Climate change is a well-known global threat to societal systems; however, its effects on the health of individuals are often less evident. Physicians who aim to properly treat patients holistically must be educated on the various forms of illness and

Climate change is a well-known global threat to societal systems; however, its effects on the health of individuals are often less evident. Physicians who aim to properly treat patients holistically must be educated on the various forms of illness and disease projected to be exacerbated by climate change. Without this necessary climate education, physicians run the risk of being unable to fulfill the most sacred charge of the Hippocratic oath: Do No Harm. To ensure that physicians moving forward are prepared to face this new global health threat, the prevalence of climate change in current medical school curricula must be examined. Content analysis of publicly available medical school curricula in the Southwest U.S. was done using ChatGPT to track the frequency of climate health search terms. Medical school curricula analyzed included mandatory degree programs as well as optional dual degree programs or pathways for medical student education. Researchers found that medical schools within the Southwest region of the United States are not sufficiently preparing students to mitigate the regional effects of climate change on the health of patients. Mandatory medical degree curriculum does not sufficiently educate on climate health issues, nor is it present in Utah, New Mexico, or Colorado. Optional degrees and pathways are available to medical students to enroll in and may be sufficient to educate a medical student, but are not enticing enough to sufficiently educate all medical students. Some medical schools have recently conducted revisals of their mandatory curriculum and still show a lack of education available about climate health issues. The lack of educational resources for future providers could lead to detrimental health outcomes for patients, and medical schools in development should take the lead in educating their students about climate health issues.
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    • Sustaining the Hippocratic Oath: Medical School’s Teaching of Climate Change Consequences on Patient Health
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