Improving Self Care Among Nursing Students to Better Prepare the Future Population of Nurses


It is often a passion for caring for others that drives people towards the profession of nursing in the first place. At some point, however, this desire to care for other people takes over, and nurses soon forget how to

It is often a passion for caring for others that drives people towards the profession of nursing in the first place. At some point, however, this desire to care for other people takes over, and nurses soon forget how to properly care for themselves. It was asked: If students are better prepared with and more encouraged to use healthy coping mechanisms and integrative modalities to deal with their daily lives, are they more likely to continue to care for themselves properly as time goes on? Ample research was conducted illuminating the prevalence of this worldwide problem and highlighting potential solutions noted by credible sources. An initiative was formed with the goal of improving the self care practices of nursing students at Arizona State University (ASU) with the greater intent of promoting a healthier work environment as these students advance into their future careers. The Arizona Student Chapter of the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) at ASU was formed, and it serves as the vessel for this self-care health-care mission.


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  • Academic Year 2021-2022
  • 16 pages
Open Access