The Importance of Using Distributive Justice Practices to Reduce the Educational Barriers Facing (Im)Migrant Students

Migrant families are among one of the most vulnerable and under protected populations in terms of protection and aid from the United States government. Often arriving on the basis of fleeing violence and severe poverty, their quality of life deeply

Migrant families are among one of the most vulnerable and under protected populations in terms of protection and aid from the United States government. Often arriving on the basis of fleeing violence and severe poverty, their quality of life deeply depends on their ability to find and maintain economic security. Education is recognized as a path and is strongly linked to the achievement of economic wellbeing (U.S. Department of Education, 2021). A great number of (im)migrants experience educational barriers to enrollment and participation in education and are therefore unlikely to obtain both an education and access to financial stability. This thesis presents research on the educational policies and programs currently available for (im)migrant students, recent federally reported educational outcomes of these students, and identifies substantial barriers to their obtaining a meaningful education. The intended demographic of this thesis is Latinx (im)migrant students in the state of Arizona. Distributive justice practices are rooted in the understanding that all humans need specific resources to survive and thrive. This paper theorizes that these practices, when applied in relation to educational barriers affecting (im)migrant students, will enable them to increase both their access to and success in higher education. The author applies a distributive justice framework to address these issues via the creation of an innovative, dual-language infographic to inform (im)migrant students about the resources available to increase their access to higher education. To conclude, the paper provides an analysis of the impact the resource might have on (im)migrant students, as well as what policies or changes might/should be implemented for a large-scale impact.


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  • Academic Year 2023-2024
  • 26 pages
Open Access