Quantifying the matrix of domination

This paper is seeking to use exploratory factor analysis to construct a numeric representation of Hill Collin's matrix of domination. According to Hill Collins, the Current American matrix of domination, or the interlocking systems of oppression, includes race, gender, class,

This paper is seeking to use exploratory factor analysis to construct a numeric representation of Hill Collin's matrix of domination. According to Hill Collins, the Current American matrix of domination, or the interlocking systems of oppression, includes race, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, disability, and age. The study uses exploratory factor analysis to construct a matrix of domination scale. The study launched an on-line survey (n=448) that was circulated through the social network Facebook to collect data. Factor analysis revealed that the constructed matrix of domination represents an accurate description of the current social hierarchy in the United States. Also, the constructed matrix of domination was an accurate predictor of the probability of experiencing domestic abuse according to the current available statistics.


Date Created
Resource Type
  • eng
  • thesis
    Partial requirement for: M.A., Arizona State University, 2011
  • bibliography
    Includes bibliograpical references (p. 61-64)
  • Field of study: Social justice and human rights

Citation and reuse

Statement of Responsibility
by Marian Azab

Additional Information

  • ii, 120 p. : ill
Open Access