Assessment of Using Machine Learning Methods in Analyzing Data from Renewable Integrated Power Systems

The high uncertainty of renewables introduces more dynamics to power systems. The conventional way of monitoring and controlling power systems is no longer reliable. New strategies are needed to ensure the stability and reliability of power systems. This work aims

The high uncertainty of renewables introduces more dynamics to power systems. The conventional way of monitoring and controlling power systems is no longer reliable. New strategies are needed to ensure the stability and reliability of power systems. This work aims to assess the use of machine learning methods in analyzing data from renewable integrated power systems to aid the decisionmaking of electricity market participants. Specifically, the work studies the cases of electricity price forecast, solar panel detection, and how to constrain the machine learning methods to obey domain knowledge.Chapter 2 proposes to diversify the data source to ensure a more accurate electricity price forecast. Specifically, the proposed two-stage method, namely the rerouted method, learns two types of mapping rules: the mapping between the historical wind power and the historical price and the forecasting rule for wind generation. Based on the two rules, we forecast the price via the forecasted generation and the learned mapping between power and price. The massive numerical comparison gives guidance for choosing proper machine learning methods and proves the effectiveness of the proposed method. Chapter 3 proposes to integrate advanced data compression techniques into machine learning algorithms to either improve the predicting accuracy or accelerate the computation speed. New semi-supervised learning and one-class classification methods are proposed based on autoencoders to compress the data while refining the nonlinear data representation of human behavior and solar behavior. The numerical results show robust detection accuracy, laying down the foundation for managing distributed energy resources in distribution grids. Guidance is also provided to determine the proper machine learning methods for the solar detection problem. Chapter 4 proposes to integrate different types of domain knowledge-based constraints into basic neural networks to guide the model selection and enhance interpretability. A hybrid model is proposed to penalize derivatives and alter the structure to improve the performance of a neural network. We verify the performance improvement of introducing prior knowledge-based constraints on both synthetic and real data sets.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • Partial requirement for: Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2022
  • Field of study: Electrical Engineering

Additional Information

  • 133 pages
Open Access