Building the Backdrop, Expanding Perspectives on Sustainability: An Interactive Sustainability-Inspired Cardboard Sculpture

This project, Building the Backdrop, Expanding Perspectives on Sustainability, is a sculpture of a desert sunset that seeks to explore important sustainability issues and highlight the beauty in sustainable practices. Constructed for an honors thesis project at Arizona State University,

This project, Building the Backdrop, Expanding Perspectives on Sustainability, is a sculpture of a desert sunset that seeks to explore important sustainability issues and highlight the beauty in sustainable practices. Constructed for an honors thesis project at Arizona State University, the primary medium used was cardboard repurposed from package deliveries to bring attention to modern overconsumption of packaging materials and showcase our ability to give new life to traditionally single use materials. I invite you to interact with the piece by sharing photos of yourself in front of it to help spread its message and exploring the resources shared along with the sculpture.


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Barrett Honors College theses and creative projects are restricted to ASU community members.


Date Created

Additional Information

  • Academic Year 2023-2024
  • 12 pages
Open Access