Enhancing Youth Agency in Urban Communities through Environmental Justice Workshops

Historically, young people have spearheaded environmental movements, demanding equitable involvement in decision-making processes that impact their future. Despite their active participation, barriers such as inadequate knowledge, lack of empowerment, and diminished hope often hinder meaningful engagement and impact. This study

Historically, young people have spearheaded environmental movements, demanding equitable involvement in decision-making processes that impact their future. Despite their active participation, barriers such as inadequate knowledge, lack of empowerment, and diminished hope often hinder meaningful engagement and impact. This study addresses these challenges by implementing a series of educational workshops designed to equip youth with the necessary tools to effectively influence climate policy and urban planning so that they can feel more hopeful about the future in the face of climate change. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods, this research evaluates how different methods of arts-based educational engagement impact workshop participants' knowledge, empowerment, and optimism regarding their ability to inspire environmental change. The findings aim to contribute to the discourse on effective youth engagement in environmental justice, advocating for strategies that equip youth with the tools they need to foster sustainable community development and hope for the future.


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  • Academic Year 2023-2024
  • 38 pages
Open Access