creating a playlist of educational videos that will focus on fundamental concepts of biology being taught in BIO 181. This allows for a unique student-centered perspective typically unseen when learning about college-level biological topics. Our main goal is to provide easy-to-understand resources that biological science students (or students in any other related majors) can utilize throughout their undergraduate career that can help them understand all varieties of content in different biology classes. Another goal is to achieve a long-lasting digital footprint that will reflect our passion going forward into the professional world.


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  • Academic Year 2024-2025
  • 9 pages
Open Access